When text frequency dies down


Sep 11, 2013
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If she hasn't asked for exclusivity yet than she probably has lol.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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Espi said:
In my opinion it is more natural for relationships to dissolve into obscurity. I personally see no reason to feel concerned. You've enjoyed NSA sex and that has run its course. Plates go cold and that is the perfect tine to let them go.

You caught a nice fish. Now release it.
This. People tend to cling to what's familiar and comfortable and the idea that this can change or end at any moment scare the sh!t out of them and their mind make all kind of stupid rationalizations just to not hurt that fragile ego.

That's why abundance mindset and having other options is the gist of this called game.

Example: Few days ago a girl rejected my suggestion for a date. I didn't give two fvcks about that rejection because i didn't expect any reaction from her, either positive or negative. So I didn't react at all and I never gave it any thought afterwards. I just sent another text to a different girl and the night was great.

don't expect anything to last forever. Don't expect a particular reaction when you ask her out or when you do anything and you will never post things like this.

You can't control people but you can control yourself. and by mastering oneself women will have no power over you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2014
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Sucks but you gotta go nc and let her chase, she probably won't but at this point it is the only chance you have.

I find texting girls to be really bad yet I still do it. It works against you in two ways... one you become emotionally invested even if you don't realize it, two, she starts to see you as too available and more or a friend.

I know this yet I still happily text hb's. Why?

Ray S

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2014
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In my experience when texts etc start dying down then thats when things start taking a turn for the worst.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Thanks for the replies folks.

I do need to address this one post here...as its pretty incorrect.
mikey2012 said:
When you expect a woman to do certain things for you ie respect love .. You are on a slippery road . Read black dragon book the unchained man.

Who cares whether she calls you or respects you or is truthful. You still choose the blue pill . Your behaviour is needy and beta.
By beating her to the punch and getting rid of her proves you have feelings.

Be imdifferent. If she calls you go fvck her. That's it.

My advice would be to soft next her and go NC . Don't come here and whine about something trivial as this .

So a guy that wants respect and honesty from a woman he dates is a needy blue pill beta? So I guess zekko, Danger, Desdinova, Atom Smasher, SocialLeper, PairPlusRoyalFlush, and a whole slew of other veterans here are needy blue pill betas then huh? Because every single one of those guys Ive seen talk about a man expecting respect and honesty from the women he dates.

The whole "who cares" mindset is for dudes who dont give a damn about dating and smashing low quality skanks. And I never said I wanted this girl to call me. I merely inquired about texting habits.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Jaylan said:
Thanks for the replies folks.

I do need to address this one post here...as its pretty incorrect.


So a guy that wants respect and honesty from a woman he dates is a needy blue pill beta? So I guess zekko, Danger, Desdinova, Atom Smasher, SocialLeper, PairPlusRoyalFlush, and a whole slew of other veterans here are needy blue pill betas then huh? Because every single one of those guys Ive seen talk about a man expecting respect and honesty from the women he dates.

The whole "who cares" mindset is for dudes who dont give a damn about dating and smashing low quality skanks. And I never said I wanted this girl to call me. I merely inquired about texting habits.
By inquiring about texting habits ... You care... If you didn't you wouldn't be posting this crap .

Newby 15

Jan 1, 2015
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Plates come and go, so no real reason to get concerned unless you're more invested than you care to admit. Be the man and make the choice. She will still come back if you let her go and she has no other guy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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mikey2012 said:
By inquiring about texting habits ... You care... If you didn't you wouldn't be posting this crap .
Yes... I'm a man who cares about respect and honesty and holds people to their word...male or female...friend or dating. If I'm dating someone and they say they're only gonna see me, lying would show low quality. My point is that one shouldn't say something and then go back on their word.

That's what screening is all about...being on the lookout for poor behavior. I may be bring presumptuous about her texting habits...but I may also be right on the money. Nothing wrong with a dude being aware of behavioral changes while screening.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Jaylan you are caring too much about her, more than she cares about you, otherwise you wouldn't be asking this.
She made it clear from the start that she doesn't want serious relationship.
She has the potential to hurt you, if you get emotionally attached.

Looks like she was a plate at first, but then moved to something else in your mind, but not in hers.

I would break it off if I were you. There will be much less potential for heartache. Been there, done that. Not worth it, trust me!

And by the way, you shouldn't be texting her just for the sake of conversations. That's a major attraction killer right there. She is your plate, you should only text her to set up a date, nothing more.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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I'd cut contact and wait to see if she is more responsive. In the meantime, start meeting new girls not lowering your standards for this particular one. Looks like she is starting to fade off.

way2smart said:
And by the way, you shouldn't be texting her just for the sake of conversations. That's a major attraction killer right there. She is your plate, you should only text her to set up a date, nothing more.
That's bullsh1t.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Jaylan said:
Yes... I'm a man who cares about respect and honesty and holds people to their word...male or female...friend or dating. If I'm dating someone and they say they're only gonna see me, lying would show low quality. My point is that one shouldn't say something and then go back on their word.

That's what screening is all about...being on the lookout for poor behavior. I may be bring presumptuous about her texting habits...but I may also be right on the money. Nothing wrong with a dude being aware of behavioral changes while screening.
She's a plate ...right .. Not your gf or wife . You use her for sex. So why you care so much. People go back on their word all the time. People cheat . People lie.. Who cares? You are still stuck in fairyland. Snap out of it. If she calls she calls if she don't then who cares? You must have other stuff to do. Women come and go. You're too highly strung . Do yourself a favor and read the black dragon blog.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2015
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Somewhere cosy
Text messages decreasing among other things signifies a low IL, there's no point in recovering interest level if she isn't your gf, move on and don't make yourself to available to the next woman. Hopefully for you when you move on she comes around good luck :)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Octogonal said:
That's bullsh1t.
It's not. It's been proven over and over again that text messaging just for the sake of conversation kills attraction.
Every single DJ related blog and books teach not to text message unless it has a purpose, like to set up a date for instance and not just to say hello.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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way2smart said:
It's not. It's been proven over and over again that text messaging just for the sake of conversation kills attraction.
Every single DJ related blog and books teach not to text message unless it has a purpose, like to set up a date for instance and not just to say hello.
lol, you take what internet "gurus" say too seriously. Many of the guys writing blogs online are generally crap with women from what Ive seen.

Its 2015 and people text. No one wants to be on the phone all the time. And I definitely wouldnt pick up if a girl wanted to call me everytime she had something to say or plan with me. Texting works fine, and using text has gotten me laid. And no one is saying texting is going on for the sake of texting. Texting is being done to stay in regular contact with busy people in the 21st century.

What I think many people replying here are missing is this: I see this girl whenever I have free time to do so. And when we do hang out, we have sex and have a fun time. All this thread was about, was to inquire if I should take note in how the texting has died down some. We still take everyday however, and when we're together, nothing is different.

So its either 1 of 2 things: 1. we've gotten to the point where we dont need extra text convos as we already know one another well and dont use our communication for important stuff. Or 2. Shes losing some interest and may be on the outs soon. No way to be certain just yet, as things are the same when we are together. So time will tell.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Jaylan said:
Texting works fine, and using text has gotten me laid. And no one is saying texting is going on for the sake of texting. Texting is being done to stay in regular contact with busy people in the 21st century.
Oh, I see it's working very well for you. Judging by her waning attraction according to the stuff you posted here.

I don't take any blogs or gurus seriously, unless I'm sure I have experienced it myself. Texting will get you laid, sure, but in order for her attraction to stay where it is you have to keep being a challenge and texting kills that.

There is some percentage of girls, with whom texting is fine, but it's because their interest level is already through the roof and no matter how hard you try to f***k it up, it will still stay there. But this is clearly not the case in your situation.

I'm not advocating to be on the phone all the time. Texting is fine, you just have to use it wisely. I only use it for setting up dates. I don't text every day just to keep a conversation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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way2smart said:
Oh, I see it's working very well for you. Judging by her waning attraction according to the stuff you posted here.

I don't take any blogs or gurus seriously, unless I'm sure I have experienced it myself. Texting will get you laid, sure, but in order for her attraction to stay where it is you have to keep being a challenge and texting kills that.

There is some percentage of girls, with whom texting is fine, but it's because their interest level is already through the roof and no matter how hard you try to f***k it up, it will still stay there. But this is clearly not the case in your situation.
Did you ignore my entire post?

I said I see her whenever I choose to, and have never been turned down for sex. I simply asked if text frequency during a single day, indicates anything. And again, I repeat...she will text me every single say...and whenever I dont initiate she checks in with me when she gets home from work.

So again...I repeat...some of you are missing what Ive been saying. Could attraction be waning? Possibly. But how we interact when I see her has not changed one bit.

Youre saying I need to be a challenge...so I guess when she texts me after work, I should ignore her and not reply for a day or two? That would certainly be an attraction killer when shes told me how she hated poor response patterns from her ex, and how it drove a wedge between them. Tell me how exactly I need to be a challenge with someone I dont see every single day, and when we do text, the convos are not very long and drawn out. (they are simple short convos about what happened during the day)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Jaylan said:
Youre saying I need to be a challenge...so I guess when she texts me after work, I should ignore her and not reply for a day or two? That would certainly be an attraction killer when shes told me how she hated poor response patterns from her ex, and how it drove a wedge between them.
Of course she says she hated poor response patterns, but also guess what? She loved her ex for it, he was a challenge.

I would say reply to her texts in an hour or so. Ignoring for a day might be taking it too far. And when you reply, try to be playful and dirty. But try not to initiate yourself, unless it's to set up a date for sex.

Also if she tries to meet up for sex, say you are busy or have other plans on that day. Do that once in a while. Otherwise, she will know she can have sex with you anytime she wants, which is bad for being a challenge.


Sep 11, 2013
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way2smart said:
Of course she says she hated poor response patterns, but also guess what? She loved her ex for it, he was a challenge.

I would say reply to her texts in an hour or so. Ignoring for a day might be taking it too far. And when you reply, try to be playful and dirty. But try not to initiate yourself, unless it's to set up a date for sex.

Also if she tries to meet up for sex, say you are busy or have other plans on that day. Do that once in a while. Otherwise, she will know she can have sex with you anytime she wants, which is bad for being a challenge.
Yet, she is not with her ex, she is with op lol