During sex...prone position...my chest fat looks terrible.
On my bed...im in push up position and my chest is not activated at all. Its mostly triceps holding me up.
Chest is flacid....fat hangs...
Sort of like when belly fat hangs.
I can do 60 push ups in a minute.
Been doing cable flys.
I heard dips is good for lower chest too.
Anybody overcame this problem? What did you do?
Fastest way to do this is the following combination, you’ll be a different man in 4-6 weeks:
This is two parts, fasting and High Intensity Interval Training. It’s the easiest, most effective, most free testosterone generation you can bang out and it’ll take you 18 minutes a day.
-10 all out sprints on the track, grass or a field, or if you can handle it a harder surface. You alternate pushups and sit ups immediately when you finish that sprint.
example, for someone who is starting and not used to cardio:
Sprint 20 yards -> drop right down and punch out (5/10 pushups) -> walk (and I mean walk don’t over train) -> wait one minute. Repeat for 10 sets.
As you get better you can extend this further. You will be lean, mean and you will love how you look and feel.
Dietary portion (this is more important than the physical portion) - this is also super easy - if you can fast 16-18 hours you can eat in the window that you allow for yourself. Don’t be a pig but again, don’t be a zealot either. When it is time to eat, you eat. Some people look at this as skipping breakfast, with lunch and dinner within 6 hours, and some people skip two meals.
Do the above each 6 days a week and give yourself Sunday off to be a little bit of a pig. You’ll feel great.
I got this from a navy seal, it absolutely works. I kept my weight room numbers exactly where they were even though I didn’t set foot in there for 100 days.