What's your take on bisexual chicks?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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I've recently started dating a bisexual girl and I only found out today. There's nothing particularly dike-ish about her and I would never have suspected it if she hadn't told me. I guess her hair is quite short (but in a feminine haircut) and she has some goddesses (and one god) tattooed on her back. I guess the painful ear piercings are not very ladylike, but then a lot of girls have those these days.

Interestingly, she's had relationships with other girls and she says she doesn't favor men or women. I find that concept very odd personally. I can understand being gay. But being attracted to both sexes seems rather odd. I've always thought of sexual attraction being like a negative charge attracting a positive. Gay people have different wiring and they are attracted to the same charge, but they are only attracted to one type. Being bisexual seems a little bit like a proton that is attracted to other protons as well as electrons.

Okay I'll stop with the nerdy analogies......


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Lexington said:
But being attracted to both sexes seems rather odd.
Thats because it is odd. I look at it as a blatant display of their disfunctional mind. Sort of like BPD.

Having said that, yeah, of course I'd have fun with one or 2 if the oppurtunity arose. :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Lex you just reminded me I dated a bisexual girl a few summers ago.

I actually had no idea---I didnt even find out until 2 months in. I made the mistake of asking her friends to confirm rather than her first. It ended up fizzling because of that and my overall lack of interest.

She told me that she just liked people in general. She was a bit tomboy-ish, but not really in her looks. She was a cute 7. Lots of tattoos and a few piercings--cl!t, bb, etc. She rode a Harley, had her tubes tied at 27. Interesting girl really, I just wasnt into her that much. I forget how I found out; I think some of her friends were talking and I connected the dots. I'm not sure why she didnt just tell me from the beginning.

As for the issue of bisexuality, yeah, it's a bit strange for a straight person to grasp, but I dont look down on it. Personally I wouldnt date another bisexual girl because I prefer my women to be only into MEN; because I'm only into women. I know there's the old and trite 'threesome' possibility but, again personally, I wouldnt do that in the context of a committed LTR.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Colossus said:
As for the issue of bisexuality, yeah, it's a bit strange for a straight person to grasp, but I dont look down on it. Personally I wouldnt date another bisexual girl because I prefer my women to be only into MEN; because I'm only into women. I know there's the old and trite 'threesome' possibility but, again personally, I wouldnt do that in the context of a committed LTR.
Yeah it's weird because now you don't only have to worry about her cheating on you with guys, but every female friend is also a potential opportunity to cheat!


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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great to fvck

bad for LTR

so just cvm on her face a few times and get out :)

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Your describing a lipstick lezzo + the "edgy" tatts = Just another avenue for attention horedom.

Thank phuck the popularity is waning but there was a time when lipstick lezzo's (fake lezzo's, who do it for the boys) were thought of as something saucy and different by every AFC bozo, further fuelling these unimaginative attention hors.

Being bisexual seems a little bit like a proton that is attracted to other protons as well as electrons.
It's a dying fad. A tool used by brainwashed and confused chicks that dont yet realise the real way to a mans heart is to drop the "edgy and unique" attitude, strap on and tatts and get back into the kitchen and hold sacred the idea of the family unit.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Bisexual women = they don't exist.

they are fvcked up AWs, looking for more "attention" to tingle their pvssies.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
here is a little tid bit I learned from my using days

if a woman tells you she is bi.. be extra careful / cautions about them using drugs. look for patterns, stuff that just doesn't add up. virtually every girl I knew when I used drugs went both ways.

drug addicts and strippers. almost all of them are bi.

there is something to it too if you think about it. both women, have had men, basically degrade them, often if not daily for them to have to get by. some women just cannot date a man after that, or they might still get wet looking at a man but can't be in a relationship with him or something like that. most drug addict women get degraded, ran through, *****d out for drugs, and end up dating women. It's how they compartmentalize the stuff.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
if a woman tells you she is bi.. be extra careful / cautions about them using drugs.

That would be 'party girl' bi. The other type of bisexual woman is 'in the closet' bi. The latter probably should be lesbian, but just doesn't want to go through the effort to explain it all to their families. They tend to fool around with girls in college, but eventually marry a man. Often they will end up having threesomes with other girls - it's not like men are difficult to talk into such a thing - so that she can get her lesbo fix.

Additionally, I'd say that every woman who is not party girl bi or in the closet bi will be at least passively bi. Under the right circumstances and maybe a little alcohol, I think any woman would at least make out with another woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Bible_Belt said:
if a woman tells you she is bi.. be extra careful / cautions about them using drugs.

That would be 'party girl' bi. The other type of bisexual woman is 'in the closet' bi. The latter probably should be lesbian, but just doesn't want to go through the effort to explain it all to their families. They tend to fool around with girls in college, but eventually marry a man. Often they will end up having threesomes with other girls - it's not like men are difficult to talk into such a thing - so that she can get her lesbo fix.

Additionally, I'd say that every woman who is not party girl bi or in the closet bi will be at least passively bi. Under the right circumstances and maybe a little alcohol, I think any woman would at least make out with another woman.
lol i always found it funny you met a girl and she tells you "oh I had an experimental stage" she admits to sleeping / fooling around with a woman. every woman just about I know has done this to some degree or another. nyou never hear a guy say "yeah i had an experimental stage in college, I was sucking my roommates ****".. then you are just gay. male homosexuality is like the one drop rule lol, one time is all it takes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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bi chicks want attention, that's why theyre bi. i don't care what they tell you, munching another carpet is cheating just as is munching on another dudes c0ck. they'll try to spin it and say it's not the same but it is. unless i'm in the middle of both of them everytime they want to "play" then the hell with both of them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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Bi chicks are bad news. Maybe fun for a week or two but forget about spending any time with them.

I've met my fair share and the only real commonalities that I've found were daddy issues and low self-esteem.

I asked a few of them why they were into women, one replied "because they're so hot!", another "because I've been hurt by too many men and women treat you nicer" (she was all of 22 btw) , and the last "I just cannot connect with men"

Headcases, all of 'em. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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think of it like this. if a dude admits to being attracted to women AND men he's going to be considered gay. yet if a woman is attracted to both then she's bi.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Robert28 said:
think of it like this. if a dude admits to being attracted to women AND men he's going to be considered gay. yet if a woman is attracted to both then she's bi.
rotfl the one c0ck rule


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2012
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I tend to equate bi with unstable. Why? I don't know, but it just seems to be my impression. Could very well be wrong.

I think women tend to be more "bi" than guys are. That said, I think both genders ultimately lean one way or another. I guess women can be a bit more experimental. But that usually ends...

I do have my own ego issues around it. I don't like it, as a guy. If a girl left me for a dude, I would be pissed. If she left me for a chick, well that would **** my brain up.

We live in a culture which, on universities etc. is increasingly "gender doesn't matter" etc. etc. I don't know. I still remain suspicious over bi girls.

I feel like ultimately people should have a clear preference. If you like chocolate and vanilla ice cream equally, you might not appreciate either. If a girl puts me and my male plumbing on equal terms with a girl's plumbing, I feel she can't really appreciate me as a male.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Reports on the DSM IV criteria for PDs, including BPD, include a concomittance of gender orientation problems. Persons with BPD can often go through a period of gender identification confusion and will participate in same-sex relationships.

Some psychologists have stated the BPD woman is constantly seeking her developmental 'unconditional love' which was lacking from her biological mother, or primary female caregiver, during her first three years of life and will reach out to a same sexed lover in an (unsuccessful) attempt to meet that childhood inate need - the same one making her unable to commit and bond with a healthy normal male in her adult life.

My exBPD said she five years previous to our relationship had a full-on sexual relationship with a girl several years her junior. The relationship could not give the kind of 'love' my BPD sought so she went back to males.


remembering jophil 1957 - 2011


Jan 29, 2012
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IMO they are attention wh0res with serious issues.

Usually they are the types who've been 'victimized' by their own choices in 'men' and then run off to women to get their sexual needs off while blaming the 'men' that they've been with as their problem.

These same girls can't even hold a relationship with a woman and while 'dating' each other have no qualms about hooking up with other women, having threesomes, c0ck teasing or sleeping with men on the side and so on.

A lot possibly feel it turns men on. To some extent it does. But let's face it. In theory it's 'hot' but in reality if you truly cared about the person you'd be sickened by it and not take a whack job like that seriously (unless you were a pvssy whipped chump.)

I wouldn't waste my time with girls like that. Period.