When do I stop ignoring her?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Aaron B said:
the fact is that IF (and this is a huge if) he learns now to deal with her effectively during the no contact period, that he has a huge advantage when she is chasing him (by initiating the subsequent contact)

period. this is the time he can get everything he wants from her. this is the time she will do all that naughty stuff in bed that seemed impossible before.

but if he's going to go back to his AFC ways, obviously he's better starting over with a new woman (but if he stays AFC he's going to f that up too, so what does it matter?)

i've observed that many times when a woman contacts a guy after a period of no contact that a "reset" has occurred and now she is in a place where she is willing to accept his frame and his premise and his leadership and his program, whereas before that she wouldn't give him the time of day

the key factor is, can this man make strong moves and wield the upper hand and have her jump thru his hoops? that's what we don't know

I have been ignoring her since I made this thread. She sent me a couple of messages but I ignored all of them since there wasn't any question in her texts. I agree completely with the guy that said to ignore her until I can get the upper hand. I have done exactly that at least 20 times before and been successful with it.

I am right now seeing another woman, she is a pretty well known swedish model (you've probably seen her in a ad or two). I am maintaining my nonchalant way, and I really am not faking it because at this point - I don't care about anyone more than I care about myself.

This little latina hottie had a way to set my emotions in motion like no other. I've been with a little more than 50-60 different women (stopped counting a long time ago) and nobody had the mental part of the game down as good as this latina chick.

She is in my mental reservoir, and unless she makes a very REAL and clear effort, I won't see her or bang her. If we are seeing each other again, it's on my terms.