The pyramids were built by Egyptians using slaves. But thats nothing now Im gonna tell you guys the real Mythology of Humanity and the greatest prophecy of all time that makes Jesus, Muhammed etc look like nothing.
This is the deepest mythology and prophecy of all time.
Know that every Hebrew prayer starts like this:
"Baruch Hashem" = Baruch be the name.
Remember when God spoke to Abraham what did he say:
"1 Now the LORD said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee.
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless (bareka) thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing (bareka)"
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'
Why the emphasis on the word blessing, which in Semitic is baruch? Check the translations again.
and I will bless thee, and make they name great, and thou will be blessed" the last part can be read "and I will make they name great, and thou will be bareka" so god can be saying Bareka ie the word for blessing will be the name, ie i will make your name great and you will be bareka. This matches the Baruch Hashem which means Blessed (Baruch) is the NAME. So baruch means blessing but it is also a name.
The name of Baruch is the same name as that of Britain, Bridget etc.
Baruck/Barak/Bridget/Britain etc the BR with the original being BRK is the oldest name in Humanity. It is associated with the Tower of Babel Myth, this myth is so old and widespread it is even found amongts native americans.
The BRK in Sanskrit means FIRE. Germanic cognates are like BLAZING, Burning etc. This is because Bhrgu who in sanskrit is the tribal name assocaited with BRK has the same myths as those of Prometheus, including bringing Fire and Civilization for humanity.
Both the Hebrews and Greeks and Hinduism have Baruch/Brighu/Prometheus associated with the 'creation' of humanity.
The deepest thing is that this Baruch Barach Britain name actually comes from my own family/clan, no not ethnicity, or tribe, but just my family or my fathers line from my tribe. I come from the tribe of Baruch which is from India but close to Baluchisten which also is named after us.
The NAME of Baruch/Barak in Hewbrew/Arabic is above the name of every other character or prophet, including Abraham, Soloman, Jesus, Muhammed, Noah. Baruch is above them all, the name Baruch and the word itself and its usage is the basis of those religions and powers.
God already said "Baruch (Barak, BRK, Brghu) is the name". But not only God in Hebrew, but even in Hinduism Krishna, probably the most famous Hindu character, also said ..
Of the great sages, I am Bhrgu,
-- Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter-10, Verse 25
The Myths of Barak/Bhrgu/BRK moggs all religions and politics, nations and myths.
The greatest expression of this prophecy is the Celtic myth of Bridget.
Legend says that when She was born, a tower of flame reaching from the top of her head to the heavens.
Brigid was a goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She was a daughter of the chief of the gods, The Dagda, and was known as a goddess of healers, poets, smiths, childbirth and inspiration. Her name means "exalted one". This article by Branfionn NicGrioghair explores the story of Brigid and the later...
Bridget, a tower, the same tower of Babel, The flame which is the flame of Prometheus, the heavens refers to the cosmos, the prophecy of Barak and Kavis who prophesised and laid the foundations for humanity to reach space and progress knowledge of science.
The myth of Bridget is the elitest prophecy that soon will be realised. Here I made some AI artwork based on it.
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