New York City obesity is insane. Trains are crowded and when a fat person sits down and they take up 1.5 seats you can visibly tell everyone on the train is pissed off. I take up 2 seats as well but mostly because of my upper body, I can lean a bit forward and fit in 1 seat unlike some fat people out there. They could do with standing a bit in my opinion.
You constantly hear about manspreading and even the MTA has started putting ads on their train telling people to stop manspreading but imo fat women (also men but more women) take up way more train seats.
"In New York City, obesity is epidemic: more than half of adult New Yorkers are overweight (34%) or obese (22%). Data show that obesity begins early in life: nearly half of all elementary school children and Head Start children are not a healthy weight. In New York City, 1 in 5 kindergarten students, and 1 in 4 Head Start children, is obese."
That's insane. That's at 56% of people at an unhealthy weight. On the other hand my future job as a doctor is made easy. I won't be short of diabetic patients in the future.