When they're cry babies.

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
I was getting pretty wasted so I was chillin on a couch for a bit. And I see two of the girls "we let in" sitting together talking to just themselves. I knew just what to say but I knew I would **** it up in my increasing messed up state.
So my friends friend who I just met came by. And I'm like dude look at them there just talking to themselves. And thats all that I had to say and he broke them up and we both yelled at them together.
I'm like we let you guys in and this is how you act? Talking to one another and being anti-social.
The one chick was like we havent seen each other in so long.
We just kept pressing her for a few seconds and the cute one that was talking just gave up and sat between us...and she like putting her ass right on my leg.

I forgot what I first said to her. But I remember she kept looking at her cell phone. And I was just like. Did he call yet?
Who? She said.
Oh you know your guy...but I dont think he is so must be something wrong with you.
Then she just went on about her bf and how he wanted space to get his life back together.
Looked like she was going to cry. Her eyes was getting all watery.
I'm like shiiit.

My take no ****, take no drama policy forced me to gradually walk away...her friend came over and she started to talk to her anyways...that made giving the slip easier.
I could have played it but I didnt want to really get into her problems.

For future reference should I have have played more on her current emotions?
...Maybe she was faking them...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
nope, she wasnt faking, those tears came from a gal whos stuck on stupid.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
If they're cry babies, spank em (not for pleasure but to make them a bit tougher and prepare them for life of course:cool: )


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Originally posted by The Cooler King
I was getting pretty wasted so I was chillin on a couch for a bit. And I see two of the girls "we let in" sitting together talking to just themselves. I knew just what to say but I knew I would **** it up in my increasing messed up state.
So my friends friend who I just met came by. And I'm like dude look at them there just talking to themselves. And thats all that I had to say and he broke them up and we both yelled at them together.
I'm like we let you guys in and this is how you act? Talking to one another and being anti-social.
The one chick was like we havent seen each other in so long.
We just kept pressing her for a few seconds and the cute one that was talking just gave up and sat between us...and she like putting her ass right on my leg.

I forgot what I first said to her. But I remember she kept looking at her cell phone. And I was just like. Did he call yet?
Who? She said.
Oh you know your guy...but I dont think he is so must be something wrong with you.
Then she just went on about her bf and how he wanted space to get his life back together.
Looked like she was going to cry. Her eyes was getting all watery.
I'm like shiiit.

My take no ****, take no drama policy forced me to gradually walk away...her friend came over and she started to talk to her anyways...that made giving the slip easier.
I could have played it but I didnt want to really get into her problems.

For future reference should I have have played more on her current emotions?
...Maybe she was faking them...
Her: "Hi. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
You: "Sure. 59... 58... 57..."
Her: "Noooo! Seriously."
You: "Oh, a serious discussion. Ok then."
Her: "See I have this..."
You: "You are aware of my fee for serious discussions, right?"
Her: "...uh... what?"
You: "Of course. If it's worth talking about, it's worth talking about for money. Right?" *wry grin*
Her: "No, for real." *hits you*
You: "Oh. Ok. For real."
Her: "Well, my boyfriend..."
You: "Oh boy... here we go..." *roll eyes*
Her: "Hey, stop being mean."
You: "Ok, ok, ok."
Her: "He told me he needs his space, and I really love him. But he won't pay any attention to me and..."
You: "Ok, stop right there." *suddenly serious* "I know where this is going. You have made a choice here. You've chosen to be with this guy. Maybe you need a guy who is going to be distant."
Her: "No... that's not it at all! It's not like that because..."
You: "Look, you want my opinion as a guy, I will give it to you. He can't give you what you need but you are so desperately clinging to it that you can't see that your stuck in a holding pattern, right where he put you. That's just stupid. Again, you have made a choice. You know exactly how he feels because he told you and yet you are choosing to be miserable. It is hard for me to respect that."
Her: "But..."
You: "No, we are done talking about this now. I don't have time for this. Neither do you. Life is far to short. You need to move on. I'm going to help you." *grab her hand, lead her to the dance floor/make out room/S&M dungeon* "Let's have a little fun instead of crying all night, right?"

So, what have we done here?

1. Made light of the problem. It's a joke. Don't get sucked into the drama. Make it into a trivial issue. Taking it seriously is for women, not Men of Action(tm).
2. Demonstrate FIRMLY that you are not going to the LJBF zone.(Do not tolerate the "Please help me with my boyfriend problems and by the way have you ever had that not-so-fresh feeling? What did you do?" bull$hit)
3. Deliver a hard and fast answer that results primarily in:
3a. The conclusion that she has made a choice to be sad.
3b. That she can equally choose to move out of that and have a good time.
3c. That if she spends anymore time on this guy then she must have issues. Mature people explore options.
3d. That there isn't enough time in life to worry about things you can't control.
4. That you are much more fun anyhow.


In her mind you're not just the friend to cry on.
You're here, he's not.
Time is a wasting.
You know, this guy knows what he wants and is a Man of Action(tm).

Never miss a chance to lead a confused girl into your world (and therefore between your sheets).

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
Re: Re: When they're cry babies.

Originally posted by Warrior Princess
You were supposed to comfort her. She now thinks you're immature.

I think I'm the mature one.

I'm not getting weighted down by worthless bull.

Originally posted by EquityPrivate
Her: "Hi. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
You: "Sure. 59... 58... 57..."
Her: "Noooo! Seriously."
You: "Oh, a serious discussion. Ok then."
Her: "See I have this..."
You: "You are aware of my fee for serious discussions, right?"
Her: "...uh... what?"
You: "Of course. If it's worth talking about, it's worth talking about for money. Right?" *wry grin*
Her: "No, for real." *hits you*
You: "Oh. Ok. For real."
Her: "Well, my boyfriend..."
You: "Oh boy... here we go..." *roll eyes*
Her: "Hey, stop being mean."
You: "Ok, ok, ok."
Her: "He told me he needs his space, and I really love him. But he won't pay any attention to me and..."
You: "Ok, stop right there." *suddenly serious* "I know where this is going. You have made a choice here. You've chosen to be with this guy. Maybe you need a guy who is going to be distant."
Her: "No... that's not it at all! It's not like that because..."
You: "Look, you want my opinion as a guy, I will give it to you. He can't give you what you need but you are so desperately clinging to it that you can't see that your stuck in a holding pattern, right where he put you. That's just stupid. Again, you have made a choice. You know exactly how he feels because he told you and yet you are choosing to be miserable. It is hard for me to respect that."
Her: "But..."
You: "No, we are done talking about this now. I don't have time for this. Neither do you. Life is far to short. You need to move on. I'm going to help you." *grab her hand, lead her to the dance floor/make out room/S&M dungeon* "Let's have a little fun instead of crying all night, right?"

So, what have we done here?

1. Made light of the problem. It's a joke. Don't get sucked into the drama. Make it into a trivial issue. Taking it seriously is for women, not Men of Action(tm).
2. Demonstrate FIRMLY that you are not going to the LJBF zone.(Do not tolerate the "Please help me with my boyfriend problems and by the way have you ever had that not-so-fresh feeling? What did you do?" bull$hit)
3. Deliver a hard and fast answer that results primarily in:
3a. The conclusion that she has made a choice to be sad.
3b. That she can equally choose to move out of that and have a good time.
3c. That if she spends anymore time on this guy then she must have issues. Mature people explore options.
3d. That there isn't enough time in life to worry about things you can't control.
4. That you are much more fun anyhow.


In her mind you're not just the friend to cry on.
You're here, he's not.
Time is a wasting.
You know, this guy knows what he wants and is a Man of Action(tm).

Never miss a chance to lead a confused girl into your world (and therefore between your sheets).
That is completely brilliant.
Thank you.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
These chicks sound like they are 14 - 15

how old are they ?

and don't lie ;)

Lost In Translation :D


Dr Box

Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane Australia
Originally posted by Warrior Princess
You were supposed to comfort her. She now thinks you're immature.
Yeah Afterwards you can take her to the most expensive restaruant in town, shower her with gifts and call her no less then 30 times a day to make sure she is ok and still breathing, Please if any girl uses some lame shi* like that to see if a guy will respond to her, then she is a head case. Just so everyone is clear we are not shrinks, nor are we their girlfriends. I think you were smart by ejecting. Who cares if she thinks your immature that is her issue not yours.

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
Originally posted by Lost In Translation
These chicks sound like they are 14 - 15

how old are they ?

and don't lie ;)

Lost In Translation :D

College like me, man.

Originally posted by Dr Box
Yeah Afterwards you can take her to the most expensive restaruant in town, shower her with gifts and call her no less then 30 times a day to make sure she is ok and still breathing, Please if any girl uses some lame shi* like that to see if a guy will respond to her, then she is a head case. Just so everyone is clear we are not shrinks, nor are we their girlfriends. I think you were smart by ejecting. Who cares if she thinks your immature that is her issue not yours.
Thats how I see it.



Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
you failt. you should use her. as you knew shes stupid coz she tells you story of her life, and she has bf. you should have sex with her coz she was open.

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
Originally posted by [o_0]
you failt. you should use her. as you knew shes stupid coz she tells you story of her life, and she has bf. you should have sex with her coz she was open.

And who's fault is it that you don't know a bit of english?