

Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
Alright Im in quite a bind, see now I've dealt with other peoples relationships for over 6 years, except none of mine, I've never had a girlfriend. Regardless

Alright so me and this girl have been "an item" for about a month now, all her friends know I like her, all my friends know I like her, Im sure she knows I like her, I guess shes giving me some signs that she likes me.

Im just wondering when is a good time to give that hug and kiss on teh cheek combo? Yeah I know its kind of childish, but to a girl, a kiss on a cheek shows that you arnt just in it for the sexual things, that the feelings are genuine.

Little background, the other night I was over her place late, went back to my house after though, I tucked her in and kissed my index and middle finger and placed it on her head and she smiled and did that giddy laugh.

I have no idea where I am in this thing, just any advice would be good. I've always given teh advice, but its rare that I get any


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
Kiss her, not her cheek. All intimate relationships are sexual. If you want an intimate relationship, get sexual. Don't assume that she's not interested in sex.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
I understand this, but I dotn want to force her into kissing me if shes not ready for it ya know. Cause shes shown no signs of wanting to kiss me. I've slept in her bed a few times, it could be that we are both nervous about doing it cause we dont know how the other will react


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Good question

Some light kino first, non sexual of course, then light hand contact on the hands, focusing a lot on her finger tips, which many in their haste to get to the promised land completely ignore,this should bring you quite close to her, then kiss her lips and take it from there.....:up:


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
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MyOwnKryptonite said:
Alright Im in quite a bind, see now I've dealt with other peoples relationships for over 6 years, except none of mine, I've never had a girlfriend. Regardless

Alright so me and this girl have been "an item" for about a month now, all her friends know I like her, all my friends know I like her, Im sure she knows I like her, I guess shes giving me some signs that she likes me.

Im just wondering when is a good time to give that hug and kiss on teh cheek combo? Yeah I know its kind of childish, but to a girl, a kiss on a cheek shows that you arnt just in it for the sexual things, that the feelings are genuine.

Little background, the other night I was over her place late, went back to my house after though, I tucked her in and kissed my index and middle finger and placed it on her head and she smiled and did that giddy laugh.

I have no idea where I am in this thing, just any advice would be good. I've always given teh advice, but its rare that I get any

I heard about this post, and I really want to say hi.

This sounds like something I would have done in high school, when I had no game. Stop being a little wuss and talk to the girl. She's probably telling you about all of her little girly stories. Be a man, talk to her about some interesting ****, take her out and do something interesting, even if you want, with your "friends," take her home, and make out with her...then escalate. Sociually adjusted women are not comfortable with taking it slow to the point of exhaustion (unless they are in high school).

The little finger on the forehead thing is cute. Really cute. Perhaps in the movies would that actually generate a positive result for you. If I did that I would have punched myself in the face and probably would never talk to the girl again because I would have felt like a flaming moron. But that's me.

You've never had a girlfriend and you're giving advice on how to get one. Well, take advice from those who have had, and currently have girlfriends: don't do what you've been doing and CHANGE.


New Member
Oct 31, 2006
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here you go

MyOwnKryptonite said:
Alright Im in quite a bind, see now I've dealt with other peoples relationships for over 6 years, except none of mine, I've never had a girlfriend. Regardless

Alright so me and this girl have been "an item" for about a month now, all her friends know I like her, all my friends know I like her, Im sure she knows I like her, I guess shes giving me some signs that she likes me.

Im just wondering when is a good time to give that hug and kiss on teh cheek combo? Yeah I know its kind of childish, but to a girl, a kiss on a cheek shows that you arnt just in it for the sexual things, that the feelings are genuine.

Little background, the other night I was over her place late, went back to my house after though, I tucked her in and kissed my index and middle finger and placed it on her head and she smiled and did that giddy laugh.

I have no idea where I am in this thing, just any advice would be good. I've always given teh advice, but its rare that I get any

I'll give you the best advice you will ever hear.

I read your post and I cringed. Reminded me how I was in my high school days.

OK, first of all "Hug and kiss on the cheek combo" NO

If you have a woman at your place or are at her place, She expects YOU to give her some sex. When you went over there and tucked her in instead of giving her the sex that she desires from you, you have let her down, and she has lost respect for you. You need to be THE MAN that she desires, if you continue acting like this, she will be having sex with someone who isnt afraid to take risks, and take his place as a man. You need to show her your pasison as a lover, and not try to be her mother. . .her mom is the person that tucks in their child. It may be "Cute" when guys do stuff like this, but that does not equal sex and a relationship. You CAN fix this, If you bring her over tonight, and give her the passionate love that she desires and she deserves. DONT LET HER DOWN. She is counting on you. You have NO idea how sad she was shen you left and didnt give her what she needed from you, that sadness form you letting her down turns into contempt and loss of respect for you. Release your masculinity and primal desires and make Love to her. The male in the human species has been having sex with women for 600,000years. . .They didnt do any crap like the hug and kiss combo, they broguht the woman back to the cave and procreated. she already likes you and she wants to belong to you. so TAKE WHAT IS YOURS.

It seems you are pretty new in the getting women department, so I'm going to suggest getting this book "The System" By Roy Valentine (get it on yahoo or soemthing) it's perfect for those who are confused on what you need to do to start. anyway send me some pms on your progress, I'd rather not discuss this anymore here.



Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
She Doesn't Want A Hug And Kiss On The Cheek Combo She Wants C0ck.