Tell you what man, I think I've come to the decision....I think I'm just going to go with the V-6. I have a Red Camaro, 2015 with only 16k miles that I'm going to test drive around tomorrow. I'm going to chrome it out and of course put my 22 inch chrome tires on there.
Here's the thing that I have learned from all of this, including even prior talks I had when I was buying my Charger...not every guy wants the same out of his car.
- Some guys want a lot of performance so they can go racing around or speeding around town. If that's what you want then you should pay for it, which shouldn't even stop at the V8, if this is what I wanted I would go for the 10 cylinder.
- Some guys install extra loud music systems in their car, if that's what you like go for it.
- Some guys want a lot of style, with chrome accessories and large tires on there, mainly just for the overall "look" of the car. This is where I fit in. I don't race, I live in Michigan where there's 4 seasons, and I will NEVER drive faster than the speed limit whenever I'm under that wheel. So the 426 HP would do me no good because I'm never going to use it. The ONLY thing I can think of that I would be missing is the "V-8 sound", but I think the V-6 is going to do just fine.
If I were the type to go racing around, then yes, I would be looking at least at the V-8 or maybe even going for the 10 cylinder because let's face it....if racing is your thing then why are you stopping at the V-8? Get the 10 cylinder.
But racing isn't my thing, so if I were to purchase the V-8 ALL I would be doing is buying more "accessories" on a car that I'm not even going to utilize or get any benefit out of.
I'm going to post pics here once I get it and then get all of my chrome on there. Also another point in relation to this, chicks don't care if it's a V-6 or V-8, all they will know is that I'm driving a "new" (2015 is damn near new) Camaro....chromed out. They all loved my V-6 Charger that was chromed out, and my opinion is that they are going to love the V-6 Camaro as well. I have not talked to a chick yet when asking about a Camaro that said the car (in and of itself, they never talk about a V-6 or V-8) wasn't sexy.
Go for it dude. You'll get good gas. Just remember that the cabin space across all Camaros is very small. The corvette is even worse by at least it's a cozy cramped space since everything is facing you. Make sure to get the model with a REARVIEW CAMERA. The rear visibility is god awful.
Remember to adjust your side mirrors to your blind spots, there is no use using your side mirrors to see behind you when you have a rear view mirror. A way to know if you're mirrors are in your blind spots is to angle the mirror so you can't see the side of your car when you look at it.
Then test it it at night by sitting at a stop light with someone in your blind spot. You should be blinded by their head lights or if someone is behind you and they shine theirs into your cabin. The light rays should be reflecting off of your side mirrors towards your blind spotd rather than in the cabin.
V8's are more optimal for boost and have a good balance of power to weight. V10's/V12's are usually for NA engines. Most high end Gran Tourers and Supercars run a V8 twin turbo. The only supercar exception is the LaFerrari and Pagani Huayra. Most Lamborghinis and Ferraris run v10's and v12's but they are never boosted. Even the E60 M5 is an NA V10, and its worth about $20k, maintaince costs always skyrockets when you add 2+ cylinders. Maintainaing an E60 M5 is about 4x the cost of your V6 Camaro and they go for about the same price.
As far as buying from a dealership goes, since that Camaro is used you can easily slash off $1k. Just make it seem like you want the car but you are unsure about payments. You can bring up counter arguments, if he proclaims, that the 2011 V8 counterpart goes for the same price and has a V8. The salesman will probably talk about how the V6 gets good gas but just start talking about how great the LS3 motor is, the fact that it holds value better, and the exhaust note. Or just say what I said here about the older V8 models(5th generation). You don't want a 2016(sixth generation) V8 because its obviously more expensive. Most car salesman don't know anything about cars anyways.
Don't tell him that you're interested in the car, make it seem like you want the V8 but they only have a V6 there and you thought that the V6 they had was a V8.
He might try and get F&I to extend the loan period for a lower monthly payment but that is honestly a scam since you're just paying more in interest. Just remind him of how many V6 camaros are on the market, there is A LOT- to the point where there is at least one at any dealership. He might think he won you over because you now have the idea of buying that V6 over the V8 in your head, but no not really. When you have him think that, you won.
If he offers you something you don't like, just bring up the V8 counter part again and how great it is. A good salesman will shuffle back and forth but most will crack at a price you throw at them, especially if you're there negotiating for longer than 2 hours.
Unless the salesman that you're dealing with knows how to read body language VERY WELL, then he won't have the balls to send you to another dealership especially if you're keen on making it seem like you want a car TODAY. The average salesman will get the vibe that he has to convince you to buy that V6, but he won't realize that he's loosing money on the deal by shifting his focus from the money being made by selling the car to you actually being interested in the car.
It's very rare you interact with a top salesman however.
Be sure that they don't actually have a 2009-2012 V8 model there by the way. You can do this by scouting their inventory online before going to the dealership.
Take your time negotiating, they have a timer you do not.