Where i live people are negative


New Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I live in luton, united kingdom.. its a depressive place..

if you smile at some one they think oh why he smiling for.. every one walks around with a sad face.. if you say some or dome something they say or your wierd.. you cant be yourself.. because than people will say your wierd..

do people know where im comign from.. its like they are all zombies and you do something fun they look at you thinking what the hell.. like my last post i made a friend next day she said im stalking her i was like.. omgosh what has the world come to can any one relate to this..

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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if you're from the UK how come you are typing like english is your second language? If people want to be depressed, let them. has no effect on you brah.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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I was on a date with a Ukrainian and she asked me why I'm always smiling all the time. Then she went on about how everybody in america smiles in pictures and whats up with that.

Holden Caulfield

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
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If anyone states that you are stalking them or asks same , then you most likely are in their mind. Nothing good can come form this. Move on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
habzie said:
I live in luton, united kingdom.. its a depressive place..

if you smile at some one they think oh why he smiling for.. every one walks around with a sad face.. if you say some or dome something they say or your wierd.. you cant be yourself.. because than people will say your wierd..

do people know where im comign from.. its like they are all zombies and you do something fun they look at you thinking what the hell.. like my last post i made a friend next day she said im stalking her i was like.. omgosh what has the world come to can any one relate to this..
they are being real.. fact is life suck for 90% of humans these days and some use alot of energy pretending that it does not .. faking and pretending is a big part of american culture thats why they smile so much in pics even though they have rage and sadness on the inside....

yes you can move around the world trying to find a better place but in the end its your looks and money that will affect hos much easy sex you get for cut women.. all humans are the same only thing that changes is the amount of money and power they have


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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Mike32ct said:
Connecticut is much the same. You don't talk to anyone you don't know. After 15 years, I still don't know my next door neighbor's first name.

People just stay in their cliques and look like zombies.
Same situation here in Singapore. The only neighbours I've made friends with are all foreigners.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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OP I lived in Luton UK for 2 years and I must say one of the problems with that place was that there were not enough "respectable" job opportunities so it was almost like a village town with too many layabouts. I must admit though it's one of the most together places in the UK because it's very multicultural so my advice for you is to try and attend events such as house parties especially if u r in university and black. Also whatever race you may be, try and make friends with people of ur nationality before anyone else. I would advise you to move if you harbor ambitions of getting a career as Luton is not the town for that but just know that the UK is one of the most unfriendly hostile countries on earth so u will experience much of the same wherever you go within the country. Try to go partying at night as this will surely bring up a few adventures, liquid and chicagos are good night spots and if u are black, bellinis night club is a pvssy haven. The UK as a whole is cold and trust me Luton ain't nowhere near as bad as places dominated by the pure Brits. Don't try being friendly in public places just go about your business and create ur own fun away from prying eyes.
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New Member
Jun 15, 2007
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thanks for your comments i really helped me.. i think i need to start doing more you know people say if you keep trying you get it in the end but when you try really hard and people just throw it in you face you think whats the point .. like when i go liquid night club i talk to many girls and i approach them through observation even than .. they throw it in your face and just ignore you like your some sort of monkey.. and should be locked up in a zoo


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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Try houseparties they are better and also stop being the aggressor for a while and just kick back and make light conversation only when opportunities arise. In liquid competition is so high as the girls there have such fat as.ses and are so sexy. That's a horrible place to think of picking up in fact most clubs are. It's luck of the draw in those places and opportunities are scarce unless u have some social proof. Never hurts to keep trying though as u never know what the personality of the next girl is gonna be like. Ive been screamed at once by a girl I approached and I've had very VERY sexy girls (2 to be exact) bump into me deliberately at liquid before (was slightly clueless till after it happened though) so u never know what you will get. The trick is not to give off a desperate vibe. As in don't walk around like u are actively seeking and also try throwing in a comment here or there to prime targets that look responsive e.g there was this sexy Dominican chick who I asked what country she was from and left her side. Afterwards she violently bumped into me , waited for a response and when she didn't get any rushed off. Anyway back on topic, at houseparties the opportunities are gooooood as sometimes the girls themselves will initiate albeit indirectly. Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Some days I wake up and while drinking my coffee getting my morning paper take a look around: I see nothing but bright and shiny houses filled with dreary people going about their miserable lives.

I smile and wave as my neighbor exists their house but am a little startled as they give me death stares for disturbing their morning routine. The girl walking her dog picks up her speed as I say "Hi" as if I'm gonna rape her and mind you that is a joke as she isn't even a HB 6 on anyone's chart. The bus driver in the bus that goes by looks as if he's gonna drive off of a bridge freeing himself from his prison of hell.

The point I'm trying to make here is we live in one of many societies but the morals are all the same: Work, work, work till you die and each bit of kindness is misinterpreted as suspicious behavior. I mean the job market is crap, tons of people have thousands in debt that grows with each and every day, people with degrees cant even land a paying job on their 20K debt (If their lucky) that was lied about to them in High School.

This is reality. Miserable reality. At least in the US everyone is a terrorist and to be friendly means you are a bad person. What ever happened to manners, holding out the door for someone else, or small talk in the elevator? Nows its "Where are we gonna be attack from next?" or "Jobs jobs jobs."

The world is in a slump. That's why there is negativity.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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Mike32ct said:
Connecticut is much the same. You don't talk to anyone you don't know. After 15 years, I still don't know my next door neighbor's first name.

People just stay in their cliques and look like zombies.
Wow, if I was there I'd be in major culture shock. Here in Tennessee, people are friendly to each other as they walk down the street or are near each other in stores. As a result, most women are going to be nice and respectful if you cold approach them, even if they don't like you.

When I was in Panama City, Florida on vacation, I couldn't believe how unfriendly people were in general. Strangers never looked each other in the eye, it was an eye opening experience for me.
Zodiac: Maybe you should move to Nashville or a rural area.