I don't know where some of you guys went to school, but the degree requirements must have been strict as hell!
I'm going to Worcester Polytech in MA, and most students here take at least a semester (often more) to figure out what they're going to major in, plus a lot of ppl change majors despite rather tight degree requirements.
As to doing what pays instead of what you enjoy, F**K THAT! If you can get a job doing something you enjoy, then basically you end up getting paid for having fun, and as long as the salary is at least half-decent, you're set for life. Me, I'm prolly gonna end up in metallurgy, plastics, ceramics, composites, or something like that - and there's some really kewl shyt going on in a lot of those fields.
You're lucky to have less than 3k per semester for tuition - my family's paying well over 3k a year just for my room and board, and we'd have to take out a second mortgage if I hadn't gotten really f**king lucky on scholarships. BTW, there are some government-subsidized loans out there, where you don't have to start repayment till like 6 months after you graduate, which means you have that much time to save the money up, let it collect a little interest, etc., then pay it off fast so you don't pay too much interest on the loan. Try to get your parents to kick in some $$, and do some searches of online scholarship sites - you wouldn't believe the number of scholarships out there, and some of them are like "If you're Italian, of Italian descent, or have at least met an Italian some time in your life, you're eligible". Most of the scholarships you'll find on these sites are just a couple of hundred, but every little bit helps. Also, a lot of schools have programs to help students financially. Investigate ALL of them.
A little advice on choosing a major: DO choose something you'll enjoy and can do. DO choose something that will land you a decent job. DO NOT major in something like Art History, Liberal Arts, etc., unless you've pretty much got a job already lined up - there are certain majors that are essentially useless fluff.
About joining the military - it does set you apart in a good way. Chicks dig a man in uniform, especially b/c the military thing is a HUGE confidence booster. Military training will get you in really good shape if you aren't already. You'll learn tons of sh*t, be part of a semi-exclusive group, and get money for it. The catch is you gotta go through the training, put up with military discipline and regulation, and do a lot of work. I've got a former Nat'l Guardsman for an uncle, and a few friends in the school Air Force ROTC - I've seen a decent part of the sh*t they have to go through, and a lot of it looks less than fun. On the other hand, there's lots to be gained. It's a big choice, and none of us can really make it for you.
College is a great idea. Even if you already know more than they can teach you in those 2 or 4 years, you still need that degree to prove it, and college-trained ppl make lots more $$. And, don't forget, college is really fun - there will never be another social opportunity like it - very few rules or demands on your time, lots of ppl with at least somewhat similar interests to you all packed into a tight community - the friends I've made at college in the past 2 years are closer to me than friends I've known for 10+ years. Go for it!