Where Did You Meet Your Last Girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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St. Louis Area
I'm just wondering. Sometimes I see couples, yet I have to wonder how they met?

I've never had a girlfriend so far, and you'd think that I've been on this planet long enough that it would've happened to me at least once. I know everyone's story is a little different, but I'm still wondering. As for me, I've never met one who seemed into me.

So, how did you meet her? What's your story?


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Chicago area
Most people meet through friends

I just read a survey on the internet that said, 63% of people who are in a relationship met that person through a friend or family member. I certainly have found that to be true with me and my friends. All the girls that I have gone out with so far, I have met through my friends. I read another article on the internet that said, 78% of women would prefer to meet guys through their friends. Meeting girls through your friends is TRULY the best way to meet them. Women say they feel more comfortable meeting guys through their friends. It also adds some social connection to you and the girl, you both have a mutual friend. The article also stated, ONLY 2 % of people have met by chance (like bookstore, grocery store, in a park, at the gym). And surprisingly enough, ONLY 11% of people have met someone at a bar or club!

- Paul


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
I met my last proper GF in a club checking out a band.

Last sexual encounter at a party.

Most recent gal I've been dating at a festival.

For what it's worth, I've met most of the gals I've dated at clubs checking out bands.

Walking Anomaly

Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
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There are a variety of places that couples meet...I guess you could say that a true DJ is one who could meet a girl and become a couple in any situation/at any place...

personally though, the best girls ive met for relationships, (LTR relationship material), have been from either work or college. In college your with chicks in your age group, possibly interested in the same things, and whatnot....work-wise, again you'll probably find girls that share your social status and personality traits. (any by work, i dont mean career, in my case, ladies were met via my summer jobs -- im still in college.).

Hope this helps.



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Everyone, thanks for the responses.

The part I read about meeting women through friends is quite discouraging to me. Thing is, I don't have any friends, so I certainly can't meet women that way. I moved here about a month and a half ago, and I've yet to make any. It's definitely a hit-and-miss kind of affair. I'm a fairly outgoing guy, but I'm also eccentric, even though it's not readily apparent on the surface. The only thing I seem to enjoy doing that many other people also enjoy doing is going out to bars and clubs, and I go alone. I could be more outgoing, and I'm working on it, but I could be better. At least the fear people have with going out alone isn't a fear I have, which is a step in the right direction.

I don't see how meeting them at work is a good idea, although if it works for you then more power to you. I believe in the saying "Don't dip the pen in the company ink." I figure it's asking for trouble. The potential loss is too great. Anyway, I don't have a job right now. Before anyone asks, I do go to school so I am doing something with my time.

Speaking of school...I'll have to see. I'm taking one class right now, and there's one woman in there who I think doesn't look too bad, but I'm not sure if she's single. Hopefully I can find out soon. I'd have to catch her on the class break (it's a long class) or afterwards. If that doesn't work I'll just have to see what my other classes will offer me. Another class starts next week, hopefully there will be some hotties in there.

As for other places, it's very odd. I rarely, if ever see any women within my target age range while I'm out running errands and such. You'd think I'd see them at the grocery store. After all, they need to eat like we all do. But nope, I don't often see them there. At malls, I almost never go there. I hate malls, so I only go if I need a new shirt or other clothes, which isn't very often at all.

I guess I'm somewhat frustrated. It seems to me that bars and clubs seem to be the only way, yet I still haven't quite got the knack of it yet.

One reason I asked the question initially was that I was, in fact, curious about what the responses would be. Another reason was that I was hoping that it might give me ideas or help me be more hopeful.

Anyhow, I hope some more people will post their answers. I'm curious to see what they are.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
My last LTR? Met her at a club, dated for two years.

My last STR? Met her at a club. I walked by and she saw me and grabbed my hat to get my attention, and whaddya know....turns out that I know one of the girls she was with that night, so I had the social proof thing going for me BIGTIME.

My last booty call? Again (what are the chances???), I met her at a club and she was a friend of a friend of a friend who was also at the club that night. Caught her checking me out and a few minutes later she approached me with "Don't I know you from somewhere?" What a cheesy line....


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I met my current one through a friend.

The one before that I met on the internet. The internet thing works for some people, but it isn't for me.

And the one before that I met through a friend.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Espi said:
The Landmark Forum seminar.

I walked up to her after the meeting and recounted Mystery's golden line: "If I were not gay, you'd be so mine." She still laughs about it.
You just walked up and opened like that? Dude that's quiet funny. What happened next? Remember any part of the convo (beginning of it or so) ?

I might just try that haha


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Last LTR from asking her directions to my morning class on a college campus on a sarging run before class. Of course I knew where my class would be. Relationship ended up being 1.5 years before I call it quits.

Last ONS from going at a booze cruise after a stressful exam. Tried calling me back many times but I escaped her grasp.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
I'm still in a relationship, but I met my GF in Spain during vacation...

The friends of mine who are involved met their girl at the club we used to go..


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i haven't had a real GF in 2 years.. I met her at dillars, while I was buying a gift for my dad on fathers day.

my last FB which I met 3 weeks ago, I met her at Hollywood park in the morning, she's an exercise rider


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
I met my last (current) girlfriend when I hired her as my gopher. I killed two birds with one stone that way.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
She was sitting with her freinds near an ice-cream shop.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
My last girlfriend I met when I was out with friends. As the night went on all our friends left and the two of us remained. We got talking and found out we really connected. I got her number, we started texting each other a lot. Next time we went out I walked her to her bus stop and kissed her.

My current girlfriend I met through a friend. I barely knew her, but apparently she had a huge crush on me for years. My friend asked what I thought of her and I gave the thumbs up. The next time a group of us met, they invited her along. We flirted and I got her email address. We started chatting on MSN, then arranged to meet up at uni until I saw her to her car one night and kissed her. We've been going out for a year and half now.

I've met most of my girlfriends via friends, which is why I personally advocate social networking over cold approaching.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
University/ College It's 4 years of just meeting people and hooking up

Check out facebook. Everybody who has a ****load of friends all attend University or college

It's a can't miss. Getting hooked up by a friend im thinking is a distant second

University is the **** for all you young guys out here still in high school screwing around

Make the grades and get into University or college.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Abbott said:
I'm just wondering. Sometimes I see couples, yet I have to wonder how they met?

I've never had a girlfriend so far, and you'd think that I've been on this planet long enough that it would've happened to me at least once. I know everyone's story is a little different, but I'm still wondering. As for me, I've never met one who seemed into me.

So, how did you meet her? What's your story?
- First GF my 10 year crush... met her in kindergarden! Became good friends in 6th grade and finally started to go out in 7th grade. We broke up cuz she moved to Alaska.
- 2nd GF met her at my basketball game outside the gym. Slapped her ass cuz she was from another school and she liked it, pretty easy after that. This was 8th grade!
- 3rd GF met her at school was one grade lower!
- 4th GF 2 grades lower met her at school dance, grinded all night.
- 5th GF Don't remember but this was serious relationship... I think she was basketball manager. Nasty break up... don't talk to her anymore.
- 6th GF My last serious LTR... she was bad at math so I "came" over and helped her study.

Couple hookups here and there at parties and chicks I met at bars. I think meeting chicks are the easiest at school or while intoxicated.

Last hookup wasn't good at all... chick was desparate and took my number. Called me zillion times! I kept ignoring her and she finally got the hint. O well I'm gonna forget about it when I GO TO SUMMER VACA TOMORROW! I'M GONNA GET LAID SO MUCH!