Focus on basics. If you're starting out, don't bother with arms (more like don't, ever, unless you're ready to hit the beach for showoff

. They're a waste of time. Do compound exercises. Only professional Bodybuilders need fancy crap like french presses etc.
Remember, dumbbell exercises (where applicable) are superior, you can't do very heavy weights, but for a drug free/non-competing person, it's important to build muscle, not the ego. Plus, anyone eventually can work their way up to the 100-120lb dumbbells on many exercises. Now THAT is real strength.
Just do reg/inc/dec bench (dumbbell is superior) + flies and dips for chest/tris
Deads/pulls/rows (weighted when the time comes) for back and biceps
Shoulders should have their own day. Focus on basic dumbbell (standing/seated) presses, and lighter raises at various angles
Then squats/leg presses and calf raises.
Don't waste time on arms. Chances are those not mesomorphs (individual that builds muscle easily) just waste time and recovery doing that.
I'd suggest doing Chest (already involves shoulders), Legs, Shoulders, then back (do when chest has recovered),.
It's important to give enough time for recovery for each bodypart (at least 1 day in between) and never do two bodyparts on the same day, it won't allow the intensity and proper overload.
It's that simple. Follow this routine and you'll be diesel powered- drug free- within a few years.