Originally posted by STR8UP
The whole "do what you love and the money will follow" myth is just that....a myth.
STR8UP, I'm always telling people that the proverb is backwards. It's
do what makes money and you'll become passionate at it. Once you are financially independent, THEN take your less profitable hobbies and make a business out of them.
Obviously, if you don't agree on a moral level with the nature of your business ventures you won't put the effort into them to make them succeed. But let's not kid ourselves here! If you are SERIOUS about becoming wealthy before you are old, which most people aren't, you need to make the commitment to becoming a member of the capitalist class in society.
The toughest part of joining the capitalist class from the working class is that as a member of the working class your time is monopolized by an employer, and you are so dependent on your wages, you cannot leave your employer to pursue your own business affairs. Of course, most people write off their dream of wealth as a fantasy or the result of luck at this point, forever CHOOSING by the method of INACTION to remain a part of the working class.
Now, I could go on and on here for those who care about planning, making choices, what subjects to study, various industries and markets, motivational books, personal finance, business and negotiation skills, etc, but that would be a poor use of my time and yours. Instead, all I'd like to suggest to the original poster, and to any other person reading who "dreams of being rich," is that it's all about one thing: COMMITMENT.
How committed are you to evolving as a person and how willing are you to seriously evaluate yourself? Do you have the balls to go against the mentality of the herd when the herd will be critical of you? Do you have articulated goals for yourself, or do you float from place to place in life? Do you believe that success is a result of luck, or a function of hard, yet smart work?
While everyone wants to post about opportunities they've encountered, how are you spending what precious little free time you have as a member of the working class? The power of compounding is ENORMOUS. When you leverage your knowledge and experience (which may take years to attain) to the point where you are executing a well-thought out wealth-building strategy, it does not take more than a decade to break free from the financial dependency of a full-time job or self-employment. At this point, you are free to use 100% of your time and your capital to build wealth. Now you're a part of the capitalist class.
At the same time, the power of procastination is enormous. If you make the choice to fart around with your life and not take proactive steps toward creating the reality you desire, it's highly unlikely you'll get there. Most people play for the short-term and not the long term, and consequently they trade in gains in the ST for losses in the LT. Most people also aren't wealthy. What are you playing for? Have you even thought about it?
Think. That's all I'm saying. 90% of life is mental.