Dear HitHard,
Looking back,i can honestly say I hit my peak,certainly sexually and Work wise at 37.....I did a silly thing at 39 I got married,under duress,I was living with a lovely Girl,slipped up on Birth Control,and had a lovely daughter....Got quite attached to this kid,who is now a gender equity Officer in a big Government Department,whatever that means,probably should have been strangled at birth (Smile)...So Girlfriend disappears,goes back to Mother,comes back without Kid,but complete with Ultimatum,marry or else!!!eventually I capitulated,but at least I wrung a Pre Nuptial out of Her!!!...On reflection,if I had a rewind button I would have gone my own way,for this lovely daughter...Yeah it was better for her,but none the less that is what I would do....HitHard,you are just coming into your own,believe me it gets better as you get older....just eat well,exercise and do your Kegals.