Rather than number of books, focus on the substance. I would rather read the same book 20 times, assimilate it’s full
message and wisdom than just get through books.
When I became ardent about reading I did the same as you. And I read so many books, but it didn’t mean much if I couldn’t understand deeply what it was saying.
This is much like this site or even life. Focus on the substance and quality, rather than the quantity.
Read any Dostoevsky. Read Camus. Read Kafka. Read D!ckens. Read Wilde. Read Herman Hesse.
Prolific authors speak about character, journey, morality, and principles which govern our existence. This is much in the league of what we as men need to develop. It’s more about the aforementioned than it is about success with women. Real women seek men who understand this and put it in action.
I think every person seeking enlightenment first needs to understand what philosophy is. And it’s much more fulfilling to build your own through your personal experiences rather than developing a paradigm based off of the seduction community and “artists”.
I think seduction and that serves as a catalyst to greater insight of ones own “personal power”; the will to shape his own reality through knowledge and action. That’s what is success with women and in life.
First ask yourself what it is you want most. From this site. From prospective partners. From your job or vocation. Clarity is what you’re after.
My only book for you right now is ‘Damien’ by Herman Hesse. Read that and get back to me.
This game with women is much more expansive than you realize. Because it’s actually not about women at all. The ones who try to master women are on a path headed to hell and they shall always dwell there, and forever they will stay, because they’re essentially trying to master another’s emotions, which we all know is impossible. It’s trying to tame a bull that you can’t even see, but you will still get kicked in the face. They’re prisoners of an external source.
Master yourself. Make this the focus. And the right ones will follow if they are on your frequency.
Needy men are kept by women who need those men to validate their own lack. So needy attracts and keeps needy.
Seduction books and seduction mindset is a derivative of a need for another.