When text frequency dies down


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Is that anything to be concerned with? Say youve been seeing someone for a few months, and text is your main mode of conversation...and now you dont have nearly as many convos and you notice response delays (happens on both ends, but mainly the other person's)

Also, this is someone you see about once a week. Sometimes a little longer when schedules are really busy. Sex is still very good, affection is the same in communication and when we arent together.

Also this isnt a girlfriend. So considering the nature of many women nowadays, Im expecting this to end soon tbh. I dont have much trust in any women to let me know upfront that they wanna see other people.

All I know is a part of my gut is telling me to expect something. However, over the few months dating this girl, everytime Ive expected drama or bad news, there hasnt been any and shes surprised me by being pretty honest and normal so far.

So I dunno if Im being over-paranoid, or if my gut will prove right again and that maybe I had reason to be so cautious the last few months.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
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New York
If you are dating and she is not your girlfriend
1) she wants more ..she wants you to ask her out
2) already started an ex cape by talking to a guy who seems to want to give her the tittle.

Sit down and think of what you really want from her. What ever you do ..DONT become needy and force convos , stay busy and start talking to other women.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Yorkex said:
If you are dating and she is not your girlfriend
1) she wants more ..she wants you to ask her out
2) already started an ex cape by talking to a guy who seems to want to give her the tittle.

Sit down and think of what you really want from her. What ever you do ..DONT become needy and force convos , stay busy and start talking to other women.
Not sure if she wants more. She's been single for years, and actually made it a point early on to say the idea of labels and settling down bothers her.

Though I take that with a grain of salt coming from any girl. However, I cannot pretend every single girl wants to get locked down in a relationship. Ive gotten burned in the past thinking certain girls were suited for commitment.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Peña said:
What's to worry when you still get sex?
Dont wanna be banging a girl thats banging other dudes. And thats what I suspect when communication changes and we only hang out once a week. She has plenty of time to wander if she wants.
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Your gut is correct shes a ho any significant change in behavior yada yada
Thats what Im thinking. Im wondering if I should beat her to the punch and call things off.

That said, I dont wanna jump the gun in the chance Im incorrect.

Like I said, I could be paranoid...but my guts usually right about stuff. And my guys saying this despite her telling me she just told one of her childhood friends about me...and how she wants to meet me. My defenses simply interprets it as an attempt to hoodwink me.


Jan 8, 2015
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Jaylan said:
Dont wanna be banging a girl thats banging other dudes. And thats what I suspect when communication changes and we only hang out once a week. She has plenty of time to wander if she wants.
Thats what Im thinking. Im wondering if I should beat her to the punch and call things off.
How do you not know she wasn't before? She could bang dudes all the time. No?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Peña said:
How do you not know she wasn't before? She could bang dudes all the time. No?
Im pretty certain she wouldnt have been. But I see where your advice is going.

Sorry, but I dont buy the argument of "well she could always be sleeping around and you not know, so you shouldnt care if you find out she does"

But Id care about her doing stuff on the side, because if she does, it makes her a liar. I dont date liars. So hopefully Im wrong and just overanalyzing this.


Jan 8, 2015
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Jaylan said:
Im pretty certain she wouldnt have been. But I see where your advice is going.

Sorry, but I dont buy the argument of "well she could always be sleeping around and you not know, so you shouldnt care if you find out she does"
But you don't know. Maybe she bang him on other days when not with you. Now she is more serious about other guy and not with you. Maybe she bang nobody and slacks on text. Know before you jump to conclusion to call her a liar. Did she say she don't do side stuff?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Usually a bad sign. She probably digging someone else so you on the backburner. Nothing much you can do. If you initiate now and text her more her attraction for you will be lowered. If you wait for her texts then you will be at her mercy. Go find another plate. Girls her are into you will initiate texts and respond quickly. If you are finding huge time gaps and short responses , this means she's getting happy somewhere else. Also texting her should be fluid like having a convo, not like an email. You should be texting her and she you in real time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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mikey2012 said:
Usually a bad sign. She probably digging someone else so you on the backburner. Nothing much you can do. If you initiate now and text her more her attraction for you will be lowered. If you wait for her texts then you will be at her mercy. Go find another plate. Girls her are into you will initiate texts and respond quickly. If you are finding huge time gaps and short responses , this means she's getting happy somewhere else. Also texting her should be fluid like having a convo, not like an email. You should be texting her and she you in real time.
We text in real time, but just left often lately. There are time gaps, but the texts are the same length as always. Usually several in succession depend on the convo too.
Peña said:
But you don't know. Maybe she bang him on other days when not with you. Now she is more serious about other guy and not with you. Maybe she bang nobody and slacks on text. Know before you jump to conclusion to call her a liar. Did she say she don't do side stuff?
Yeah, she made it clear early on that she would be only seeing me.

I know I shouldnt jump the gun...but Im trying to minimize any chance I get made to look like a fool.


Jan 8, 2015
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Jaylan said:
I know I shouldnt jump the gun...but Im trying to minimize any chance I get made to look like a fool.
If you feel something is fishy make the call. Better jump the gun than be the fool. Then you can get a new girl won't be so bad.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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Jaylan said:
Not sure if she wants more. She's been single for years, and actually made it a point early on to say the idea of labels and settling down bothers her.

Though I take that with a grain of salt coming from any girl. However, I cannot pretend every single girl wants to get locked down in a relationship. Ive gotten burned in the past thinking certain girls were suited for commitment.

The bold sounds like something I would say. Never have, js. She's warned you, she's in no rush to bf you up. 2yrs single....interesting. Maybe she got burned?

Actions speak louder than words bro, play it out it's early. Usually by mo3 texting increases, interest is slipping?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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hockeyfreak79 said:
The bold sounds like something I would say. Never have, js. She's warned you, she's in no rush to bf you up. 2yrs single....interesting. Maybe she got burned?

Actions speak louder than words bro, play it out it's early. Usually by mo3 texting increases, interest is slipping?
Actually we have both been single for like 5 years tbh. I was burned badly by my ex. Her though, she never quite said she was burned or heartbroken over the ex. Just that she really disliked his lack of communication and effort. She also says she dislikes the way her friends seem to b!tch about their relationship problems...so that seems to play into her being single and enjoying her alone time.

She didnt want to experience that life of drama her friends had. And Im not sure about texting increasing as time goes on. In my experience texting can decrease some as interest wanes, or as people get comfortable and things arent so new that it requires a constant need to speak as much.

Ive talk to a couple friends and they think Im being paranoid. But tbh...I like that I overanalyze. Its much better than getting blindsided or getting butthurt if things dont work out. I like feeling prepared for the worst outcomes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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She doesnt talk to you couse she talks to other men. You are obviously falling for her emotionally which a big big big big big big big big big big mistake. Dont listen to what she tells you, a woman lies everytime her lips move. You have to read betweent the words. But shes ****ing\flirting with other dudes. Its a fact deal with it. Wheather she actually puts other ****s in her mouth is irrelevant. Just dont contemplate on that sure its hygenically disguisting but Ive cheated on every girl Ive had so you when you cheat and then an hour later **** your GF its the same isnt it. Double standart bro ;]. If you want to keep her interested stop talking to her for a while, for example say you have stuff to do and cant text her the next time she contacts. Be polite in the way you reject her and shell come around begging for that ****. But dont expect or ask for more. Give her the **** and dont expect or ask for more no matter what she tells you. She obviously is not ready for a serious thing so dont listen to her if she tries to convince you otherwise.

She sees great value in you thats for sure. But she hasnt accepted her *****dom which every woman has and hasnt learnt to control her behaviour. See I think a woman who is aware of her nature is capable of controlling her instincts. Problem is most women your age are not aware what they are. Or are aware and decided to embrace the *****dom. But then you wouldnt think seriously about an obvious *****, so your girl probably is still in the female stage equivalent of young dumb and full of ***. See after redpilling hard women who sleep around but act like they're more pure than spring water are both funny and pathetic to me nowadays. They have 0 understanding of live, they havent embraced their *****dom and dealt with it couse they are weak and immature and cant hadndle the contradiction with the fasle idea she has for herself. They deserve an want only 1 thing no matter how they present themselves. Wheather or when she wakes up and starts acting decent is not up to you but up to her. Fact is, if shes lacking in intelligence she will never wake up. Dont giver her your heart and dont go serious and if you think she hasnt ****ed anyone else youre naive. Many women havent embraced their innate *****dom and cant admit it to themselves couse that would contradict their sick belief they are decent and pure which is basically hilarious.

See you admit you havent commited to anything serious yet you expect her not to bang other dudes. This is not healthy thinking. This is *******ry. I was like that too, probably still am. But time for reality check bro. Id give you a blister of red pills if I had one.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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You care too much and even though she not your gf you are in love with her that's why you posting all this. If I were you I would terminate the relationship before you get in more trouble.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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I think your username is almost rather apt =P...because youre reading way too much into this. That long post was not necessary. And btw, I see the girl as much as I want, and we have sex pretty much every time I see her. Im simply talking about text frequency here to see if its an indicator of whats to come. I never said we havent been having sex, or that we havent been hanging out.

Could she be doing stuff with other dudes? If shes a liar, than sure she could. But I have not said my goal here is to win a chick back that I havent yet lost...or worry about her running back to me if I called things off. Nor did I need to hear so much about the "nature of women"
mikey2012 said:
You care too much and even though she not your gf you are in love with her that's why you posting all this. If I were you I would terminate the relationship before you get in more trouble.
Jeez, and I thought I overanalyzed things.

Love? lmfao...not even close. I like the girl, but Im more concerned with respect and honesty coming from her. Not love.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Jaylan said:
Jeez, and I thought I overanalyzed things.

Love? lmfao...not even close. I like the girl, but Im more concerned with respect and honesty coming from her. Not love.
Dude, respect and honesty are love. If you ever doubt her honesty or respect for even one second than she is not honest and doesnt respect you. See you say she treats you so nice, yet she gives you the cold shoulder when you text her. See this is contradictory. Then if you fall for her and go serious she will start doing other stuff like flirting with men behind your back and then hinting to you she did it. Basically she screams IM A ***** but she doesnt have the balls to tell you this derectly. If you react youre ****ed. If you dont youre ****ed. Dont go serious with her. Just **** her and use her for sex or she will **** you up. Dont fall for it bro. See shes becoming a habit. A bad habit. I feel sorry for you.

You may say Im overanalising but I speak from my experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Jaylan said:
Jeez, and I thought I overanalyzed things.

Love? lmfao...not even close. I like the girl, but Im more concerned with respect and honesty coming from her. Not love.
Dude, respect and honesty are love. You already seek her love but cant even admit it. Do you need to be loved or love to be needed? If you ever doubt her honesty or respect for even one second than she is not honest and doesnt respect you. See you say she treats you so nice, yet she gives you the cold shoulder when you text her. See this is contradictory. Then if you fall for her and go serious she will start doing other stuff like flirting with men behind your back and then hinting to you she did it. Basically she screams IM A ***** but she doesnt have the balls to tell you this derectly. If you react youre ****ed. If you dont youre ****ed. Dont go serious with her. Just **** her and use her for sex or she will **** you up. Dont fall for it bro. See shes becoming a habit. A bad habit. I feel sorry for you.

You may say Im overanalising but I speak from my experience.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
When you expect a woman to do certain things for you ie respect love .. You are on a slippery road . Read black dragon book the unchained man.

Who cares whether she calls you or respects you or is truthful. You still choose the blue pill . Your behaviour is needy and beta.
By beating her to the punch and getting rid of her proves you have feelings.

Be imdifferent. If she calls you go fvck her. That's it.

My advice would be to soft next her and go NC . Don't come here and whine about something trivial as this .