Which would you rather choose: HB4 or celibacy?


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
(Btw why do we say "HB" when speaking about a 5 or lower???)

Anyway, suppose you were at a point where you just aren't attractive enough to attract HBs, that is even though you work out,take care of yourself,dress well etc.etc. you just don't met the minimum physical requirements to attract HBs... Would you accept your niche and get with girls that were at best extremely average at worse unattractive? Or would you rather stay single for the rest of your life?

This is basically my situation. I'm 21 year old and I've never had any kind of success with women. To make it short I've been cursed with bad look,and not the kind that can go away by going to the gym daily or getting rid of glasses or anything like that.

Realistically, the best I could probably get is a 4 or 5... And that's ona very lucky day,because most of the guys I see with these girls are still way better looking than me. Now, the problem is I've never been much interested in these girls myself, hypocrite as it may sound.

Now I know about being a DJ and all that but most of us will agree all this comes in only after we've passed the "physical attraction test" as Doc Love or whoever that was said...

So. any thoughts, opinions,flammes???


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
dude, if it was a matter of survival of the human species, than I'd choose HB4. Celibracy is not an option, unless your a catholic priest, but even they're a bit dodgy at time...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Unless I can be with an attractive woman who is aged between 22 and 28 and is at least a HB7 in looks I would rather be alone, I have a certain level of physical beauty that I will never go under with a girl of whom I am dating.

Even if I was an unattractive guy who the gorgeous girls didn't like I would just remain single, I see a lot of unattractive men with girls whom I could never date because of their looks or lack of them, I cannot understand why they are with them, as I would just remain celibate if I was to find myself in that predicament.

I only enjoy being with, kissing, and enjoying my sexuality with attractive young woman, I don't become sexually excited unless I am with a pretty lady, so I can't understand why any guy no matter how ugly or unpopular with the gorgeous girls that he may be could even get an erection let alone want to Fu-ck the vagina of an ugly girl, to me this is a mystery. :yes:


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Unless I can be with an attractive woman who is aged between 22 and 28 and is at least a HB7 in looks I would rather be alone
Too bad for us unattractive joes attractive women feel exactly the same way about men.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
get a hb4...but work your way up...dont settle.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Are you trying to validate yourself by going out with a pretty girl. Don't, everyone has gone out with UGs.

Just accept it - look for other things in the girl, personality, sense of humour, interests. When people reach 30, they begin to realise that those things matter more than looks anyway.

You'll probably be happier.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
I am now 38 years of age, I am about a 7 out of 10 in looks as far as guys go, I have never in my life dated a girl who was under a HB7 in looks, most have been HB7 and HB8's with a couple of HB9's thrown in there as well.

I have had long time periods without being with a girl, but I don't need to be with one for me to be happy, I can enjoy my own company and am always patient in my waiting for another gorgeous girl to come along.

Even though I am old now I still won't go out with a girl who is over 28 and I don't really have to, as some pretty young ladies like me.

As I can enjoy being by myself I don't really have to have a girl in my life, but if I do have one I want her to be very attractive to look at.

I just wouldn't even consider being with a girl whom I wasn't very strongly attracted to physically as I wouldn't enjoy being with her.

As I can enjoy many of my favourite hobbies and pastimes being by myself I would just stay celibate and enjoy these things alone if an attractive young woman never wanted to go out with me again, that is just the way I am. :rock:


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
d9930380 said:
Are you trying to validate yourself by going out with a pretty girl.
No. It's basically what KoalaKing said. A pretty girl is just not the same as an average or unattractive girl. They don't smell,look,walk,talk,feel etc the same...it's just not the same thing. We ALL instinctually know this. and I don't care how many "all them' pUssiez all feel the same y'all" talk I hear. The guys who say this probably feel the same way about goats or anything that has a hole for all I know.

Just accept it
Yeah yeah... Very easy to say. But it doesn't work that way. I'm not gonna wake up tomorrow and think: "Um..I no longer seem to care that I'll never ever will be with an attractive woman...what was that all about? Weird."

- look for other things in the girl, personality, sense of humour, interests.
I can look for these qualities in a (guy) friend. Only difference I don't have to do anything remotely sexual with him because I don't swing that way.

When people reach 30, they begin to realise that those things matter more than looks anyway..
Perhaps only people who had a sexually fulfilling life during their youth though. Which is only possible (for many evolutionary reasons) with an attractive mate. I'm 21, but I doubt I'll just magically stop caring when I reach 30.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
To tell you the truth some of my male friends have been the ugliest creatures that you could ever wish to meet, but when you choose a friend from your own sex it doesn't bother you what they look like if they are great guys, but with girlfriends it isn't like this, if they are not attractive to look at then I will keep them as friends but I won't become sexually involved with them unless they are at least a HB7 in their looks.

As soon as you have experienced your sexuality with a stunningly attractive girl you are never going to desire to do that with an ugly woman.

I am very fussy when it comes to girls but I don't care as I said before I do enjoy my time without being with a girl when I am single, yet I would prefer to have a girl in my life but only if it is a very pretty one. :yes:


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
dude, if it was a matter of survival of the human species, than I'd choose HB4.
Even in theory, how could the survival of the entire species rest on you and your ability to get with the 4? I was asking which would you prefer in regard to your own happiness.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
chicago, il
There is a midget PUA in a wheelchair in David D's Mastery series.

You have no excuse whoever you are. Never give up.
He also has a website - his name is Sean. You might want to look his site up on google.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Im not sleeping with an ugly chick. Id rather masterbate


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
nonchalant said:
There is a midget PUA in a wheelchair in David D's Mastery series.

You have no excuse whoever you are. Never give up.
David D's Mastery series? What's that? Some fake guy's material design to extort money off some gullible desperate schmoes?

Sorry but the only way a *midget in a wheelchair* (which I'm admitelly not as bad as) could be a "PUA" is if became an expert on picking up very cheap prostitutes on the street.

My guess is that cheap hoes or obvious gold diggers are not what they are cranked up to be.


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
ive personally seen some very very ugly guyes get gb 8s and 9s. There is always hope, just be confident in yourself. Go for the HB4 and have sex with her as much as you can. Get really good in bed and then find a hb5 or 6 and just move up. Use them as steps. Im personally very picky about girls. I wont even date a HB7. Ill **** her but not date her. I go for the 8's 9's. Im an average joe. Some girls rate me as 7 or 8 and some say Im a 9 or even above. I consider myself a 7 or so.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
If I had been born a midgit in a wheelchair I would have been hanging from a rope on the ceiling somewhere many years ago, I am happy with the face that I see when I look into the mirror in the morning and I am happy with my body and physical strength, I veiw myself as a nice enough type of a guy as well, so I am confident enough to approach the prettiest chicks, if they don't like me for some reason, I just accept that and move on, as I know that one will like me sooner or later. :D


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
lnghrngeek said:
I'm in a similar boat as you Thorer. I always see 4 or 5's girls with guys who are much too good looking for them. In fact, when I see a girl of any rating the guy is almost always too good looking for the girl. It's as if girls think they deserve something better than their range of looks.

If I could got along with the HB4 well and we had somewhat something in common, then yes I would probably go for it.
Well, we're not in the exact same boat because personally, the thought of getting with a 4 is depressing but yeah, it's true very plain girls can often get guys that are fairly attractive and once they've been with a 7 for example, you better believe they'll never get with anything lower, even if they would be more equally matched.

The one thing that I'm picky about is weight. If the HB4 was on the fatter side of things then that would decrease my likeliness of going for it. (I'm in good shape btw) I hate to sound shallow but usually the only girls that hit on me are fat chicks and when this happens I get so turned off not just from their obesity but from the fact that they're hitting on me and that's all that is going to hit on me.
Yeah I feel for ya. Personally, the only time I *think* I've been "hited" on is by an extremely plain, mid-40 old indian-looking woman. Now, how sad is that? Beautiful or attractive woman: They just give me an extremely cold reaction. So cold you can almost feel the surrounding air getting colder...No sense in approaching if they allready rejected you.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Thorer said:
This is basically my situation. I'm 21 year old and I've never had any kind of success with women. To make it short I've been cursed with bad look,and not the kind that can go away by going to the gym daily or getting rid of glasses or anything like that.
What makes you think you are not a well dressed great smelling seductive attractive individual that holds the admiration of women as your presence enters a room?


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
2c2bt said:
What makes you think you are not a well dressed great smelling seductive attractive individual that holds the admiration of women as your presence enters a room?
The absense of premature senility.:rolleyes: