My input...
Blackstar said:
Last night while talking with her about all this another lie came out! She confessed to me that she hasnt had the 3 sex partners in the past that she told me she did but she has had 5!
Well if she was hiding something like THAT from you, that just gets me to wonder what ELSE she is NOT telling you or HIDING from you
This kind of woman is NOT the kind that is trustworthy!
Blackstar said:
She said that she was scare that if she told me that i was gonna get real mad and leave her.
You need to learn one thing about ALL women...
They will ALWAYS have excuses for their mistakes! This is one of the things that really gets to me about women, is that they will hardy EVER admitt to being in the wrong, and when they DO do something wrong they will either give you a sleezy excuse, lie to you, or try turn the situation around and find out how to put the blame on you somehow.
And by her saying "
if u want to have ur space i will grant ur wish i still love u i will not hold that against us" this tells me that she
doesnt love you, because is she really DID love you, she would fight for you, i bet she never even shed a tear when she wrote that to you. Girls can be very fake sometimes, they will act all lovey dovey towards you and tell you that they love you, but inside they are just HANGING onto you untill they come across a "better" guy and thats when they will tell you to kindly "F*ckoff"... You need to make her PROVE her love to you, because untill now for all you know she is just pulling of 1 big act and taking you for a fool.
If this girl realy IS genuine and really DOES love you, then she REALLY has a wierd way of showing it and/or fighting for you when u suggest that u should seperate. I'm saying this because I have been in a relationship with a girl for the past 2 months or so, and we have had our fights here and there, but there was once or twice where i suggested that maybe the 2 of us just werent gonna work and should move on... Now if it was your girl she would just text you some B.S like she did.... but in a case where the girl really loves you (my case) she would sms (text) you about how much you mean to her, she phone phone u (wasting all her airtime) crying and convincing you that what the 2 of you have is too special to loose and that she really does love you with all her heart, etc... till you actually realise that you were just pissed off about something and that u really DONT want to throw the relationship away. Now look at the difference between MY girl, and YOUR girl... wouldnt u want your girl to act like my 1 did? well if your answer to that is yes, then i suggest that you find yourself a girl that trully loves you, and that will give you her FULL heart, not just a small portion of it.
Blackstar said:
What do i do now? i was still gonna do what the previous post said, give her that last chance.
Well if you really are still convinced that this girl loves you and that your relationship WILL work, the fine, give her a
last chance, you dont have THAT much to loose, except for precious time, so DONT WASTE IT!
Blackstar said:
hehe and she told me that one of them was real big so that plus the other 4 explains why the p takes 4 easily,
wait... But then howcome the times BEFORE when u had sex with her her p was normall (tighter)... if the last guy was "big" or wateva that shouldnt make a difference, unless she is cheating on you, no? I mean... From the time before when u had sex with her and her p was "normall" and THIS time when her p was "loose", were you not the ONLY man she had sex with? *sigh*
Blackstar said:
believe me yall she is in love with me i can just feel it and know it
How do you want us to believe you that she loves you when u dont know yourself?
Just look at all the things pointing to the fact that she DOESNT really love you... she might like you or be attracted to you, or maybe even infatuaded with you... but love in her case is FAR from the correct term to use for how she feels about you. Well, thats at least what I think. I am not saying that she wont come to love you in the future, but all i am saying is that at this moment she does NOT love you, and cannot be trusted either.
Blackstar said:
even other people have told me that the girl really loves me.
And HOW exactly do others know this? if anyone should know, its YOU, NOT others! Just because she might speak about you to them doesnt mean that she loves you at all... she might like you alot, but judging by her behaviour and her responces (eg: the text msg) i very much dought that she loves you.
Overall... this girl is keeping things from you, is lying to you, and like you said YOURSELF, she doesnt really care if it ends or not.... I would quote some of the other stuff that would help backup my arguement, but Nine Breaker has beat me to it, so look back at all the things that he quoted if you are not convinced yet.
Nine Breaker said:
Ask her what the word LOVE means. Simple as that.
If she replies that it means she would gladly die in order to save your life without a second thought, she will happily bend over backwards (in more ways than one) to please you, and to put your needs above her own, then you MIGHT consider giving her another chance. Basically, anything that puts you above her is indicative of this case.
If she gives a response like she really cares for you, she'll let you put "it" anywhere, or any other wishy-washy BS like that, then what you think is "love" is nothing more than a short-term infatuation at the very best. Oh, and "you cannot describe an emotion like love with words" also falls into this category in case you were wondering.
I agree with this.... I think that you should start pulling little "
tests" on her to try get the REAL truth out out, and maybe catch her out on another lie or something that she is hiding from you. Just by asking her wont work because she will always have some sort of excuse to throw back at you.
Nine Breaker said:
Finally, let me remind you that ACTIONS speak louder than words. You should not have to ask a woman that above question in order to know where she stands on things - whether it is by your side, or on your balls.
This is also very true... you should have enough trust in the relationship for her to just be truthfull with you WITHOUT u having to ask her etc... I mean... if you never said anything about her p being loose etc, do u think that she would of told you about the fact that she was with
5 and not
3 guys? NO! That would of still been her secret, amongst many other "secrets" which she probably has and is CHOOSING not to share with you.
I think you need to sit her down, have a nice LOOOONG chat with her about EVERYTHING and get EVERYTHING out of her and then tell her that if you ever find out that she is keeping ANYTHING from you, then u will end it right there and then. So giving her that "1 last chance"" is OK i guess, but as long as u make sure that its a LAST chance.
Well, i think i have said what i wanted to say, so i hope that u make the right decision and NOT be blinded by what others say or what SHE sais for that matter... like Nine Breaker said... "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS" ...