Ultra thin condoms SUCK as you have to be extra careful with them - always have some lubricant around and don´t use positions that give a lot of friction as those f0ckers tend to break. And that´s not something you would want fOcking some ONS hoe. Been there twice, believe me, never touch those ultra thin ones when youre not sure who you are boffing (and yes, I exactly know how to handle condoms).
Second, standard condoms are made for standard intercourse, which is maximum 10-15 min. You HAVE to CHANGE condoms when you are fOcking for a longer time!!! This is ELEMENTAL but the condome industry is not talking aobut this. Ask anybody who had condoms rip on them when it happened - never in the beginning, always after some time. Heed this!!
I personally now only use HD 0,1mm condoms designed for anal sex. Not because I like to butt fOck, but because they are the most realiable and I usually bang hoes that are pretty promiscuous.
So I repeat - NEVER chose ultra thin ones when you´re doing risky chicks, NEVER forget to change the condom after some time, always have lubricant around.