Where did I go wrong?? I just got into a relationship n...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Yea wats up... I just got into another relationship monday night. I met her monday night n we said over the phone that we would give ourselves a chance.

Tuesday afternoon she comes over to my place. We had sex, I made her *** twice even tho I aint *** yet then we stopped cuz we was gettin hot. We relax fo a bit, talk fo few mins bout when we gonna see each other again. She says friday cuz she got medical school tom n thurs. She also says prolly not sat cuz she is goin to a party n I said iight like I didn't care if she was goin...( was dat good?) then she checks her phone, goes outside fo a min cuz she said her mom called her. Comes back in n says that she has to leave to fix the tv cuz she left it disconnected.

I tell her y can't her mom fix it, she says she doesn't kno how to. N if she doesn't come then her mom will keep callin n complain so I say iight. I walk her to the train station.. She only had 25cents left in her metro so she asked me fo 2dollars fo her ride so I gave it to her n we hugged each other n kiss fo a bit. She then tells me that she will call me once she gets out the train station. Now every1 realize this. Its like a 10min train ride. Then a 10min bus ride n she's home so basically a 20min ride bac home.

So that was aroun 7:40pm. I waited till 9:40pm n I still haven't received a call from her. So I called her from my house phone (she neva had my house phone so she didn't kno that number) n she picked up. She sounded lil suprised it was me. I say wats up n y she hasn't called me. She said dat she aint get home yet. I said but dat was 2 hours ago, she said da bus was late lmao. I said yea but not 2hours late. She den said dat she got sumthin to eat den waited. So I said but u aint have money, she said she had 2dollars lol..

So I said where is she at now she wouldn't really answer it, then I said did she hook the tv up for her mom. She said nope cuz she hasn't got home yet lmao. Im thinkinto my head wow so all that bs about gettin home to fix the tv for her mom was prolly bs.. Then she says that she will call me when she gets home... n of course she hasn't called me bac.

So where did I go wrong.. I kno she liked our sex. We had fun together. Should I call bac again or wait till she calls me bac?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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YoungSir4sho said:
So where did I go wrong.. I kno she liked our sex. We had fun together. Should I call bac again or wait till she calls me bac?
Don't call a chick back on the same day after she says she will call you and fails to do so, and don't question her wherabouts like a CIA agent when she isn't even your girlfriend.

As soon as she had to go, you should have just played it cool and let her go without calling her for a few days. You should have left it on a good high note after the sex was over instead of waiting and grovelling on the phone for the rest of the night.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
DJDamage said:
Don't call a chick back on the same day after she says she will call you and fails to do so, and don't question her wherabouts like a CIA agent when she isn't even your girlfriend.

As soon as she had to go, you should have just played it cool and let her go without calling her for a few days. You should have left it on a good high note after the sex was over instead of waiting and grovelling on the phone for the rest of the night.

what he means is let the ho be a ho.. dont be needy cause hos dont like needy men at all.. Just be gald you Fed her cause that is all it is from now on.. you need to start looking for other women cause she has other men.. (that was not her mom on the phone)

She senses that you have no other women and that turns her off cause she feels like she is doing you a favor by Fing you...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well technically she is my girlfriend... well I mean we met monday. Talked on the phone that nite n we said that we would get into a relationship. Then tuesday we had sex. So basically she was my girl fo a day... in all reality no she wasn't my girl since it was to quick.

N yea I shouldn't have called bac, also I felt that wasn't her mom either. Dumb lie really. So don't call her from now on, mayb she'll call.. Either way im gonna b goin after other girls but that was a good fvk at least lol


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
YoungSir4sho said:
Well technically she is my girlfriend... well I mean we met monday. Talked on the phone that nite n we said that we would get into a relationship. Then tuesday we had sex. So basically she was my girl fo a day... in all reality no she wasn't my girl since it was to quick.
Doesn't matter. She doesn't feel like your girl, so she's not. This isn't something you can build in a day either.

Either way im gonna b goin after other girls but that was a good fvk at least lol
You can let her know this. It would be useful.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
she left you because of your horrible typing skills. face it buddy, there's no hope.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
You seem really clingy in this relationship that hasn't even taken off yet. It's turning her off, obviously. When she says she has to go, let the poor girl go. Don't do no hugging when you bid her farewell. Kissing or even nothing would suffice. You don't call after she says she has to go, man. Let her be the one to call you again. You have to know that you don't need her in your life, you want her.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2007
Reaction score
Rayneveres said:
she left you because of your horrible typing skills. face it buddy, there's no hope.

That was gonna be my guess too.