When I was 18 MAYBE....MAYBE 3 out of every 10 girls were hot. Even semi-hot. Nowdays I laugh because if I could be 18 again I would be killing it! Back when I was 18 you HAD to take sh!t from women because who were you going to dump them for? Now, he!!, you could dump one and have 10 lined up that were hotter. Girls didn't have sh!t for bodies back then, now even AVERAGE looking girls 18 years old have bigger t!ts and @$$es then women who are 25+! Do you know how many girls I think are 22-25 and turn out to be 16-18? TONS! If you are 16-20 years old and complaining about there are no women out there, you are a fool. A FOOL!
Now don't think I was 18 forever ago, this was just back in 1999/2000. Women and their looks have changed tremendously since then! I got out my senior yearbook and looked just to make sure. I counted 5 girls I would bang today or would have banged back then. Five.