When the eyes of desire are upon you


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I had a really interesting day yesterday. I was out with my gf at the book store, just browsing. We had fun, but I ended up wandering off on my own despite her begging me to stay by her side to look at books I wasn't interested in :D

I was in a really good mood, and it must have been showing.

There was one girl there who was working, and she had helped me figure out a price on a book. She was maybe a HB6.5 (could be higher if she dressed nicer) but when I went wandering off on my own, she seemed to orbit around me, pretending to get work done. I changed locations in the store a few times, and she would seemingly follow me and orbit some more.

A couple of girls started looking at DVDs in my vicinity while I was browsing a book. They were noticeably loud and they both kept raising their eyes to look at me.

I moved around the store quite a bit to look at other books, and it seemed that I was noticeably distracting many of the women there. I wasn't being loud or rude, just content in my own skin. Women were looking at me as if I was the most attractive thing in the store. Had one almost crash into me when I turned the corner. She apologized, smiled, and went on her way.

The aura I give off must be incredible. Women seem to be able to smell confident, satisfied men.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Desdinova said:
Women seem to be able to smell confident, satisfied men.
Yea, I've noticed that too. Whenever I'm out and about with a decent girl that I'm currently happy with, I get tons of attention and nice looks.

Sometimes I've even been asked by a current girl if I know some strange girl that's vibing me.

I've also noticed sometimes that when I'm alone sometimes girls that are with obvious boyfriends are MUCH easier to flirt with.

I suppose that people are much more attractive when they are happy and, as you said, content in their own skin.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
This has been happening to me alot lately. Just last nite I was out with a buddy and it seemed like every girl in the room had their eyes on me at one time or another, even the married ones.

I must say its a pretty good feeling ..


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
when i go out with my wife i usually don't get looked at that much, usually, or maybe i do and i just do not notice it, but when i go out by myself or with my son i get looked at often enough.

one day i took my son to a movie in the middle of the day, and the theater was pretty empty and this woman and her daughter sit like right smack dab next to me and my son and was trying to talk to me during the movie.

and the sad thing is, women's bar's are set so low now.. if you would just take your ass to the gym and learn how to half ass dressed you will not have a problem finding a woman. most men won't even do that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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I FIRMLY believe they can smell confidence, just as bees smell fear.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Its possible you were imagining all of this.

Could be a self fullfiling prophecy sort of, "I feel so down and look, everybody thinks im a dumb fvck, I can hear them laughing at me" OR "I feel so great, and look, all these girls love me, look at the way they are giggling in front of me"

But in reality, strangers did not think any different of you, you just imagined it. Just sayin...


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2011
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backbreaker said:
and the sad thing is, women's bar's are set so low now.. if you would just take your ass to the gym and learn how to half ass dressed you will not have a problem finding a woman. most men won't even do that.
Come on bb. It's not that simple for most. I'm sure you give off a vibe.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
jhl said:
Come on bb. It's not that simple for most. I'm sure you give off a vibe.
it really is. seriously.

i'm not saying that you will be just knocking down HB 9 after HB 9 but, i have exprerienced it with my own life and i know enough guys at the gym and just in genreal, if you get your ass in serious shape you will have NO problem. there is a dude at my gym that would make Forest gump look like noam chomsky, and **** him and i are about in the same shape, he doesn't just go crazy in the gym but he's in the gym every day, always has women looking at him/ around him, picking him up from the gym, etc.

I'ved talked about the girl behind the desk at our gym. she works out there too and i know her pretty well by now, a legit HB9. not my type, too religious but her body mother of god, yes. anyway, one day this dude, asked her out. just point blank hey i want to take you out. this i through the grapevine i did not see it myself i was not there. anyway, she was telling me about it a few days later while we were both on the treadmill in the morning and i know she said no she has a BF, and i asked her what did she think and she said without hesitation oh if i was single yeah i'd go he's hot. probably wouldn't date him long term, he seriousyl is slow lol, and she can do better long term and has better from what i presume, but just to kick it and i am no dating anyone at the time and this dude asks me out? sign her up, "why not he's very good looking".

and thi sis the furthest thing from a slut **** she's a virgin. I mean, not my type but attraction is attraction. mnost of you guys are fighting against the current. they just arne't attracted to you. become attractive. part of that is expanding yourself mentally and doing new and exciting things.. but part of that is just working out ona constant basis.

usually once a month someone in the gym or just in general will look at me and ask me "how do you get in that type of shape".l i mean i'm not jay cutler or anything but i am pretty ripped by now and it easily shows. or ask me for workout advice or how long i work out and stuff.

seriously, my workout routine on avg..40 minutes. i generally get to the gym by 8:15 in the morning and by 9am i'm in the swimming pool. it doesn to take this huge ass commitment of time to get in shape you just have to stick with it. I don't even have to swim i just love to swim so i swim. 45 mins an hour a day. but i have been working out pretty much 6 days a week since i was 22 years old and i am 29.

it really is not that hard.


New Member
May 2, 2010
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st_99 said:
Its possible you were imagining all of this.

Could be a self fullfiling prophecy sort of, "I feel so down and look, everybody thinks im a dumb fvck, I can hear them laughing at me" OR "I feel so great, and look, all these girls love me, look at the way they are giggling in front of me"

But in reality, strangers did not think any different of you, you just imagined it. Just sayin...
You know, I actually agree that could be the case. However, it is a good feeling to have at the moment... even if its based on a delusion, LOL!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I have to agree with OP. Several years ago I was giving my then-g/f a tour of my law school. We were having fun as we always do (still friends). The times when I let her wander away or she was in the bathroom, I noticed chicks were giving me smiles and glances I'd never noticed before. It was so noticeable to me that I remember it to this day.

There's definitely something to it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
I can honestly say I know I'm not delusional about this. I noticed this happening a few years ago when I was in college playing football.

Naturally I was in really good shape so I'm sure that had alot to do with it. Also, my confidence was probably at its all time high back then.

My confidence level has increased the past few months because I am finally getting to a place where I can build my life the way I want it. I have a pretty good job right now and had an interview last week for an even better job. Theres certainly a degree of confidence that comes with securing stable, good paying employment.

I just recently started back at the gym but I have never been sloppy, I trained incessantly for the better part of a decade so its not just going to disappear easily.

I know I still got it when I can get a hot little 20 year olds number pretty easily, which I did last friday nite.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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There are two things women can smell from a man a mile away:

* Satisfying confidence

* Crippling self-doubt


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Jitterbug said:
There are two things women can smell from a man a mile away:

* Satisfying confidence

* Crippling self-doubt
and apparently creed Himalaya lol. i have a lot of colonge but every time i put it on i get compliments or women turning their heads


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
BB that stuff is $140 an ounce.. It better get some glances your way.. My Chanel Bleu does the same for half the price!

I am intrigued though..


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Feels pretty good to have that 22 year old girlfriend, doesn't it, Des? Nice little ego boost.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
There are two things women can smell from a man a mile away:

* Satisfying confidence

* Crippling self-doubt
I think you give them too much credit, though. Their "sniffers" aren't as exacting as you describe. They can be way off, in one direction or the other.

It is all about perception to them, and as I've experienced, just one tiny added detail can change their perceived view of you dramatically. This just proves that they really don't know or can't sniff out the good guys from the bad guys all that well. They can only sniff out perceptions, and it's your job to give off the right one. But even then, the lapse between your game and their perception of it can be a mile off.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
There are two things women can smell from a man a mile away:

* Satisfying confidence

* Crippling self-doubt
I agree with easun's comment above. This is one of those things PUAs say all the time, but I don't think it's necessarily true. I wasn't really that confident in my 20s, but I knew I was supposed to fake it, as far as I could tell they never knew the difference, I still got laid. It wasn't that I was confident, I was just very horny and highly motivated (a lot of hormones coursing through your system in your 20s).

Also, a lot of the ****y, swagger type behavior that girls supposedly respond to is actually based in insecurity (they're overcompensating). So just how good are their sniffers really?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Crippling self-doubt is not what either of you had.

Not being super confident is not the same as having crippling self-doubt.

It's neither about you being good guy or bad guy, nor it is about you having any insecurity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Fine, but I think the OP is talking about a specific confidence and happiness that is achieved when you're with a woman you like, and who likes you.

I'm a confident guy and I get looks, but the looks I got when I was in the situation I posted about with my girlfriend were different.. they were smiley looks; interested but not furtive; open and friendly. Not "checking me out" per se but like the woman was simply and openly enjoying me enjoying myself. Very interesting.