when player meets playette


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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blueline said:
A playette is a girl that sleeps with multiple men at the same time. Whether or not the men think she's exclusive with them doesn't really matter.

It's not some girl that knows how to flirt in a funny, enjoyable way. Every girl should be good at that.
So you're saying that 'playette' and 'slut' are the same thing? Somehow I think that's wrong. Because being a slut takes no talent, just a willingness to let guys do you. Whereas if 'playette' is analogous to 'player,' and being a player takes some talent, this would mean that a playette is someone who gets lots of men to propose marriage to her or something.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Zarky said:
So you're saying that 'playette' and 'slut' are the same thing? Somehow I think that's wrong. Because being a slut takes no talent, just a willingness to let guys do you. Whereas if 'playette' is analogous to 'player,' and being a player takes some talent, this would mean that a playette is someone who gets lots of men to propose marriage to her or something.
I agree with what you're saying here. Being a slut takes no talent.
That's why I think a "playette" (shouldn't it be playerette?) is an attention ho.
She may not need the guy to propose to her, but she gets multiple guys hung up on her.
The player deals in sex, the playerette deals in emotion.


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
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Zarky said:
The fact that nobody is able to come up with a definition of the term "playette" means this discussion is fruitless.
I registered just to answer the long ago abandoned question that is "what is a playette?" Most of the men on here say that the female player doesn't exist. I'd like to take a moment to call BULL****.
As a female player (oh **** boys, we exist!) I think I can answer best what the female player is. And I'll even provide some warning signs of female players.
A player is quite simply: anyone who manipulates someones emotions to benefit themselves (get what they want). This could be for anything from sex to that new pillow pet you just have to have, but can't afford.
A playette isn't necessarily out for sex. A girl who sleeps around a lot is called a slut gentleman, and the only one she's playing is herself. I don't sleep around, I don't need sex to get what I want, and I get what I want. That right there is it. The thing that defines a playette, and seperates her from the common *****. SHE CAN GET WHAT SHE WANTS WITHOUT HAVING TO FLASH YOU. She doesn't need a vagina to have you crawling at her every beck. She uses her words, body language, (and perhaps some sex appeal).
Most playettes don't go for players (yes boys, we can spot you from a mile away). We go for the easy guys. The nice guys. They are the ones with the cash, and the ignorance to fall for our ploys. And on the off chance we do play a player, it all comes down to the better player. Sometimes the playette loses, but we shake it off and try again.
Another thing about playettes that you may find interesting, most playettes became playettes because they were played. After being played again and again it becomes pretty exhausting. So, you become what you can't stand. You become what you fear (I think that came from Batman so don't quote me on that), because everyone knows you can't play a player....or can you?
I personally, have played many a player. They all hate me of course, but I, me, a girl, a player, played these seemingly untouchable men...and I won. Because I have game. That's right, playettes have game. Lots of it. Now I'm not saying I could play every player and win. I'm simply saying that I can play the game without having to spread um. I can get what I want without having to give much. And that makes me a player doesn't it?

All that being said, I promised you a list of warning signs of playettes, so here it is...

[Seven signs she's a player]
1. She'll be dressed to impress, but she wont be dressed slutty. She'll leave plenty to the imagination.
2. She's always "busy", or never answers the phone, never calls, etc. If you're doing most or all of the contacting, she might be a player.
3. She has a lot of guy "friends". Be careful with this one, she may just have a lot of guy friends. But if she doesn't like you to hang with them and her, or if she introduces you as another "friend" she's a player.
4. She'll be charming. Extremely. She may not even speak much, but whatever she says or does, "just hooks you". She'll just be unnaturally interesting.
5. Usually woman players are more discreet in their tactics. If she's quiet, reluctant, but gives you "the eye" and flirts a little, she might be a player. (Watch out though, she could just be mega shy and really like you).
6. She makes the date plans. Woman like to be taken care of and it's no different on a date. However, if she chooses the location and time, you may have a player...or one controlling ass woman. Either way, get out!!!
7. Follow your guts. Articles and everything are always talking about "womans intuition". But what they leave out is that males have this to. If your natural instinct is telling you she's no good, it's probably a good idea to listen.

Well, I'm not giving away all of our secrets because that would just be stupid. I'm sure I'll get a lot of **** about this post and blah blah. But after all, it's my job not to give a **** aye? ;D


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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zekko said:
Girls can definitely have game, they are called attention hos generally. Their goal is basically to get attention from a lot of different guys, so they can pick and choose accordingly. They flirt, kino, bat their eyes. Their skill lies in making you think you are special to them when you're just another dude.

They have to be a certain level of attractiveness obviously. But a skillful girl may not stand out to you at first, but once she starts working you, she gets you to notice her charms. Without her "game" she might be just another good looking girl. But by leading guys on, she can get several competing for her at once. Which puts her into the power position she wants to be in.
This is perfect. A woman's game is making you believe you have a chance with her. The reason it is effective is because guys have SO FEW options nowadays. If you aren't spinning plates you will fall susceptible to a woman's 'game.'

I can't count the number of times I've thought I would be getting laid by a bar-rat and when it came down to it at the end of the night, she went home with some dude she has been hooking up with for a couple months. I went home like, what the hell just happened? The female game is a combination of being attractive AND manipulating YOUR feelings to feel wanted. Now that's a deadly combination.

Professor Booty

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
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Yes, playettes, they most certainly exist. A close cousin of the AW, though not exactly the same thing. They deal in emotions rather than sex, though they typically do sleep around more than the average girl. Unlike the pure AW, who contents herself with harmless attention from orbiters, the playette is actively trying to get a string of guys to fall in love with her. She gets whatever she wants - money, favors and yes, sex - when there's some ego-boosting benefit to her or it's somehow part of a grander scheme. Loves to steal other girl's boyfriends, husbands, only to drop them once the challenge is gone. Usually hated by her female peers, and has few female friends. Causes drama wherever she goes. Is above-average good looking but not necessarily "hot" - she knows how to flirt and tell guys what they want to hear - as a previous poster mentioned, to make them feel "special". Often plays the victim card, the damsel in distress, to sucker guys into playing the white knight role for her. They are to be avoided at all costs, but that's easier said than done.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
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New York City
Power2thePlayers said:
I registered just to answer the long ago abandoned question that is "what is a playette?" Most of the men on here say that the female player doesn't exist. I'd like to take a moment to call BULL****.
As a female player (oh **** boys, we exist!) I think I can answer best what the female player is. And I'll even provide some warning signs of female players.
A player is quite simply: anyone who manipulates someones emotions to benefit themselves (get what they want). This could be for anything from sex to that new pillow pet you just have to have, but can't afford.
A playette isn't necessarily out for sex. A girl who sleeps around a lot is called a slut gentleman, and the only one she's playing is herself. I don't sleep around, I don't need sex to get what I want, and I get what I want. That right there is it. The thing that defines a playette, and seperates her from the common *****. SHE CAN GET WHAT SHE WANTS WITHOUT HAVING TO FLASH YOU. She doesn't need a vagina to have you crawling at her every beck. She uses her words, body language, (and perhaps some sex appeal).
Most playettes don't go for players (yes boys, we can spot you from a mile away). We go for the easy guys. The nice guys. They are the ones with the cash, and the ignorance to fall for our ploys. And on the off chance we do play a player, it all comes down to the better player. Sometimes the playette loses, but we shake it off and try again.
Another thing about playettes that you may find interesting, most playettes became playettes because they were played. After being played again and again it becomes pretty exhausting. So, you become what you can't stand. You become what you fear (I think that came from Batman so don't quote me on that), because everyone knows you can't play a player....or can you?
I personally, have played many a player. They all hate me of course, but I, me, a girl, a player, played these seemingly untouchable men...and I won. Because I have game. That's right, playettes have game. Lots of it. Now I'm not saying I could play every player and win. I'm simply saying that I can play the game without having to spread um. I can get what I want without having to give much. And that makes me a player doesn't it?

All that being said, I promised you a list of warning signs of playettes, so here it is...

[Seven signs she's a player]
1. She'll be dressed to impress, but she wont be dressed slutty. She'll leave plenty to the imagination.
2. She's always "busy", or never answers the phone, never calls, etc. If you're doing most or all of the contacting, she might be a player.
3. She has a lot of guy "friends". Be careful with this one, she may just have a lot of guy friends. But if she doesn't like you to hang with them and her, or if she introduces you as another "friend" she's a player.
4. She'll be charming. Extremely. She may not even speak much, but whatever she says or does, "just hooks you". She'll just be unnaturally interesting.
5. Usually woman players are more discreet in their tactics. If she's quiet, reluctant, but gives you "the eye" and flirts a little, she might be a player. (Watch out though, she could just be mega shy and really like you).
6. She makes the date plans. Woman like to be taken care of and it's no different on a date. However, if she chooses the location and time, you may have a player...or one controlling ass woman. Either way, get out!!!
7. Follow your guts. Articles and everything are always talking about "womans intuition". But what they leave out is that males have this to. If your natural instinct is telling you she's no good, it's probably a good idea to listen.

Well, I'm not giving away all of our secrets because that would just be stupid. I'm sure I'll get a lot of **** about this post and blah blah. But after all, it's my job not to give a **** aye? ;D

Shes absolutely right ya'll. My ex that i have the extremist oneitis for has all these traits. That list describes her to the bone ! And yup you guessed it. she used all these tactics to get me emotionally attached to her. Now i look back and say F*CK..i shoulda known this and i definitely coulda turn the tables around but i was inexperienced.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
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New York City
Amante Silvestre said:
The game of a "playette" is to get the most possible out of a man with the least amount of sex and/or emotional commitment to him as possible in return. They usually start off by asking small favors, most of which many men wouldn't even blink an eye at, and then escalate from there. Eventually the guy is paying her cell phone bill, spotting rent or whatever other favors his financial means allow. They're sort of like gold diggers but their "game" can be played on men living paycheck to paycheck just as well. In short, the higher his interest/investment in her, the lower her effort/investment in him, the better the playette.

Female game is more difficult, in my opinion. All we have to do is convince a playette to sleep with us; to convince them to stop playing their game just long enough for that to happen. Once in a while they give in to that willingly because once in a while they want sex too. They, on the other hand, have to convince players that game isn't working. They must try to convince us to abandon it and go against our better judgement every time they have us reaching for our wallets or whatever else it is they benefit from.

You don't really "beat" a playette at game, per say. They either give in because they want sex themselves or you essentially buy them out like a hooker. The problem with hoping they "give in" for sexual relief is that they don't have to give in to the man they're playing.

If you're going to do anything, you're much better off trying to convert a "playette" into a beneficial wing-woman, if she's cool enough. Just friend-zone the b*tches. Anything otherwise is a vast waste of time. Even if you do "beat" them at game, you're only winning something you're surrounded by everyday, everywhere you go.
So in essence females are better at gaming then we dudes are?


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
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youngmack said:
So in essence females are better at gaming then we dudes are?
No. It's an individual thing. One female may have better game then a male who has better game than another female. See what I'm saying? It depends on the person. I have met one male in my life who was a better player than me. I didn't even know he was a player until I had been played and dumped. Being a top playette myself, that's bad. And of course there are others out there better than him. It's all in what the individual can do.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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Here's what a playette is.

It's a girl who has had experience with all types of guys, including the flirty DJ types. She is the type of girl that IS hard to get, if you cannot match wit, looks, and confidence with her.

Wanna-be DJs will see these types of girls at the club and smirk to their friends saying, "Watch me...I'm going to eat this girl alive." Then they'll come back 30 seconds later with a battered self-esteem and the confidence level of an obese 14 year old with acne problems.

These girls are familiar with "game" and "****y & funny" approaches and are expert flirters. When you banter with them, they will banter right back. If you aren't on your toes or your confidence starts to waver because this girl wasn't what you expected her to be....then WHAM! You are rejected and sent to the back of the line.

These girls aren't for the faint of heart. You must be in tune with your manly instincts, you must possess a genuine confidence (you can't act it or fake it...you'll get ripped apart), and you must always be in control of your emotions, yourself, and your environment.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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piday314 said:
The female's game starts with this question: What do two identical HB10s to do distinguish themselves from the other?
The identical twins say "wanna have a threesome?"

Really, just gag the stupid b1tch with c0ck and then ream out her azzhole. Who gives a fvck what a cvnt says, anyway?


Oct 20, 2006
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When a player meets a hustler, they come together like two freight trains the moment their eyes meet.

Power2thePlayers said:
I have met one male in my life who was a better player than me. I didn't even know he was a player until I had been played and dumped.
I hope this is just an extremely arrogant woman and not an extremely arrogant, gay male.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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So it sounds like playette is basically a gold-digger and an attention wh*re rolled into one. And successful at both, of course.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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With bvllsht books out there like "The Rules" and "He's Just Not That Into You", I think playettes definitely exist.

They're the ones who are hot and cold, flakey, preoccupied, selfish and mercenary.

But as I read somewhere here: "If both parties are running game, there is a stalemate. Move on to another woman."


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
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Drowning In Vaginal Fluids. Help.
Well done, Power2ThePlayers. That is if you're a female-player of course and not some jobless fag.

You So-Suavers never cease to amaze me! At times I wonder if some of y'all are just wailing virgins posting cool lies and sh!t up.

Are you people vexed that playettes exist ?

Oh don't be mad, player. Play on, player. You have chosen a path to suit you best in regards with your relationships with the opposite sex, likewise them.

A DJ quickly spots what seems not to suit your type of play and moves on to other options (whether or not he knows she's a playette or not). All he knows is that she wasn't as responsive to his game as he expected/intended and he simply takes his game elsewhere. So, the playette feasts on the available chumps waiting to be guzzled for the hopes of getting in her pink pants (Oh what sweet meat for the lioness!).

The Flip-side is this: I heard "vulnerability" is like their JOKER in the deck of cards for them. They throw in this card so you feel you are finally making some impact. This in all honesty is almost impossible to spot. "I mean, how the fark would I know she was submissive all along just to milk me" ? Well, you can't. But you know is whether submissive, vulnerable, aggressive, passionate, hell whatever the b!tch is ... No b!tch can&should "milk you"!!!.

Just did quick downloads for "The Rules" and "He's Just Not That Into You" mentioned by greasy pig. This books mentions techniques and tricks (not so special ones tho') that would faze the clueless man. Truth is, you cannot say you don't have a couple of cards you pull on these hoes yourself. So don't be mad they do the sh!t you do.

The ideal DJ wouldn't entertain the a woman displaying the "Rules" I saw in that book for long except she stops playin' farkin' games and gets down to business. Although, the only one rule I got a real problem with is "Always End Dates First". Any b!tch does that sh!t on me twice/thrice at most, and she's on her way out!!! ('Cos as far as I'm concerned, that's just low interest behaviour)

The ''textbook player'' and the ''textbook playette'' wouldn't get along far for a meaningful relationship ('Cos both sides preach almost the same basics) until a compromise is made by either or both parties... except if its for sweat provoking secks of course.

Play On, Player.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
this is the stupidest and most pointless thread I think i have efver read on this forum.

the reason being is that the OP's question is framed wrong. you don't care if she is a player or "playette" or whatever you want to call it. what you want, is for her to give you the attention that shows that she is highly interested din you.

in other words, if she is not giving you the attention to warrant seeing her beucase she's too busy being a "Playette" so you move on. why would you keep a woman around who is not highly intereste din you.

1. She'll be dressed to impress, but she wont be dressed slutty. She'll leave plenty to the imagination.
2. She's always "busy", or never answers the phone, never calls, etc. If you're doing most or all of the contacting, she might be a player.
3. She has a lot of guy "friends". Be careful with this one, she may just have a lot of guy friends. But if she doesn't like you to hang with them and her, or if she introduces you as another "friend" she's a player.
4. She'll be charming. Extremely. She may not even speak much, but whatever she says or does, "just hooks you". She'll just be unnaturally interesting.
5. Usually woman players are more discreet in their tactics. If she's quiet, reluctant, but gives you "the eye" and flirts a little, she might be a player. (Watch out though, she could just be mega shy and really like you).
my wife hit every last one of these "criteria" . she's hot **** i knew she had a slew of guys interested in her. and she knew I had other women interested in me. but the reason I kept her around is despite me knowing all of this, I also knew she really really liked me. If i called and wanted to do something whoever she had plans with got dropped 9 out of 10 times.

in other words, a woman is a playette for the exact same reason than men are players; they haven't found anyone worth not playing the field for. once you become that man or she becomes that women more times than not they start to act right.

if a woman is not interested in changing for you it's beucase she doesn't deem you worthy of change thus u must move on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
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New York City
Dang... i am soo mad that i have extreme oneitis for a playette smh.

Any tips on how to out-game a playette (if thats even possible)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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youngmack said:
So in essence females are better at gaming then we dudes are?
Women invented game.
While the guys were out hunting the next meal.


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
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backbreaker said:
this is the stupidest and most pointless thread I think i have efver read on this forum.

the reason being is that the OP's question is framed wrong. you don't care if she is a player or "playette" or whatever you want to call it. what you want, is for her to give you the attention that shows that she is highly interested din you.

in other words, if she is not giving you the attention to warrant seeing her beucase she's too busy being a "Playette" so you move on. why would you keep a woman around who is not highly intereste din you.

my wife hit every last one of these "criteria" . she's hot **** i knew she had a slew of guys interested in her. and she knew I had other women interested in me. but the reason I kept her around is despite me knowing all of this, I also knew she really really liked me. If i called and wanted to do something whoever she had plans with got dropped 9 out of 10 times.

in other words, a woman is a playette for the exact same reason than men are players; they haven't found anyone worth not playing the field for. once you become that man or she becomes that women more times than not they start to act right.

if a woman is not interested in changing for you it's beucase she doesn't deem you worthy of change thus u must move on.
He's completely right you know. (and to all who might think I'm an "arrogant fag" I assure you I'm just a confident woman. Perhaps a bit self absorbed. Ok, a lot.)


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
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youngmack said:
Dang... i am soo mad that i have extreme oneitis for a playette smh.

Any tips on how to out-game a playette (if thats even possible)

It's possible. But you sound unsure of yourself. And that is a huge no-no. It's been said a million times on here and it's true: Playettes LOVE attention. Make her feel special. Be funny and charming. And then ignore her. She'll be thinking "why isn't he crawling?" and she'll want to know more. Keep her on her toes. Don't be predictable. But to be honest, if it isn't meant to be, then it isn't meant to be. And if she doesn't like you after you "throw your game" then you need to move on.


New Member
Nov 26, 2012
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A female playette is a HB that will string you along when she knows you like her - if you let her.. The only reason you cant out-game her is not because she is a playette it is because you have oneitis which is leading to your feelings distoring your logic (game)

You need to go back to basics because at the moment you are in damage control - youve become needy and to emotionally involved..

Time her texts, be distant, dont answer all her questions and if you answer them dont answer them directly, DHV again but not to make it obvious, drop a female friends name into the conversation and make her know you have other options (dont say this tho, just let her see you talking to random girls or in photos with randoms on face book) but there will be **** test that come from this so be prepaired to be asked the questions..

But most of all know when to walk away.. For it is the person who cares less who has all the power!