Where to go from here?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, at the end of August I took a girl out to dinner. We were friends from high school that talked every now and then and we hadn't seen in each in a couple of years. I asked her if she wanted to get dinner and she said "she'd love to".

She had just came off of an LTR, but the date went well enough. She showed a good amount of IOIs and I tried my best at the DJ approach (I've read up on some pointers since however). I didn't do everything perfectly, but we enjoyed each other's company and had fun. A few hours later she messaged me saying thank you and that she had a good time.

Unfortunately it was the end of August, on a Wednesday, and I was headed to school that Sunday. She left shortly to a different school herself. So basically, I had no oppurtunity for a follow-up date.

Since then I've texted her a couple times and sent an IM or two (about 1-2 initiations a month, not much). I just don't really know where to go from here! It's hard when you don't really have many oppurtunities for exposure. I know that I want it to seem like I have several options over at school (and I do to an extent) but ultimately I'd like to date her again during winter break at the very least. We've discussed visiting each other at school in the past, but I'm not sure if that will ever materialize.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice or tips that help me casually run game, or atleast not be forgotten while I'm over getting an education in another state... thanks.
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New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
How far away is her school from yours? I would prob cool my jets till winter break when you can see her again, in the main time have fun at school, there are plenty of girls where you are!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
LJC said:
It all depends on what YOU want.
I atleast want to go on a few more dates. I'd love to get to know her real well and develop something. I'm just not sure how to approach things or how often I should contact her while we're both away at school.

Should I drop it completely and just hit up her out of nowhere once we're home on break? Should I try to contact her often? (just throwing that out there even though I know not to do that) Should I maybe just shoot her a text or a wall post like once a month?

I'm probably leaning toward option 3, but I'm up for any advice you guys have to offer.

Thanks for the tip and putting things in perspective.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
how far apart are you guys? is it driving distance, if so maybe you can take a road trip and visit her on the weekend of something. i say just keep in touch here and there, and just so she knows that you're on her mind. thats all you can do for now bro!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
thanks mrblue and yama for the feedback, it's appreciated. she's probably 2.5-3 hours away, so a visit isn't out of the question. we've actually talked about doing it before. i'm thinking maybe at the end of the month, mentioning it on her facebook wall in a funny, half-joking way

that and maybe sparking up an AIM conversation once is probably all i'm going to do between now and winter break. i basically want to come across as busy and pre-occupied while i'm up at school, so i'm trying hard not to overdo it. does this seem like an effective approach?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
i tell ya, this situation is tough. i'd like to touch base with her every couple of days, but i know that's some AFC behavior. in this situation i feel like less is more.

i really couldn't care less about what goes on between now and december, i just want another date during break (and for her to be single).

if the date before we left had been a resounding success i'd be less worried, but i like i said, i made a few minor mistakes. probably nothing wrong to the average person, just not up to DJ standards. i've read alot since then. i'm also not sure how much of it is perception though, i tend to be very hard on myself.

i've read some feeback saying to contact her "every once in a while". does a casual text or message once a month sound reasonable?

i think the key here is checking out some babes at my school here and relaxing a little :up: