You make a quote to me by mocking me and now are telling me to grow up?
What's more is that you take what I said out of context. Unless you make your own clothes, what you wear will always be classified as a certain style. Those boots above is also fit into a category, maybe to you you're the original but people who saw you wear it will classify you. It just human nature, that just how it is.
Back to Fashion for a bit, lets say the guy likes to wear baggy jeans. Do you honestly think those boots look good on him? its not even about looking good, it is impossible to walk in it without falling flat on your face. What happens then? you would likely want to buy some skinny jeans and guess what? you end up looking like a cowboy country club guy that likes to go salsa dancing. Designers made clothes to fit a demographic, that just reality.
For the record, I wear whatever fits my personality. I don't have a "style" in mind but I know people are gonna classified me no matter what. Its the basic of sub-communication.