If your idea of an adventure is to raise $10k, then you have zero sense of adventure, especially by your own definition of it being something you “might not be able to accomplish”. THAT is what’s stupid. I also never said that it was “impossible”; what I wrote was that you were regurgitating the marketing you read all over the website of the vehicles you’re lusting after. I’m not being negative; I’m pointing out your weird idea of an “adventure”.
I have failed. I have failed hundreds of times. This is why I succeed beyond my wildest dreams. I’m not afraid of failure; I welcome it. I encourage others to succeed, but not in the short-term manner you are trying to. Failure is what breeds success. However, as I said before, I’m not telling you that it’s impossible. And you also have zero f*cking idea on what I have and have not succeeded in, so don’t go around saying that I have “never succeeded”. My advice to you is to take your $20k, learn how to make money with your money, and THEN buy a nice and cool car. THAT is what success is. What you’re trying to do is known as becoming “n*gger rich”.
There is a difference between acting like you’re rich, and BEING rich. Your semantics about “acting” are irrelevant and frankly incoherent. And what we are talking about here is clearly MATERIAL WEALTH. Then you go on this incoherent philosophical rant about “inner richness” and all that nonsense, while in a previous post you write:
Clearly you are contradicting yourself.
As I said before, wealthy people recognize other wealthy people, as well as people who are not yet wealthy but have the MINDSET. You do not have the mindset. My advice to you is to INVEST your $20k into your financial education so that you can buy as many cars as you want later on in your life. Myself and other posters are trying to help you by saying the same thing. You need to LISTEN to us, because we’ve been 18 before and are telling you the things we often wish we learned at that age.
Finally, here is an article I found that is highly relevant to you. Skip to the part where it starts at “Why do poor people make stupid, illogical decisions to buy status symbols?”: