You hit the right spot. An important one at that.
Most women
already checked out a long time ago the moment they officially & verbally announce the golden statue of Dumped Award that you're the receiver (see below photo for illustration purpose):
This is something that few men, especially young ones, are able to fully comprehend. They think the idea of breakup came to women overnight, hence after the breakup announcement, they all make the classic mistake of over-showering her with gifts, love, compassion, and everything else in their power to try and convince the woman to stay, without realizing they are actually
rewarding her bad behavior, and the obvious result, as we all know, is never nice for the poor guys.
Most women do not dump you overnight (there's no such thing as a "sudden breakup"), but they planted and nurtured the idea a long time ago (from my experience it could range from a few weeks to even months, depending on each relationship), and when the "time is right" (mostly when they have already found a new man), they announce it to you.
Again, it takes a tremendous amount of experience and the will to learn from past mistakes and accept reality as it is, to actually know and accept this trait in women. Nobody could teach you something like this in the world's most prestigious schools.