PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Women are not attracted to internal confidence, they are attracted to external displays of confidence.
A natural extrovert thus will appear confident.
An introvert can watch and mimic the extrovert.
Fvck extroverts. Extroverts require the attention of others more than introverts.
I agree women like bold action, however.
VladPatton said:
Completely untrue. I've seen this exact situation in the flesh. The naturally charismatic guy made out like a bandit and was a hit at the party because he had a "way" about him that exuded fun.
I don't that having a fun, charismatic personality is necessarily the same thing as being confident, however. Those are two different things. Certainly guys with charismatic, fun personalities can attract women, even if they aren't the best looking guy. What if a guy has a dull personality and is confident, though? Lol.
DaddyLongShanks said:
Confidence which is also affirmed externally is much more resilient and you SHOULD seek it.
They also say in the community that you should not seek validation. But as you say, if your confidence can be confirmed externally it may grow much stronger.
There is a PUA guru I read, I think it was the Tao of Badass, it recommends seeking validation so you have a firm base for your confidence. Like he said something to a girl about how he was hot, and she laughed but said "Yeah, I guess you are kind of hot". So he stated his belief, it was confirmed externally, and he was able to firmly believe it from then on.
Espi said:
I personally do not think that confidence always stems from a byproduct of success. Often, confidence PRECEDES success. And often, people have success while feeling zero confidence. So, I'm not convinced that success guarantees confidence. With some people and in some situations, yes. But not every time.
Success doesn't necessarily guarantee confidence, and confidence doesn't necessarily guarantee success. It can go both ways. Like you say, it can be different with different people and different situations.
Some guys don't have a lot to work with but believe in themselves and make something out of it. Some guys have the tools but don't know how to put it together. I don't know if it's all confidence, necessarily, and I think the whole "Women love confidence" thing is overblown, but it's a factor.