I know EXACTLY how you feel my friend. So, let me put it to you real for a moment. Please don't be alarmed with the statement I am about to make, but it's the truth.
Are you listening to me now? Good, because I wanted to jar you a little bit and put you into a certain mindset. Answer the question. In fact, don't just answer the question, open notepad or Word or something RIGHT NOW and MAKE A LIST OF WHAT YOU WOULD DO.
DO IT! Comn man, we a human beings. We come from the earth, and if we're lucky we get 70-80 years tops. It's a pretty big world out there (regardless of what Disney has told us) and there is so much LIFE to be lived. There is so much to DO. The sheer fact is that I am sitting here typing this when I should be outside staring up at the moon, out on a lake swimming, running until my sides hurt, biking, hiking, working out, telling my family that I love them, making friends and meeting new people...all of that and so much more!!
Maybe that sounds hammy, over the top, whatever, but it's the TRUTH. What are you still doing here? Have you ever evaluated how much time you've actually spent wasting life? What's really important?
I urge you and everyone who reads this to get off her (request a self-ban or something if you have to) and go DO! But Vypros I can't....GO DO! But...GO DO!
Seriously, look at your list and begin to focus on how you are going to accomplish or do those things. Don't make a wimpy list either. Make it broad and list as many details as you can. Don't let things like "not having the money" affect what goes on the list either. Just make a straight list that if you COULD do it you WOULD.
When the list is done, prioritize it, put it in order and start working your way down the list one by one. You don't have to accomplish it all at once. As long as you are WORKING toward meeting that list, you are good. Hell, it may even take an incredible amount of planning to accomplish some of the things you list, but if you really put your mind and heart into it, you will find a way to do it.