Who else is she F'ing and why? Your answer inside!

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Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
WHo else is she F'ing and why?

Women F many different men at different times for different reasons !!!
Women know the easiest way to control men is with sex so they will provide sex to a variety of men who can each provide her with something different in return!

Here is an example of an average 18 year old girls man list:

1. Sugar daddy - older guy ( over 40 years old) who is just happy to smell her PU$$ once a week and is willing to pay her rent and car not...

2. Boyfriend - guy her age who is hip and in style usually a pretty boy that she can show off to her friends and family..

3. Thugg/Fbuddy - a shady guy usually 5 to 10 year solder than her who comes and goes but she Fs him vigorously when ever she can and he provides the mystery danger and excitement she craves.

4. Dope boy/ drug supplier - there is a little talked about epidemic of drug use happening now with girls between 18 and 25.. and its oh so easy for them to score their drug of choice buy providing sexual favors to the Dope boy/ drug supplier and sometimes his good friends when she is high enough.

5. Gay male friend - Gayness and bisexuality is running rampant amoung young frustrated males these days and females love gay men. They will spend tons of time together at the mall etc. talking about sex and men then quite often will experiment sexually with each other but never tell anyone.....

So choose which dude you wanna be in her life..

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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i don't think this is true at all.
only the really hot and messed up ones maybe.
but 95% i'd guess aren't like this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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It really is pretty helpful for men to learn to love and appreciate women enough to learn how to satisfy them sexually.
Then, try to be open to making those emotional bonds happen too.
When a woman feels most supported and comforted, and fulfilled both mentally, emotionally, intellectually, and thoroughly sexually...she will have greater and greater difficulty walking away from you and being distracted by some dude who may just have a penthouse apt, Rolex, Ferrari, etc....
Know HOW to satisfy a woman sexually.
Take pride in appreciating a woman. Who she is. And what makes her so special to you.
Make the effort. Get up off the couch and make the effort.
The way you do one thing, shows the way you do ALL things.
Don't be lazy and apathetic. Dont be the sloth. The lethargic guy who wants everythign to just fall into his lap. It doesnt always work that way.
Get up and make the effort.

Make so that you give her the best you have to give her,so you can never look back in regret.
And if she STILLS moves on to a "BBD" then you know you did the best you could, and this woman was INCOMPATIBLE with you, the REAL you.
You can breathe a sigh of relief.
You can sleep at night.
You can feel comforted that you KNOW in your HEART that you did the best you could forher, and she was not capable of appreciating it...


When you love...love well.

And when you make love....make love well too...

Take the time to look at her as a woman, with flaws, but also with strengths.
With dreams, and hurts, just like you.
So she can never be 'above' you.
You can never put her on the pedastle ever again.

She's human.
That's all.

And if she doesnt appreciate you, then it's 'good to know'.
And not only do you 'move on', but YOU MOVE FORWARD.
Because you experienced MANY lessons, both with love, and with less love.
None of it was truly 'bad'.

Never go off the deep end and start to over analyze your behavior and interactions to your detriment.
This is a relationship, not a marathon OCD competition.
Be the best Man you can be.
And let HER deal with it the way SHE does.
You can't control her.

And most importantly, you can't CONTROL her Perception Filters.

She has that responsibility, fellas.
Not you.
She wasnt there observing you growing up. And you weren't there to teach her about you either. So dont go and blame people if they dont validate you. OR give you attention. Let go of that ego narcisssm.
Don't carry this weight, and stress, and anxiety about HOW she will react to you. Leave that thinking behind.
You weren't there to tell her "Hey,Im a good guy. Im not about hurting people or anything like that. Im an honorable guy. etc..."

So she can't KNOW you for sure.
And that's ok.
You should try not to take a lot of these things so personally.
Especially when you KNOW in your hear you really are doing the best you can, improving, learning, and growing, and being GENUINE about it...not trying to manipulate others with good behavior.

So if she cheats....oh well. You move on.
Sure, you grieve for a while. It's normal.
But if you love and respect yourself, and you know you did, and do the best you can, then it's really about her...not YOU.

And if the guy has more money than you? Fine. So what?
And if the guy has a better house? OR car? Or clothes? Or job?


It really doesnt matter.
You don't 'compete'.

You live your life. Your path. And its not about wasting your precious energy competing with other dudes.
Compete with yourself.
Be disciplined with yourself.
And work on living the life of joy and fulfillment that is in alignment with YOUR desires and thought, and personality.
Set goals for yourself and complete them. Work on that.

Revel in your uniqueness.

Don't be that 'same guy'.
Be different. Mature. Calm. Cool. Self assured. Confident. Fulfilled. Abundance Mentality.

Be that guy...
He ALWAYS has another woman popping up in his life.
He's calm, and cool with women. He can relate with them on a cool, mature and masculine level.
Women know this. They pick up on it.
So he never has to worry that he 'lost' anything.
Especialy when it turned out all he lost was a bad relationship with a woman that didnt love him or didnt know HOW to love her man.
He lost a woman who had no self control or maturity.

I say: "Good riddance."

Life is too short.

I will find another good, kind, caring woman.
Who knows what she will find? And what the other guy's life will be like?

While he's chasing things, I will be living a dream life.
I enjoy the things I do have, and appreciate them, he spends his time in anxiety trying to live up to an image. Chasing parked cars, so to speak..
spending vlaueable time chasing, rather than living and enjoying.

Live and enjoy your life.

If she cheats on you, you walk.
And you keep on your mission, because thats what youre doing anyway....

No deviation. No derailment. No crashes or explosions.

You let her go, and give her the opportunity to learn soemthing valueable from her poor choices, assuming you really ARE the stand up guy who doesnt bring negative consequences into his life.
Live well.
Live right.
Speak well.
Speak the truth.
Accept who you are.
Accept that people will do what they want to do. Allow that.
Dont be in opposition, allow people to fly their own flags.
And you seek people who truly want to be with you.
Dont begrudge others if you can. Its toxic.
Dont explain your values and your personal boundary, simply assert them.
Don't 'teach her a lesson.' Simply walk away.
Dont give your resources to those who wont appreciate them.
Right thinkiing
Right speech.
Right Action!

Live well.
Live free. Let go of the toxicity.
And learn about WHO you are and WHAT you want.
The better and more you do that, the better your life bcomes. and the less you deal with people who dont support you or your mission.

Drop the dead weight.
Not with hate.
But with love.
For them, and for yourself.

There is so much more out there to be enjoyed and experienced.
When we have one choice, we are slaves.
When we have two, we have a dilemma.
When we have more that two, we have abundance.

There is no ultimate truth.
Think about it....


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
Just want to throw this out there - but an 18 year old is only good for 1 thing for me and she probably isn't very good at that. To pile on even further - 98% of 18 year old girls aren't that experienced and aren't going to do anything to me that hasn't already been done. They sure as hell aren't going to rock my world.

Give me a 21 to 24 year old over an 18 y/o any day of the week. They will have some experience and are more likely to get nasty with you.

Let me add to that - most 18 y/o girls don't have the game/capacity/ability/management skills to keep 4 to 5 guys going like that. Yeah a few out there who are very social can pull this off, but the "average" 18 y/o?


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
this is SOMETIMES true. But I think there are just women out there who are pretty who aren't getting laid.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
i don't think this is true at all.
only the really hot and messed up ones maybe.
but 95% i'd guess aren't like this.
"really hot and messed up ones" AKA the girls you usually go for, especially at bars/clubs

by the way I hate to bring up your age, but how do you know at 16 what 95% of girls older than you are like?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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He is neither one - he got some mental disorder.

I understand that you can be SENILE... at 90 or even 80.

But not at 30!


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Bluesteak said:
This is so true.
God, is this really true? This sounds more like "the average drugged up slvt" than the "average 18 year old girl."

If most girls are like this now, then I know why I get oneitus....the girls I'm attracted to are in fact very rare.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
there is a vast misconception that if only you "love" your woman enough, or make love to her better than ANY other guy, or give her 12 orgasms a night, that she will never wander or lust after another man. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women, whether they are gettin good lovin from you or not, are going to do What they will do. Think of women, the young ones especially, as fairly random beings, swayed only by what seems pleasurable and fun at the moment. In the moment, for example, at 3am in a hot night club on South Beach and you aren't around, she is not thinking about what a great lover you are. She is thinking about how great a lover DARIO might be.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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^^ Then these girls must have an incredible lack of maturity, unheard of even 20 years ago.

I just can't believe that this is the norm. Maybe just in certain places, certain cities?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
The World
DonGorgon said:
WHo else is she F'ing and why?

Women F many different men at different times for different reasons !!!
Women know the easiest way to control men is with sex so they will provide sex to a variety of men who can each provide her with something different in return!

Here is an example of an average 18 year old girls man list:

1. Sugar daddy - older guy ( over 40 years old) who is just happy to smell her PU$$ once a week and is willing to pay her rent and car not...

2. Boyfriend - guy her age who is hip and in style usually a pretty boy that she can show off to her friends and family..

3. Thugg/Fbuddy - a shady guy usually 5 to 10 year solder than her who comes and goes but she Fs him vigorously when ever she can and he provides the mystery danger and excitement she craves.

4. Dope boy/ drug supplier - there is a little talked about epidemic of drug use happening now with girls between 18 and 25.. and its oh so easy for them to score their drug of choice buy providing sexual favors to the Dope boy/ drug supplier and sometimes his good friends when she is high enough.

5. Gay male friend - Gayness and bisexuality is running rampant amoung young frustrated males these days and females love gay men. They will spend tons of time together at the mall etc. talking about sex and men then quite often will experiment sexually with each other but never tell anyone.....

So choose which dude you wanna be in her life..
This applies only to women who cannot find a man who fulfills all those roles. The right man can satisfy all her needs and thirsts. That's why its important to get her life story and find out whats important to her.

And not every woman does drugs out there


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
persistent exaction said:
In the moment, for example, at 3am in a hot night club on South Beach and you aren't around, she is not thinking about what a great lover you are. She is thinking about how great a lover DARIO might be.
absolutely true! Every woman has an "inner wh0re" that can come out under the right circumstances...


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Boo hoo, women are having more sex now and for different reasons than men. WAAAAAAAAAA!!

boo hoo hoo, women don't live up to my unrealistic standards so I label them *****s even though men can sleep with as many as they want. WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Give me a ****ing break, if a woman wants to act like a *****, then that's her problem, not mine. You either dump her, or keep her on the side.

The FACT is that women bang those guys because the woman is attracted to them, not because they fit into some mythical stereotype. If you want to bang women, then you have to start attracting them, but I doubt you could do that because you'd rather focus your energy on making threads like this instead of holding yourself accountable for your lack of a sex life.

It's no wonder the women choose drug dealers when their other option is neurotic, bitter afc's.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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If you can mix 2, 3, and 4. I've have been that type of boyfriend all in one...


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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persistent exaction said:
there is a vast misconception that if only you "love" your woman enough, or make love to her better than ANY other guy, or give her 12 orgasms a night, that she will never wander or lust after another man. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women, whether they are gettin good lovin from you or not, are going to do What they will do. Think of women, the young ones especially, as fairly random beings, swayed only by what seems pleasurable and fun at the moment. In the moment, for example, at 3am in a hot night club on South Beach and you aren't around, she is not thinking about what a great lover you are. She is thinking about how great a lover DARIO might be.
Bah, go back to the Mature Man forum. This is rubbish.

So is the OP.

I'll concede that, generally speaking, hot girls in their late teens/early 20s are prone to this kind of branch-swinging behavior, but that's not typical of girls who are little bit older than that. If the WOMEN you are dating are doing this to you, then you need to do a better job of qualifying. The onus is on you, not the female gender.

Gimme a flippin break. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Mighty reply, Interceptor

Thank you for that reply. It's worth an own thread, definitely. Like Tips-section.

And for the "every woman has a wore inside her that comes out under the right circumstances":
Yes, this is also my experience. But it is GREAT. I LOVE IT.

It is YOUR job to give her the freedom to do just that - with YOU. If you manage to do that you will find that they are incredibly THANKFULL and GIVING. And CRAVIN for more.

It even happens that YOU have the responsibility to end the affair if she becomes too addicted and emotionally involved that she misunderstands this (hopefully cultivated) primal, strong sexual experience as "being in love" and "a relationship" - if YOU don't want to start a relationship with her.

So indeed, as Interceptor hinted (much more in his reply):
Stop complaining and share the good vibes. It's worth it.
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