bunjy said:
Just to clarify, when a chick will not accept offers of dates (after being asked numerous times) and tells you shes 'really busy this week' as an excuse but also tells you shes not blowing you off (and continues to contact you daily) that means she actually IS blowing you off right?? Im almost 100% positive it does, just need to check. If she ignored me or was cold towards me id understand and get the hint but she continues to regularly txt me (and in a flirty way). I figure shes leading me on for whatever reason.
What's going on here is quite simple.
She's an AW,just like DJDamage said.
Women are emotional.
Men are physical.
For her to get herself all "prettied" up doing her hair,make up,nails,perfume,etc,all these things are physical,which would be be a benefit to you.
All the talking,texting,and communication by phone and text messaging are all emotional,with is a benefit to her.
If she's getting her emotional charge/needs met simply by talking to you over the phone or texting,then why would she need to meet up with you in person?
What for?
All you two would do if you did meet up is just talk more,right?
So if you two are talking now via text,and you two meet up somewhere,you'll just continue talking. So to her,it's the same either way. The only difference is that if she meets up with you,she'll have to put in the time and effort in to getting herself ready for a date. The way it is now,she can just lay around her house with no make-up,uncombed hair,etc and
still get her attention WH0RE fix simply by texting you.
She wouldn't keep texting you if she weren't getting anything out of it.
bunjy said:
Bloody hell this is the second time in a row this has happened to me.
Well if this is the second time this has happened to you,you need to check YOURSELF.
When a guy first approaches a girl,she doesn't know him,doesn't know anything about him. So it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY she started off being an AW with you. Something about you,either something you did or said cause her to "turn" AW towards you.
And if she's an AW with you,that means sexually,she ain't interested.
She just going to continue getting attention from you until she gets bored of you,or until a guy who she is attracted to comes along,then she'll put you to the side.
Best thing to do in this situation is follow DJDamage's advice.