I read through all of that. He sees what he sees and you see what you see. But we are missing the third party and covert cause of this conflict. In order for a conflict to occur there must be a third party actively promoting it.
I can see both sides of this. But it’s never the one actually going up in smoke that is the cause. This third party is not present nor is this person’s comments present here for observation. If you both step back and take a break and think about it, I think you can figure out how you have been manipulated. And expertly so. Jackblue is not the first and he won’t be the last to go up in smoke on this site. The back trail is littered with them. Some have gone on to be highly successful and many of you are still here. Fancy that. Black widow? You have been no less manipulated than jackblue. If he’s a simp in all this, you are his twin. And visa-versa.
I highly recommend stepping back and locating the true instigator of this. The master manipulator. The master of disaster.