When people come over my house, (especially girls) most of the time they take a great interest into what's going on outside my window. I generally don't even mention anything.
Of course, that's not why I do it.
Birdfeeding is best done multi-tasking. In the background, while your watching TV, on the phone, computer whatever.
People seem to take the greatest interest in the hawks or if it's summer, goldfinches because they eat upside down and are bright yellow.
A couple weeks ago I had one female friend who was visiting with a few other people, leave our little party in the Rec room and go off by herself to watch this stuff for a few hours in another room in the house.
Besides habitat which is the most important thing for your yard.
food would be second.
Depending on where you live you can attract the greatest variety of birds with what you feed them.
Which is a bit of a science.
Don't feed bread, your just going to attract junk birds like starlings, grackles, house sparrows and doves.
Black oil sunflower seed is the best all around food you can offer birds if you were going to choose just one seed.
It attracts:
House finches
Evening grosbeaks
Purple finch
Black Capped Chickadees
Red Winged blackbird
There are many more species too numerous to mention but you get the idea.
Other seeds that work well depending on the species are
thistle seed which attracts:
Pine Siskins
Common Redpolls
Song sparrows
Dark eyed juncos
White throated sparrows
Peanuts in the shell attracts:
Blue Jays
Tufted Titmouse
Also their is something called suet which is animal fat that can be mixed with various seeds, peanut butter and nuts.
It attracts.
All types of woodpeckers which include:
Red bellied
White breasted nuthatch
Common Flicker
It also helps to have a supply of water in your yard.
I have a pond which has an area in it that is shallow 1 to 2 inches deep for drinking and bathing. This is extremely important as everybody needs something to drink when they eat.
Since I have fish in the pond as well as frogs, turtles, toads I sometimes get a bird called the Great Blue Heron which gets everybody's attention because it has a 6 foot wing span that resembles in flight the teradacktle ( the prehistoric bird you might have seen in the Flintstone cartoon or Jurassic Park)
They basically come into the yard to eat fish from the pond.
They use their long beak as a spear.
So anyway the point of this thread is its a good idea to develop a wide variety of interest in your life.
It will make you a far more interesting person and you'll attract girls because of it.
I probably have a wider variety of interests than anyone I know.
This will naturally attract girls to you without any effort.
Just make sure you pick things your passionate about because people will see the difference.
In the long run, girls aren't going to be attracted to you simply because you want them.