For all you nasayers that don't understand how the pendulum eventually swings back the other way and every thing in life comes full up:
Lets step back in time to the Industrial Revolution.....there were once some very powerful men named Henry Ford(automobile), Andrew Carnegie(steel maker), John Rockefeller(Standard Oil Co), Thomas Edison(Electric), Cornelius Vanderbilt(railroads), and JP Morgan(finance). These men I just listed were the driving force that made this country what it was. They were bold visionairies, took big risks, did things their way, didn't take no for an answer, and rarely settled. They set the tone, and even had the govt by the balls.
In order to accomplish their goals they needed workers. During those times worker conditions were horrible and dangerous by todays manufacturing standards. The wages weren’t great either. As these companies grew so did the problems these workers experienced. Eventually these workers grew fed up with the conditions and created labor unions in order to have some control. Even the STATE got on board and came up with minimum wage requirements, fair labor laws, and govt sanctioned safety watch dogs like OSHA.
As a result, the unions had a strong hold on American manufacturing corporations for a number of years primarily from 1935-1978.
By the 1980s, big American corporations were tired of the wages and working conditions that the UNION was demanding and packed up and moved production to Mexico as well as overseas. The UNION began to lose their strong hold. In the last 10years we’ve seen a lot of manufacturing facilities in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio moved to the southern states to escape the “evil” Unions up north. The majority of the new manufacturing facilities are being built in the south.
What does this have to do with women??? Women organized just like Unions did because they felt they were being mistreated. They felt the MEN(Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Edison, Vanderbilt, Morgan) had too much control. So they kept organizing, obtaining more rights& power, and got the STATE on their side. Now they’ve got all they wanted and still complain, but guess what?
Men are fed up. They are refusing to marry/commit to these entitled, greedy, selfish, fat, lazy women just like the manufacturing companies did when the Unions grew too entitled. Manufacturing companies looked overseas for new workers and states that were easier to do business with. Men have also looked overseas for women that offered what they were looking for. They found out that wasn’t such a good deal so now they’ve decided to refuse marriage.
The price of marriage is too high, so men have stopped signing on. Just like the manufacturing companies stopped signing on American workers. The fastest way to drive change is to take away what means the most to somebody. And marriage is a big thing to women. There’s a reason overall female happiness has declined.
Those stupid biatches got greedy and entitled, thought they could rule the world, but with every passing year brought less and less to the table in terms of what men wanted. Along the way they raised little faggot arse boys out of divorce that don’t contribute(millenials). Now all the women are wondering where all the real MEN went and why the REAL MEN refuse to commit………..News flash pumpkin tits, you don’t offer me a fuhking thing. You can’t cook, you don’t want to clean, you make less money than I do, you are fat, you hair is thinning, you aren’t supportive and loyal, you don’t want to follow my rules. Well then I refuse to marry you! Simple as that. And guess what if you want to deny me that puzzy, then I’ll rent it by the hour or find another girl that will. Until you offer more, I refuse to sign up for the liability. The deck is stacked against REAL MEN that have made something for themselves. Only man-boys with low self esteem and little to offer sign up for marriage these days.