No, no, DO use kino on parents! Kino isn't purely sexual....... it's also very friendly. Kino makes people feel closer.
Trust me, her father ain't gonna want to sleep with you because you touched his arm.
You can't do cold approaches with parents... the problem is that DJing and impressing parents are like total opposites. And you DO wanna leave a pretty good impession on the folks (unless maybe it's the kind of chick who really really hates her parents...... then it gets tricky lol)....
so, my suggestion is, if you've already DJed the girl some, and you see her with her parents, go up and chat up the parents, be very nice, warm, friendly, funny without the ****y; and hardly pay attention to the girl. In fact, don't at all. It'll make her jealous for the attention, AND it'll make her see a different side of you (which then makes her think "wait, I thought he was a jerk, but he's not with my parents...... is it only me? Why doesn't he like me?" and bam!) AND it'll get the parents on your side. Win win win