Master Don Juan
please, playa! not only do i "demonstrate" that i can talk about "smart things" but i also have a very cool personality. believe me, they get hooked on me because of those things.Originally posted by Ice Cold
iqqi - if you're hot, then ask yourself this:
Have I demonstrated to him that I can do something else than fukking? Did you talk about "smart things" or did you just smile?
buuuut my point was that in the end because i am pretty they can dismiss all that they know about me, and just label me as pretty.
they are able to objectify me, therefor they dismiss the real connection that was established. i become some trophy that they can display.
this is all superficial, and i realize that it really says more about the person, but it is reality. when trying to get over someone, it is human nature to dismiss and objectify, so that you are no longer so emotionally involved and subjective. and women, especially pretty ones, are easy targets.