where to meet younger women?


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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i've been advised to date women my own age, but i have faith that i will be able to meet a real girl who is in her low 20s who i can settle down with. i have the summer off and have been focussing on myself after the ex disappeared. working out, hanging out with buddies, getting out of my would be swingers apartment campout. and i'm going back to school in the fall for a year to turn one of my minors into a major, so i'm sure i will be able to meet plenty of women back at umass. :)

i took you guys advice and have been filling my free time with random stuff that helps me feel better. my question now is, where do younger women (18-23) spend time that i can frequent and meet them, even if it ends up in us becoming only friends?

just need some new ideas. anything would be appreciated, even 1 liners.

thanks guys.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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docv said:
i've been advised to date women my own age,
By who?

but i have faith that i will be able to meet a real girl who is in her low 20s who i can settle down with.
Good luck with that.

Most women that age aren't ready to settle down. They might THINK they are, but trust me, they have some growing up to do and it has more to do with the same societal pressure that "advises you to date women your own age".

my question now is, where do younger women (18-23) spend time that i can frequent and meet them, even if it ends up in us becoming only friends?
I hang out with a few younger girls and they always bring their friends around. If you can manage to get a couple of these under your belt you are gold, especially if they think you are a decent guy with sex appeal, even if they themselves aren't overly attracted to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Women 18-23 are usually in their "wild phase". Women 23-30 are usually in their "hurry up and settle down while I still have my looks so my friends stop mocking me for being single" phase.

Younger women...malls, college classes, bars in college towns...maybe the gym or some other athletic activity facility. Make some friends who throw parties.

WTF do women do anyway besides hang out with their girlfriends and gossip? LOL


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2007
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If you're going back to school, you have answered your own question. This is probably the best place considering you can meet women on similar terms, the setting is such that everyone is building themselves for the future, so at least there is a hint of intelligence. Also, there is a social scene that exists that goes beyond parties. Football, basketball, volleyball games to attend. Club gatherings, heck don't forget study sessions.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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PlasticSurgeon said:
My good friend is going to school, again and again for all these different degrees. Im like "dont you care about all the loans you have to pay back?" He's doesn't really care. He's not leaving for one reason and one reason only. The women. The girls are young, ambitious, wild, and this guy is older than me, doesn't work out, and his game is something that makes me laugh its so atrocious. I'll tell you though... HE AIN'T LONELY!!! Why?? The odds at colleges are in the guys favor. HAHA can you believe this?

This is the world's best kept secret. Don't tell anyone.
This is what I needed to hear. I am going back for a variety of reasons and I would be folling myself if I said women wasnt a huge part of it. Another reason I am going back is to start my life over. Its only for a year. It will help me get my head back on straight and reinvent myself. All I'll be doing is eating in the dining commons (haha I'm 28 yrs old for the love of God!), working out at least 5 times a week, going to a few classes, making myself look and feel great, and sharing my time with beautiful women.

Sounds kinda like the perfect rehabilitation to me, dont it fellas? :woo:


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Just had a friend here at college (29 almost 30... COMPLETELY BALD) just got married to a cute 21 year old. Crazy. I meet lots of guys in their early 30s who still go and score. I myself am dating a lot compared to before. I'm 25. To be honest, I'm planning on going for at least another 5 years. Compared to the alternatives,... well, I don't really see any better alternatives.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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College is a gold mine......if you are in a FRAT or on a sports team. If your not...you'll have to settle for a GF. You can't play the field in college unless you are in one of those two categories....FRAT BOY...or SPORTS "STAR".


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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rakishness said:
College is a gold mine......if you are in a FRAT or on a sports team. If your not...you'll have to settle for a GF. You can't play the field in college unless you are in one of those two categories....FRAT BOY...or SPORTS "STAR".
You don't need to be a FRAT or in SPORTS to be succesful with women in college. You just have to be COOL.
And if you are over 25...that coolness might actually come naturally.