If you were here I would be the one beating the sh!t out of you. If anyone came to help I'd just say you'd prefer they mind their own business, then just continue.
Are you fvcking serious??! Do you not see how fvcked up that is?
What you're talking about has nothing at all to do with not white knighting. You're talking about not giving a single sh!t about other people. Why should anyone give a single sh!t about you? You don't fvcking deserve it.
I did dislike you based on your previous fvcked up statements, but thought you may not really be as crazy as I perceived. With this there's nothing left to doubt, I hate you, go fvck yourself.
I once saw a guy like you get his arm hacked off with a machete and damn near murdered by a Taiwanese gangster because he foolishly tried to stop one of them from slapping his gf in public in front of his friends.
I will help if it's someone attacking a kid or defenseless animal, but among peers, leave everyone to their own business.....you might have to learn that the hard way. Everyone creates their own happenings/karma and more times than not, the person being attacked is getting what they deserve. Anything else is being a white knight.
American Sniper is the most overrated movie ever by the way....by far Clint Eastwood's dullest movie ever. I know a guy who did special forces with Chris Kyle, though and says he was legit. The dude was an admitted former white knight who joined the military thinking he was going to be a hero...help everyone...until about a decade later he had to be institutionalized for a while and said he was a fool for letting the US government ruin him mentally by twisted covert special forces training and serving overseas in battle and on assignments.
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