Where to ask a girl out to


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
So a few weeks ago I saw this amazing girl at the gym that my friend is apparently personal training. After asking him about her the next day, he said she was single and she sounded like my kind of girl. So the next time I saw her I introduced myself, a little small talk, couple jokes, it went fine.

So the next day she found me on facebook(if anyone's not firmiliar its an online college type of community deal, where you can msg ppl) and messaged me. She messaged me again a few days later about something meaningless that looked like she just wanted to start a conversation. So I think she has taken interest in me.

This is where Im having major trouble, first off, I only see her occasionally at the gym once or twice a week, and when I do, I get *maybe* a few minutes of talk time. On the other hand I can contact her online, but, thats kinda weak.

So I figure the best way to get to know her/ask her for a real date, is to invite her somewhere where I dont need her to go with me, but it'd be nice if she were there....like...a party or something. Only problem is the last 2 weekends Ive tried the party idea either she was going somewhere by the time I found out about one, or there was some other conflict. So basically what are some places like this I could ask her to on or around a college campus/medium sized town??? I literally cant think of anywhere else like that that I could invite her to during the week and its really bothering me!




Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
I like action dates myself like golf and bowling for now on I'm going to try to avoid movies untlil like the third date also try something you like to do be it basketball football poker whatever just make sure she laughs and haves a good time


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Originally posted by mad|cow
So a few weeks ago I saw this amazing girl at the gym that my friend is apparently personal training. After asking him about her the next day, he said she was single and she sounded like my kind of girl. So the next time I saw her I introduced myself, a little small talk, couple jokes, it went fine.

So the next day she found me on facebook(if anyone's not firmiliar its an online college type of community deal, where you can msg ppl) and messaged me. She messaged me again a few days later about something meaningless that looked like she just wanted to start a conversation. So I think she has taken interest in me.

This is where Im having major trouble, first off, I only see her occasionally at the gym once or twice a week, and when I do, I get *maybe* a few minutes of talk time. On the other hand I can contact her online, but, thats kinda weak.

So I figure the best way to get to know her/ask her for a real date, is to invite her somewhere where I dont need her to go with me, but it'd be nice if she were there....like...a party or something. Only problem is the last 2 weekends Ive tried the party idea either she was going somewhere by the time I found out about one, or there was some other conflict. So basically what are some places like this I could ask her to on or around a college campus/medium sized town??? I literally cant think of anywhere else like that that I could invite her to during the week and its really bothering me!


coffee shop is a good start ...

Read the Bible bud... its all in there ...


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ive read alot of the things in there, and im not asking how to ask her, rather what are some good places to ask her to that aren't limited to only dates (like movies, dinner, etc). If its already in the Bible and I didnt see it forgive my noobness :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
you're at college. so like me your probably 22. or younger.

coffee shop is everyones first answer.

to me, coffee shop just aint that fun. neither is it a place I want to be making out with a chick.

party, fun, i like to make out with chick.
club, fun, i like to make out with chick.
movie, fun if i'm making out with chick.
mini golf, bowling. can't imagine making out much there, but haven't tried.
cruising in a car.... stop and talk, and making out will be fun.
invite her to your place for a dvd. again, making out and fun.