just wanted to through out some thoughts for folks to consider...
you know, I personally don't believe that American women have it that good.
Sure, they have more career opportunities, but honestly, most of corporate america is still run by white males. there's the token female near the top so that the company looks politically correct, but she's usually very aware that one step out of line and she's gone.
so maybe 1 out of 100 women are truly let into the upper ranks, but they pay a huge price for that. they have to perform their jobs flawlessly, they are really only there to make the company look PC, and because they have to work so hard they usually have horrible personal lives.
meanwhile, there are TONS of women at the lower levels busting their ass with the belief that they will be able to rise through the ranks. but they never really do. at the end of the day rising in the ranks is partly due to talent, but its also due to teamwork and gaining hte trust of those higher in the pack. women just aren't very good at this, and thats partly becuase men at the top don't give them a fair chance, and also because when they are given a fair chance they don't know how to socially handle themselves.
corporate america is run by men, not just CEOs, but VPs and directors, etc...
and men are men, and at best a woman will be able to impress them, but will never truly and fully fit in as part of the pack. that's just how it is.
so what i see happening today is women busting their asses and really going nowhere. sure, they may move up a rung or two, but 95% of them never go further than that.
partly because its a man's world, and partly becuase business IS NOT about emotion. and that's something women just don't get. 95% of them, no matter how hard they try, simple are unable to remain emotionally objective. Once the competition heats up most women crack.
The reality is that I don't care how strong or smart a woman may be, when she comes face to face with a true alpha male, she crumbles instantly. I've seen it over and over in the corporate world. These women will push around these AFC chumps, and actually climb the ladder a bit, until they hit their first alpha male. at that point they quickly realize that they are swimming in deep waters now and start to panic, or break down crying and question what they've done with their lives and why is everyone so mean, blah blah blah...
women are manipulative, NOT tough. the only reason so many women today THINK they are tough is because there so many god damn AFC around who the moment a woman throws a fit curl up into a little ball and beg for her to stop.
so many guys today don't realize that they are naturally stronger and tougher than women.
i can tell you, i've been in meetings with some of the toughest b*tches out there. And every single one of them, EVERY SINGLE ONE GUYS, crumbles the moment you look them square in the eye with a stern alpha male look. the moment they think you might fight back, that's it, they know their ACTING will now have to be backed up with someone - and they know they don't have the testosterone to back it up.
If there's one thing i really wish men would get through their heads it that YOU are the dominant one. when a female acts dominent, thats all it is, ACTING. and she can only get away with whatever you choose to let her get away with. the moment you assert yourself she has two choices
1) stop acting
2) throw a hissy fit (in which case just walk away)
so i think this whole thing about American women having it good is bullsh*t. they are living a lie that is enabled by the AFC mentality of the men in their lives.