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Where do i go in this life now?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
As it is almost time to enroll in college, i am heaving second thoughts about everything. I am 18, almost 19, and am accepted in school, but the dorms are full so i have to look for appartment and figure all that out. I have no idea what i want to do yet, or what i wish to major in.

My parents been trying to push me to join the military, which i admit would be exciting, but all the commitment just doesnt seem that appealing.

I do not want to stay at home, but nor do i want to work 2 full time jobs just to live at some apartment with no prospects in life.

Can anyone who has been in my sitation share some ideas, because i am really confused as to where i should go with my life now.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well - I would say go to college (but try not to assume too much debt).

I don't understand why your parents would push you to go into the military unless they view you as a slacker or something that needs to learn self-discipline.

Are your parents willing to help pay for college?

There are all sorts of rules and loopholes when it comes to financial aid - there are plenty of ways to "game the system".

I managed to come through with a $120k education with no help from my parents, with only about $35k in debt. Unfortunately I still couldn't find a good job doing what I wanted to be doing so I found myself back in grad school.

Without more specifics as to your situation I really can't give much more useful advice.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Ronin Me too! I got scholarships the whole ride through undergrad..and owe $35k in Post grad..what are you majoring in? might want to look at your Campus's Billboards..or classiified ads..I always see hundreds of people looking for roomates to share an apt..

but if you parents arent too overbearing..stay at is easier to have parents on yor a$$ than a boss..and working takes concentration away from school..

but be careful if you decide to get roomates! Most college kids tend to party way too much(and although its a blast) its hard to study


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
los angeles
If your havent picked a major, pick Finance because that where the $$$$ is. Dont pick a major that you like because chances are you wont find many jobs after you graducate & if you do it will pay $30-$35k a year. The entire job market has changed drastically in the last 10 years w/ many jobs going overseas. And the jobs that have went overseas will never come back. Right now its an employers market. Hopefully the boom years of the mid 1990's will come back...someday.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
ive seen this man in action and trust me Denis, your problem is (sorry to sound like an adult) but a lack of "respect" for your parents. Your parents are stict as heck so you need to kiss a little ass every once and awhile (do chores) so you can live at home when you attend college. Convince your parents that it would be best for you to live at home so you can save money through college and therefore wont have a huge debt.

I try to be nice to my parents and stuff by keeping my stuff/room clean and try to not bother them (i know i drank out of your culligan thing, but at my house i usually am more respectful to my rents).

Save money, pay for college, and look at what your interested in life.

I mean sheesh, didnt your school have a career resource center that you could've looked for a job in? I know in my school they made us research a job that we're interested about 100 times!
Just look for something you enjoy doing, and make sure it pays money, and go for it.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Yo man, im 17 and im turning 18 in August. I graduated this year and am also in the same boat as you. however, i havent applied to any colleges or anything.

Im not about to go to highschool again. If anything ill go to some sort of business school,something to do with the music industry. Im going to be an entreprenuer. Thats my plan so far. Not very stable but at least its a goal,right?

Donny Brasco

Don Juan
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Get out of the house...
You get way mor ***** in your own place. Plus if your lucky you find some sexy co-eds who will come over and drink beer and help you study between the sheets.

Have some fun with your life while your still young.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
"As it is almost time to enroll in college, i am heaving second thoughts about everything. I am 18, almost 19, and am accepted in school, but the dorms are full so i have to look for appartment and figure all that out. I have no idea what i want to do yet, or what i wish to major in. "

Now for an old fart to give you the old "do as I say not what I did" lecture.

Perhaps the military isn't such a bad idea. You could sign up for a 2 year term. You have just finished 12+ years of school and you have no idea what you want to do. The 2 years would give you time to figure out what you want to do. At the end of the time you would have some money towards college (the Stafford thingie). AND you would have some more maturity and experiance in the world.

I should have done that, but there was this Viet Nam thing going on at the time.

When I did eventually go into the military and get out, I found that I did much better in college than I had been doing previously (they started drafting students and I got caught).



Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2002
Reaction score
Going in the military is'nt a bad idea. You can allways join the national guard or reserves, usually depending on the state you go to school tuition free. I did 2 years active duty...I get aprox. 1000$ cash desposited in my account every month im in school from the GI bill. Its tax free. I also get scholarships, grants...I did borrow some money, so I use the GI bill money to party my asss off during the school year. My school however is close to 30,000 a year like alot of schools....just need to find someplace cheap and where you can get acedemic or athletic scholarships.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand

Don't go to school and rack up a ****load of debt just cos you don't know what to do. Travel or work in a bar or some sh*t till you know where you wanna go (been there, trust me on this one).

As for joining the mil' , I'm a military professional and I think you'd have a blast , but again I don't think it's healthy to join up straight out of school.

Spend a year doing some fun job , getting laid a lot , join some cadet/training outfit if you want so you learn how to do drill and polish stuff (that'll make basic a LOT easier) and sign up next year once you've got some life experience under your belt.

Which branch are you thinking of joining ?

(I've been Navy and I'm Airforce now but I've lived with Army and Marines).


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Well this apratment search been sucking ass so far. cheapest is 300$ a month, which is still too much. tuition is 2250 for semester.

I would gladly go somewhere for a year, but where will i get the money for it? I sure as hell dont wanna stay at home.

Military- i dont want to be stuck on a ship, but i want to travel, and i dont want to go to war but i wanna play with guns and jumping with parachute would also rock.

I dont want to go to college and realize it isnt my thing and end up dropping out, even tho i am looking forward to all the partying and college life.

I had another idea, since my college is about 60 miles away, and my first class doesnt start till 12, i could drive back and forth for first semester, any ideas on this?

There are all sorts of rules and loopholes when it comes to financial aid - there are plenty of ways to "game the system".
Now i would love to hear about this.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well - commuting first semester would save you money - but as far as meeting new people socially ideally you'd want to be in the dorms (or at least in an apartment near the dorms).

Commuting that far for class would really wear on you over time. Plus if you add up the gas money and the wear and tear on your vehicle, how much are you going to actually be saving? Also don't forget about your time - your time is worth something. The 10-15 hours per week you spend commuting you could be working a job, earning $$$ to pay your rent/tuition.

I dont want to go to college and realize it isnt my thing and end up dropping out, even tho i am looking forward to all the partying and college life.

Dude no offense but you don't go to college because it's your thing - you go because in this day and age a high school diploma is worth sh!t and you NEED a college degree to make anything of yourself.

If you're still considering this military crap - look into getting into the ROTC program at your school - you'll learn about the military. they'll help pay your tuition and there is a minimal commitment (two years I think?) after you graduate.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
yeah, i guess somewhere along these lines i was missing the point that college is still a school, not just fun time.

You still didnt answer my last question tho ;)

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
About the financial aid stuff -

Are you a minority?
Are your parents still married?
Did you file your FAFSA yet and if so what is your EFC?
Do they have a Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) in your state and if so did you apply for it?
Is your school "need-blind" concerning it's admissions?
How much did your parents earn last year?
Will they earn the same amount this year (or is there reason to think their 2003 income will be considerably less)?
Have you applied for loans and/or Federal Work Study?

OK - here's a good one (if you're not too proud) -
In some states, if you are in college and eligible for Federal Work Study (and actually working - I think a minimum of 15-20 hours per week) - you may qualify to collect food stamps. I kid you not.
My junior year I collected $120 per month in food stamps. That was an extra $120 per month I had to spend on booze. (I couldn't spend the stamps ON booze but money that I would've normally had to spend on food was freed up for drinking).

I pulled all sorts of scams and gamed the system as much as I could in order to get through college. I was so freakin' broke my senior year I actually got kicked out of my apt. and was sleeping on my friends couch for a week until I figured out a way to get my hands on more $$$. Where there's a will, there's a way!


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
applied for fasfa, they are sending it soon.

my parents together made around 88k last yuear. probably same this year.
im not a minority.
parents remarried



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ronin, feel me in on some more info about the loopholes please?


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
Honestly I say either joining the reserves or maybe just getting a part time job would be helpful for you. I worked all through college and did the reserve thing and it did not take too long before I realized I would rather work smarter than harder any day. That motivated me for college quickly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
thanks for input comote, can u fill me on on how reserves worked out for ya?


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
It was ok,it was a good experience and I would probably do it again but I did not stay in. The boot camp is fine and going one weekend a month for six years may not sound like much, but believe me afterwards it is a sense of freedom that is really nice.
It is a good way to realize that life can be pretty hard if you don't try and make something of yourself. I did not realize what I wanted to do in school until my second year but then I just went and did it and I had the confidence to know that I could dop anything in part thanks to my military experience.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
do u go reserve during school ? how much do u get paid?