Who else is she F'ing and why? Your answer inside!

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Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Pity that some people have such a negative perception of women.

DonGorgon said:
WHo else is she F'ing and why?

Women F many different men at different times for different reasons !!!
Women know the easiest way to control men is with sex so they will provide sex to a variety of men who can each provide her with something different in return!
A minority of women behave like that. It's not the normal behaviour of most women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
persistent exaction said:
there is a vast misconception that if only you "love" your woman enough, or make love to her better than ANY other guy, or give her 12 orgasms a night, that she will never wander or lust after another man. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women, whether they are gettin good lovin from you or not, are going to do What they will do. Think of women, the young ones especially, as fairly random beings, swayed only by what seems pleasurable and fun at the moment. In the moment, for example, at 3am in a hot night club on South Beach and you aren't around, she is not thinking about what a great lover you are. She is thinking about how great a lover DARIO might be.
You , my friend are a true realist... I hope others see your post, as it is the truth...


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
SharinganUser said:
DonGorgon, Which one of those are you?

I have been the boyfriend and the casual F'buddy... I have some close female friends who confide in me about their exploits and those of their friends who i thought were innocent "good" girls..

DJVladdy said:
He is neither one - he got some mental disorder.

I understand that you can be SENILE... at 90 or even 80.

But not at 30!
DJVladdy is a hater... nothing wrong with that though... for there to be love there must also be hate...


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Darth said:
^^ Then these girls must have an incredible lack of maturity, unheard of even 20 years ago.

I just can't believe that this is the norm. Maybe just in certain places, certain cities?
Just because it was "unheard of" does not mean it was not happening... As humans the way we do things may change, but the things we do remain the same... Carnal instincts cannot be removed by societal civility programming. All that happens is and increase in secrecy and hypocrisy..


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
drak_ool said:
absolutely true! Every woman has an "inner wh0re" that can come out under the right circumstances...
LOL... i have said that exact sentence 10000000 times...:yes: :yes:

And that is one of t fundamental realities about all women that most men are not strong enough to accept... Men always think that there is some reason why the woman they know is and exception... "not my mom, not my sister, not my wife etc...

NOTE: "One mans ho/slut is another mans house wife/sister/mother/aunt etc.."


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
SharinganUser said:
Boo hoo, women are having more sex now and for different reasons than men. WAAAAAAAAAA!!

boo hoo hoo, women don't live up to my unrealistic standards so I label them *****s even though men can sleep with as many as they want. WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Give me a ****ing break, if a woman wants to act like a *****, then that's her problem, not mine. You either dump her, or keep her on the side.

The FACT is that women bang those guys because the woman is attracted to them, not because they fit into some mythical stereotype. If you want to bang women, then you have to start attracting them, but I doubt you could do that because you'd rather focus your energy on making threads like this instead of holding yourself accountable for your lack of a sex life.

It's no wonder the women choose drug dealers when their other option is neurotic, bitter afc's.
Clearly, you know very little about human psychology... but you are very passionate in your ignorance so it makes for good reading..

This thread is not about me.. its not about you.. its about understanding what is often the case with the woman that cheated on you when you thought everything was A-OK! Blaming yourself is fine but often there is other useful factual info that can help us understand t the situation and what may have contributed to it...

NOTE: DonJuans get cheated on too. But they have more options than AFCs so they dont tend to care as much..


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
slaog said:
Pity that some people have such a negative perception of women.

A minority of women behave like that. It's not the normal behaviour of most women.
Before she is a woman , she is a human, hense she is bound by human carnal instincts... like a wild wolf in the forest society and AFCs tell her she needs to be more civilized and conservative, so, she hides her actions and the truth from those men too weak to accept it ...

It not that most women are not like this , (TABOO) its that most women do a great job of hiding things from you which is fine cause you dont really wanna know anyway...

NOTE: Men are no different be we are not talking about tham now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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DonGorgon said:
Clearly, you know very little about human psychology... but you are very passionate in your ignorance so it makes for good reading..

This thread is not about me.. its not about you.. its about understanding what is often the case with the woman that cheated on you when you thought everything was A-OK! Blaming yourself is fine but often there is other useful factual info that can help us understand t the situation and what may have contributed to it...

NOTE: DonJuans get cheated on too. But they have more options than AFCs so they dont tend to care as much..

If you know so much about human psychology, then you'd also know how a woman thinks and feels, you'd also know if she was a ***** before started dating her. Clearly you don't know how women work, otherwise you wouldn't be making this arguement that is akin to saying "bad boys get the girls."

You are extremely ignorant in your view of women, because you seem oblivious to the fact that there are large sums of women that dedicate their lives to religion and do not even HAVE sex at all for decades. Do you honestly think that Mother Teresa was a *****? This doesn't even include the fact that there are literally millions of young women in conservative countries/regions who believe that even kissing before marriage is taboo.

Your are drawing a conclusion about all women based on one small demographic. Unless you honestly believe that a 40yr old muslim women from Afganistan, acts the same way as an 18 year old from Beverly Hills, I think you should seriously reconsider your view of women.

I'll concede that what you wrote is correct for that particular demographic, but I will not accept that 18yr old western women are the world standard.

There is literally 1.5 billion women out there, they can't all be 18 year old women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
SharinganUser said:
If you know so much about human psychology, then you'd also know how a woman thinks and feels, you'd also know if she was a ***** before started dating her. Clearly you don't know how women work, otherwise you wouldn't be making this arguement that is akin to saying "bad boys get the girls."

You are extremely ignorant in your view of women, because you seem oblivious to the fact that there are large sums of women that dedicate their lives to religion and do not even HAVE sex at all for decades. Do you honestly think that Mother Teresa was a *****? This doesn't even include the fact that there are literally millions of young women in conservative countries/regions who believe that even kissing before marriage is taboo.

Your are drawing a conclusion about all women based on one small demographic. Unless you honestly believe that a 40yr old muslim women from Afganistan, acts the same way as an 18 year old from Beverly Hills, I think you should seriously reconsider your view of women.

I'll concede that what you wrote is correct for that particular demographic, but I will not accept that 18yr old western women are the world standard.

There is literally 1.5 billion women out there, they can't all be 18 year old women.
Your retort , while well written, seemed to insinuate that i said ALL women were living their lives the same way.... But in fact I never ever say that all of anything is anything when discusing human sociological issues...(Except that ALL HUMANS ARE BOUND BY INHERENT CARNAL INSTINCTS) as that leaves too simple of a loop hole for those in a perpetual state of denial to find grounds to side track and avoid the pertinent information contained within my posting.:)


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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DonGorgon said:
Your retort , while well written, seemed to insinuate that i said ALL women were living their lives the same way.... But in fact I never ever say that all of anything is anything when discusing human sociological issues...(Except that ALL HUMANS ARE BOUND BY INHERENT CARNAL INSTINCTS) as that leaves too simple of a loop hole for those in a perpetual state of denial to find grounds to side track and avoid the pertinent information contained within my posting.:)
If that is the case then it is your responsibility to specify the demographic that you are talking about.

You don't seem to understand that while yes, all humans do have carnal instincts, and we are bound by them, we also have cognitive abilities that go far beyond what is dictated by the reptilian brain. This is why you have to consider both macro and micro sociological influences when coming to a conclusion about women.

It's absurd to ignore those influences especially when you feel the need to backpedal your argument with flimsy statements claiming that you weren't talking about all women. Again, if you were just talking about 18yr old women, then fine, just don't draw any broad conclusions based on this one group of women.

It is totally illogical to draw a conclusion that completely ignores social influences simply because you are scared it will leave some holes in your theory.

I am not denying that some 18yr old act the way in your argument. But as I said before, you simply cannot make that kind of statement for every woman world wide. It's delusional to take information from one small demographic and apply it to the whole population of women.

Since you are so adamant that 18 yr old women are *****s, why don't you consider dating someone closer to your own age?

Oh BTW what has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap? SharinganUser, nice to meet you.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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I'm going to solve this thread completely and qualify the female gender for the guys who seemingly don't know how to qualify (DonGorgon and persistantexactation).

If you're looking for a girl who won't stray from you or cheat on you, find an HB 8.5, who is a 9 on a good day, who doesn't go out a lot, who has only had sex with a few guys, who is quiet, who is self-conscious about her body and who generally caters to your presence. That girl will never cheat on you, I can almost guarantee you that, provided you have your game straight and you're not doing anything to drive her away. Sure, a girl who fits that description might be hard to find, but that is why you qualify. And that is why qualifying can sometimes be hard, which is why some guys settle for less then come on SoSuave and make generalizations about women.

persistantexactation made the point that a girl won't be thinking of you when she is dancing in a club at 3 a.m. on South Beach. My question is, what are you doing dating a girl who is dancing alone without you at 3 a.m. at a club in South Beach?

Again, the onus is on you. I'm tired of the general assumption on here that girls are hors who will stray. Most of the guys endorsing this theory are dating club girls, aren't approaching girls, aren't expanding their social circles, aren't spinning plates, aren't qualifying and aren't actively prizing themselves. No wonder they have such a negative perception of girls.

DonGorgon is No. 1 among them. Somehow, he was posting things like this four months ago, and now he is passing himself off as an authority on the psychology of women. Not to mention, he never utters a detail about his life experiences or gives guys any applicable advice. The conclusion is pretty easy to draw with him.

No one ever used to talk like this on this board when guys like Pook and Senor Fingers controlled the collective thought. But Senor is too busy with real life to have a presence here, and Pook has since wandered off into his own matrix, leaving all the wanna-be gurus to crawl out from underneath refrigerator and assert their "women are hoes" mantra.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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MikeYikes122 said:
I'm going to solve this thread completely and qualify the female gender for the guys who seemingly don't know how to qualify (DonGorgon and persistantexactation).

If you're looking for a girl who won't stray from you or cheat on you, find an HB 8.5, who is a 9 on a good day, who doesn't go out a lot, who has only had sex with a few guys, who is quiet, who is self-conscious about her body and who generally caters to your presence. That girl will never cheat on you, I can almost guarantee you that, provided you have your game straight and you're not doing anything to drive her away. Sure, a girl who fits that description might be hard to find, but that is why you qualify. And that is why qualifying can sometimes be hard, which is why some guys settle for less then come on SoSuave and make generalizations about women.

persistantexactation made the point that a girl won't be thinking of you when she is dancing in a club at 3 a.m. on South Beach. My question is, what are you doing dating a girl who is dancing alone without you at 3 a.m. at a club in South Beach?

Again, the onus is on you. I'm tired of the general assumption on here that girls are hors who will stray. Most of the guys endorsing this theory are dating club girls, aren't approaching girls, aren't expanding their social circles, aren't spinning plates, aren't qualifying and aren't actively prizing themselves. No wonder they have such a negative perception of girls.

DonGorgon is No. 1 among them. Somehow, he was posting things like this four months ago, and now he is an authority on the psychology of women. Not to mention, he never utters a detail about his life experiences or gives guys any applicable advice. The conclusion is pretty easy to draw with him.

No one ever used to talk like this on this board when guys like Pook and Senor Fingers controlled the collective thought. But Senor is too busy with real life to have a presence here, and Pook has since wandered off into his own matrix, leaving all the wanna-be gurus to crawl out from underneath refrigerator and assert their "women are hoes" mantra.
That was awesome.
Dec 18, 2007
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I don't know what circles you run in but #5 and most of the others are wrong.

Women love gay men but as girlfriends. It is actually a myth that they are ****ing them.

Women live in fear of so many things these days and AIDs is top of the list. They live in fear of getting pregnant, raped, attracting creepy pua's with a crush or wierdo's and diseases.

Gay men have very little interest in ****ing women. Real Bi-men actually I believe only have interest in ****ing women to prove that they are not gay and they just need to give it up and admit to themselves that they are homo's.
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