Where are all the lay reports??

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
OMGWTF... Went out to the club tonite, opened a set of two quite hot girls. One of them (my target) was a genuine HB8.5 very hot and lots of guys tailing her... So I strike up some conversation with her, she responds casually, not showing too much interest but not trying to get away from me either. So I decide to test her a bit by ending the conversation, taking a few steps away from her and starting conversation with my pal. Then I just stood next to him, enjoyed myself and didn't look at her at all.

After a few minutes, she suddenly pats me on my arm and starts conversation with me again. I thought "Bingo, I'm gonna reel this one in..." So we talk some more, I kino her a lot and she responds quite positive, kinos me back, we exchange lots of eye contact and smiles. Then her girflriend suddenly grabs her by the arm and they exchange a few lines. She turns to me again and says: "I'm sorry but I have to go..." Okay, bye. The end.

The point of my story is, I basically got c0ckblocked again... It was a cat in the bag situation, I just needed a few more minutes. But hey, her stupid cvntwh0re girlfriend had to intervene and decide that they were gonna leave.

How long is this sh!t gonna go on, lol? I'm finally getting my game back after my breakup but I just keep getting c0ckblocked everytime I'm about to score a chick!

Meh... Oh wait, it must be you, Desdinova! I guess you still haven't found a bytch who doesn't flake between getting the number and the first date, right? Make a hurry, will you?!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Uhh... Die Hard, if you don't want to put in the effort, you aren't going to get the lay. That chump with low enough self-esteem, apparently, is also going to be the one taking the girl home or banging her a week later, while you get tossed out.

I've got a few options lined up.. I've been grabbing numbers lately, going to see some of them start panning out soon, and I'm going to set up a few other online accounts to meet women.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Probably just lazy. If it helps, I went out with this girl last night who consistently shows low interest in between dates but continues to take me home after the dates...so last night was lay #2 and date #2 with this particular woman.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Muscleman is the typical "You get out what you put in" type of guy. He is blogging/working out in the field/growing...and he is reaping all that sweet loving because he is working so hard. Hats off to muscleman!

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Got invited to some party today, but I didn't sleep well and had a hangover from last night. Plus my ex would probably be there and I know that seeing her will mess with my mind... So the decision was an easy one, I was gonna stay at home and have a lazy Sunday.

But when I got out of bed, something inside of me said "Who cares? Drag yourself and your hangover to the party and have fun. Fvck it!!" Didn't even take a shower since I got home from last night's clubbing, lol...just put on my jeans and the simplest T shirt I have (whereas normally, I always dress to impress and almost feel ashamed if I don't look better than all the rest!) and went on my way.

Nice party and the ex wasn't there. Felt kinda dizzy and numb in my head but just didn't give a damn and enjoyed myself anyway.

Long story short: I met a fine chick (HB8), talked some, danced some, flirted some, kino'd some, kiss closed some and agreed to meet again later this week some.

Ahhh, FI-NUH-LEE! Fvck the thread title...I'm very content with kiss closing a HB8 for now, lol. Personal victory coz it's the first time I kiss closed a chick since my breakup (fvck you, ex girlfriend!). Feels like a BIG load of my shoulders!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Demonpenz said:
Muscleman is the typical "You get out what you put in" type of guy. He is blogging/working out in the field/growing...and he is reaping all that sweet loving because he is working so hard. Hats off to muscleman!
Agreed muscleman is killing it. I honestly need to find time to meet some new girls, didnt end up getting that girls number since i didnt see her :(


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Demonpenz said:
Muscleman is the typical "You get out what you put in" type of guy. He is blogging/working out in the field/growing...and he is reaping all that sweet loving because he is working so hard. Hats off to muscleman!
This is true with anything. You get out what you put in. The key is to 'put in' in a smart way, which is more than just approaching X women over Y amount of time. The #1 goal, always, is to become a higher value man so women are more attracted to you from the get-go, making your job a lot easier down the road.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
muscleman said:
Come on guys ... I remember when I started here about 5 years ago (more like 7, I lurked for nearly 2), there were FR/LR journals everywhere. What happened? Are people getting laid less or just too lazy to report on it? It's a good way to stay accountable to yourself and motivate others.
Fvck it why not, seeing as my man Danger is requesting it over at the MM, plus if only to shut the resident manjayjays up. Here's one from the weekend before last. Met up with 2 mates. Both AFC, 1 an upstanding textbook nice beta, house,his own rentals, great gubment job, can count the number of women he's been with on 1 hand and still have to room to play. The other used to have naturals game, pulled quite a few hotties back in our younger years, even managed the odd 3some at a few house parties. Now he's just a worn out nub of a man and a waster, who's been shacked up with a dead sh!t with 2 or 3 kids not his own for the last 10 or so years (yes we tried to snap him out of it), he's also sporting a healthy gambling and ice addiction, but it was still good to see him again.

Met up at around 10 and could barely move for the amount of people filling up the streets, actually took me a good 15 minutes from my car to my friends area. 1 chick 5.5 early to mid 30's maybe? at the table adjacent bored with her dialogue with an orbiter was throwing out IOI's toward us waiting for a nibble of which our good beta took a bite after awhile, used some classic beta (CB) game while me and ex natural caught up on old times and talked some sh!t. CB eventually asked her if she'd like a glass of wine, which was a monumental 10 minute task in itself with the amount of people there.

CB eventually makes it back about 10 to 15 mins later and his target is now being gamed by the orbiters friend who turned up, I had a little chuckle to myself then drank her dry white.
Fast forward about an hour later and we decide to make our way indoors to a new place I'd never been before, I liked the lighting it was quite dark but really atmospheric, I made my way straight to an empty table and sat myself facing 2 HB's. The table to our left were 3 young guys and 1 young hottie, 1 of the guys was acting the loud dancing monkey who toned it down after a brief exchange in friendly words then predictably became my new best friend. Back to the 2 HB's, I started eye fvcking the older Jewish princess type looking one who's jugs looked amazing, but the young one was a solid 8 not e-stats 8 either a legit 80% perfect, she had a genuine playful vibe without being drunk, a nice feminine floral dress and long dark hair but she was very young, at least 7 or so years younger than Jewish Princess. They both obviously were town rats though , the chick hugs between themselves and random passing friends gave it away. Dancing monkey to my left who was starting to look worse for wear leans over and says "she's your gf isn't she?" I asked him which one and he's talking about the young one. I said yeah she is, but what gave it away? I can't remember exactly what he said but it was something about the way she kept looking at me. I thought that's enough and waved them both over to our table, made the small chit chat as to not upset my 2 blue pilled mates but covertly was giving JP some subtle caveman game, lots of kino with eye contact pretty much implying I was going to take her home and scramble her eggs. My 2 friends were oblivious and to be honest that's how I like it now, the effort required to explain a completely different world to life long AFC friends is just too much for me, I'm sure some of you guys know what I'm talking about. JP asks what every one does for a crust, I tell her I'm a X, she say's "Ah I've been looking for an X can I get your number"

The young one moves to my booth inbetween me and dancing monkey, I tell dancing monkey I was just fvcking with him and she's not really my gf of which he looks visably relieved, the poor guy was starting to get a bit wary whenever she turned to speak with him. I start rolling a smoke and HB8 starts with "eww do you smoke?" I bust her chops for having such keen observation skills and head back outside (Only smoke sometimes when I drink btw, just thought I'd put that out there)

Now I'm thinking either I go all out here with these 2 of which I wasn't really keen to do with my mates around or do I say fvck it and just make this a night with my old friends. I decide my mates who I rarely catch up with is the better option, which is also rare for me considering how drunk I am. Go to the bar grab another scotch and red bull, compliment the barmaid on her thick lips and bright red lipstick, then as I turn to head back to my table I notice a chick heading toward me in my peripheral vision, she a 5 with one of those faces that has cute and fvck me written all over it, you know the type. but she had a really thick ass which was borderline, if she had not had a massive set of bang bangs almost busting out of her top I probably would have just got her number and went back to the table.

The first thing out of her mouth she says " Do you want to have sex " . Here's a fools mate if I've ever seen one as some of the old schoolers would call it. I look to see who she's with and it's 2 skinhead guys rolling their eyes at me and her, not scary skin heads but the herbish type. I said lets go without even thinking much about it. I just knew I wanted them big new ta ta's in my mouth. She says give me your number and I'll give you a call in an hour, we are going to X first.

I head back to the table and the 2 HB's are gone, we leave. 10 minutes later ta ta's calls me, I bid my mates farewell, they are cool and know the drill. There was a bit of LMR and ASD on the way back to hers only because of all the walking, I dare say her logic was creeping in a feeble attempt to thwart the hamster, was almost impossible to find a taxi. 40 mins later I'm hearing " Oh Gosh, Oh Gosh, Oh Gosh" Not "God" which I thought was odd at the time, I just chalked it up to her being semi religious and not wanting to take the Lords name in vain or something (heh), was cute anyway.

btw I don't enjoy posting my own FR's, it's risky and all that typing plus you never cover everything that happens anyway. Good job to you though muscleman, some of us are still here with you in spirit even if we don't post FR's.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
i forgot to turn my swag off before i went to bed last nigh. i woke up covered in b!tches.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Posted a FR the other day, practically had a freefalling lesson on the first page.

That said it got a couple replies and I enjoyed writing it so you can expect some more to come from this guy on the occasion that I do have something to say



Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
i got to say, i haven't been going out lately ( past week or so) been in a low mode getting ready for school.. will be out this weekend for sure though.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Fvck it why not, seeing as my man Danger is requesting it over at the MM, plus if only to shut the resident manjayjays up. Here's one from the weekend before last. Met up with 2 mates. Both AFC, 1 an upstanding textbook nice beta, house,his own rentals, great gubment job, can count the number of women he's been with on 1 hand and still have to room to play. The other used to have naturals game, pulled quite a few hotties back in our younger years, even managed the odd 3some at a few house parties. Now he's just a worn out nub of a man and a waster, who's been shacked up with a dead sh!t with 2 or 3 kids not his own for the last 10 or so years (yes we tried to snap him out of it), he's also sporting a healthy gambling and ice addiction, but it was still good to see him again.

Met up at around 10 and could barely move for the amount of people filling up the streets, actually took me a good 15 minutes from my car to my friends area. 1 chick 5.5 early to mid 30's maybe? at the table adjacent bored with her dialogue with an orbiter was throwing out IOI's toward us waiting for a nibble of which our good beta took a bite after awhile, used some classic beta (CB) game while me and ex natural caught up on old times and talked some sh!t. CB eventually asked her if she'd like a glass of wine, which was a monumental 10 minute task in itself with the amount of people there.

CB eventually makes it back about 10 to 15 mins later and his target is now being gamed by the orbiters friend who turned up, I had a little chuckle to myself then drank her dry white.
Fast forward about an hour later and we decide to make our way indoors to a new place I'd never been before, I liked the lighting it was quite dark but really atmospheric, I made my way straight to an empty table and sat myself facing 2 HB's. The table to our left were 3 young guys and 1 young hottie, 1 of the guys was acting the loud dancing monkey who toned it down after a brief exchange in friendly words then predictably became my new best friend. Back to the 2 HB's, I started eye fvcking the older Jewish princess type looking one who's jugs looked amazing, but the young one was a solid 8 not e-stats 8 either a legit 80% perfect, she had a genuine playful vibe without being drunk, a nice feminine floral dress and long dark hair but she was very young, at least 7 or so years younger than Jewish Princess. They both obviously were town rats though , the chick hugs between themselves and random passing friends gave it away. Dancing monkey to my left who was starting to look worse for wear leans over and says "she's your gf isn't she?" I asked him which one and he's talking about the young one. I said yeah she is, but what gave it away? I can't remember exactly what he said but it was something about the way she kept looking at me. I thought that's enough and waved them both over to our table, made the small chit chat as to not upset my 2 blue pilled mates but covertly was giving JP some subtle caveman game, lots of kino with eye contact pretty much implying I was going to take her home and scramble her eggs. My 2 friends were oblivious and to be honest that's how I like it now, the effort required to explain a completely different world to life long AFC friends is just too much for me, I'm sure some of you guys know what I'm talking about. JP asks what every one does for a crust, I tell her I'm a X, she say's "Ah I've been looking for an X can I get your number"

The young one moves to my booth inbetween me and dancing monkey, I tell dancing monkey I was just fvcking with him and she's not really my gf of which he looks visably relieved, the poor guy was starting to get a bit wary whenever she turned to speak with him. I start rolling a smoke and HB8 starts with "eww do you smoke?" I bust her chops for having such keen observation skills and head back outside (Only smoke sometimes when I drink btw, just thought I'd put that out there)

Now I'm thinking either I go all out here with these 2 of which I wasn't really keen to do with my mates around or do I say fvck it and just make this a night with my old friends. I decide my mates who I rarely catch up with is the better option, which is also rare for me considering how drunk I am. Go to the bar grab another scotch and red bull, compliment the barmaid on her thick lips and bright red lipstick, then as I turn to head back to my table I notice a chick heading toward me in my peripheral vision, she a 5 with one of those faces that has cute and fvck me written all over it, you know the type. but she had a really thick ass which was borderline, if she had not had a massive set of bang bangs almost busting out of her top I probably would have just got her number and went back to the table.

The first thing out of her mouth she says " Do you want to have sex " . Here's a fools mate if I've ever seen one as some of the old schoolers would call it. I look to see who she's with and it's 2 skinhead guys rolling their eyes at me and her, not scary skin heads but the herbish type. I said lets go without even thinking much about it. I just knew I wanted them big new ta ta's in my mouth. She says give me your number and I'll give you a call in an hour, we are going to X first.

I head back to the table and the 2 HB's are gone, we leave. 10 minutes later ta ta's calls me, I bid my mates farewell, they are cool and know the drill. There was a bit of LMR and ASD on the way back to hers only because of all the walking, I dare say her logic was creeping in a feeble attempt to thwart the hamster, was almost impossible to find a taxi. 40 mins later I'm hearing " Oh Gosh, Oh Gosh, Oh Gosh" Not "God" which I thought was odd at the time, I just chalked it up to her being semi religious and not wanting to take the Lords name in vain or something (heh), was cute anyway.

btw I don't enjoy posting my own FR's, it's risky and all that typing plus you never cover everything that happens anyway. Good job to you though muscleman, some of us are still here with you in spirit even if we don't post FR's.
Nice report, I'm a titman as well and will accept a lil cushion (just a lil) in exchange. Did you at least get info on the other girls?


Tomorrow night should be easy lays all around. Go out and get some.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Been on a dating hiatus for 3 years now (ie, moving away, starting a new life, emotional healing, getting away from it all, avoiding women), so don't have **** to report. All of my advice / experiences was from the past. Will probably get back out there this year some time... Maybe. Been feeling pretty good this year. Though, there's a STRONG emphasis on relationships and marriage down here. We'll see how it goes. Definitely need to get a life again, get back in shape, and stop looking like a homeless person first. lohol. :moon:

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Parad0x said:
Tonight is date number 2, high IL... But I'm still recovering from a surgery, I don't know how it will affect my kissing
Make sure she doesn't bite your lip, all the botox will pour out! :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
The issue with LRs, in my opinion, is they don't really provoke discussions. I've posted several in my time here and the most they get is "Nice work!" or some such. Then after 2-3 responses like that they leave the first page and disappear forever.

Sad to say but the trolls here generate page after page of replies to their threads. We all know the culprits who post the most worthless topics, but people respond to them and quite frankly they're usually piquant or at least entertaining.

It could also be that the guys who get laid really don't know how they did it -- maybe it was luck -- and so they don't have much insight to offer regarding their success.

But overall, the site is less about information and learning today and more about entertainment. Everything useful to say about pickup has already been said and now we're all just alleviating boredom by being here. I know I have to read 1000 posts to get a tidbit of something I've never heard before.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
The point of a Lay Report is accountability to oneself, as well as long term analysis. I can go back to page 1 of my journal from 2007 and see how I've changed. It also helps put things into perspective, so if you have a short dry spell for example, you don't start doubting yourself because, well, you've done it plenty of times before.

I disagree that everything useful about pickup has been said. Most yes, all, hell no. There's always something new as well as fresh perspectives. On top of that, a lot of core tenets are missing; most of the content out there revolves around symptoms (eye contact, hold your head up, etc) rather than concepts.