What's your story?


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hi there, allright I have a great idea for a thread and i think if you guys participate then this could be a great success.

Okay in brief, this post is about sharing experience's, experience's of what people were, and what they have become.

Okay, for people's reading conveniance I would prefer if you split each of your posts into 4 sections, with 4 headings, each of the headings will be bold.

Here's an example:

What i was before i came here
In this section you tell everyone what you were before you came here.

My journey
Here you discuss how you used the site and how tough your journey to becoming a DJ was.

What i have become
Tell everyone what you are now.

My comments
Here you can qoute other people and congratulate/comment on other people's stories.

Please, while posting under this thread follow these guide line's, if you have nothing to post under some headings then dont worry, just dont include them. For instance if you dont want to tell a story just keep My coments heading and give people your comments. another example if if your on your way to becoming a DJ and havent quite made it then just leave the what i have become thread empty. Please refrain from posting 3 worders unless its completely necessary.

I think this post will give people a look on what this site is doing for people, and if it's doing what it's sposed to be doing then it will be very motivational for some people.

What i was before i came here

My journey

What i have become

My comments


Copy/paste that in, fill in the blanks, and bold the headings.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
sorry, accidentally clicked post button twice, it didnt let me delete, could a forum mod please delete this for me :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
What i was before i came here
Before i found this site (about a month ago) I was not a very confident person, I followed a rather boring schedule and did hardly any exciting things. I was rude to my family, and people i didnt consider close friends. My experience with girls was horrible, I had never kissed a girl. As far as looks went i wasn't very special i was quite fat. I was teased by friends and didn't react well to this, i was often looked upon as the group clown.
My journey
By no mean's am I a DJ, and my journey has just begun but here are some thing's that i have started doing, i started working out, 5 times a week, I have started talking to strangers and girls, I have started sticking up for myself around friends. Not much to write hear because as i said before, my journey has just begun.
What i have become
I have allready had great feedback from the things i have done, I have lost alot of weight in one month, and i am starting to get muscles:) a girl even commented to one of my friends on how much weight i had lost. I have become ALOT more confident, i am not afraid to approach any person at my school, male or female. I have earnt the respect of most of my friends still 1 or 2 try to dis me, but the others tease them for doing so, i dont talk to them because they are trying to pull me down. I got my first kiss 2 nights ago with a girl. 2 girls at school like me now, a 7 and a 7.5.
Im quite happy with whats happened in one month.
My comments
Ill make my comments later on. Once some people have posted.

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
What I was before I came here:
A guy who wasn't too confident, probably labeled "nice guy" by some girls...

My Journey:
Read through some of the stuff in the HSDJ Bible and bam, it's all turned around. Thank you sosuave.

What I have become:
More confident, have more friends, more success with girls.

Yeah. This site is damn good.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
What i was before i came here
Totally clueless. I had kissed girls before, but they weren't good looking:rolleyes: lol, I bought girls flowers, was very sensitive around them- a total wuss boy. I showered girls is complements, bought things for them, then got angry and frustrated when they went off with one of my mates. I have a diary, and every couple of days I had a huge rant in it about how women don't make sence, how I sucked, and how everyone was better than me, and how the world was so unfair.

My journey
I tried a whole bunch of things, I'm glad I was quite logical about it. I tried loads of things, even being rude and mean to girls. I tried things logically, but I was only about 13 at the time! eventually it fell apart because i wasn't getting any sucess. Then, a few months ago, I got an email from this site, and it has changed my life around!
I do some wieghts and punchbag training, but probably not as much as I should, I'm not too bad looking anyway, a bit short but not exactly scrawny:)
In fact the big thing that has changed for me is my confidence, and actually knowing how girls tick! I thought it was a fact of life that girls make no sence- but they're really very reasonable, even predictable. This is the thing I'm glad I now understand the most. Once I began to get that, everything bagan to change for me!

What i have become
I'm getting interest from loads of girls. A girl who I fancied for ages now sits on my lap all the time and I think she might fancy me...but I don't think I really care because I'm going out with a fit girl who's really into me and actually told her friend she though I was "above her"- in a good way. This is a girl i would have maddly obsessed about a few moths ago, but now I'm concidering dumping her after a month, because I actually don't like the feeling of being 15 and not being able to get with whoever I want- totally different to a few months ago, where I would probably have died to get into an exclusive relationship...
Oh and lets not forget that now- its the girls that buy me things! Meals, coffee, train tickets, cinema tickets- the tables have tured baby!:D

My comments
This site is great, it's totally changed my life! I'm by no means a full DJ yet, but it's coming, and I'm loving it!(ooo that sounded dirty...) Thanks to everyone on the site, it's sucha great community

Except Jester, who just seems to flame people. JESTER YOU ARE A BIG GIRL.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Winter Park, FL USA
What i was before i came here

I was a complete dork. Didn't go out much. Never kissed a girl. I was a complete and total 100% AFC. I'd obsess about lavish ways that I could tell girls my feelings for them. I would use my guitar playing as the only thing that should get me laid. So, I'd write songs for girls that I didn't date yet, and I'd be really down when I was rejected.

My journey

It's been along time since I first came here. I've been here for about a year and a half. I've almost completely changed. Although, I don't consider myself a Master DJ yet, I'm aware of all the traps that men fall into in a relationship and I can pass all the tests with clear results when thrown at me. I haven't been rejected with a number close in a while and I've been having fun dates with girls that I'm interested in.

What i have become

A Budding DJ. I feel like I'm in control. I love my life, and I love myself. I think before you can ever love a girl, you must love yourself and want to change. I've been having alot of fun lately with girls that I've been dating with the flirting and the making out. I wouldn't have had this confidence if it wasn't for this site. I've showed this site to two of my friends and they took it seriously and they made changes to their lifes too. It's truly a beautiful thing to be able to think back on our love lifes and how different they are now, and think of all the stupid AFC things that we used to do to get girls, and now that we know, we can think of ways that would have gotten us the girls. I don't ***** out on number closes anymore, because I think of that "hestitation leads to masturbation" quote and it pops into my head whenever I think I might try it.

My comments

This site has truly changed my life. The more you read it, the better you feel and the easier the process is. I used to think that getting girls is a hard thing. It's really not, and it's amazing to see how easy it really is to see if a girls interested in you and getting the number. I'm sure some of us have walked up to a girl and talked for a minute and gotten the number without any prior conversation or meetings. This stuff is truly amazing and if you are a AFC and your reading this. Read the Bible. We don't tell you this stuff for nothing. Read it. Learn It. Love It. Live It. And you will succeed!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!
I began a boy, clueless but not hopeless. I had sent flowers to girls, written poems, I couldn't sleep at night because I kept thinking of ways to articulate my every thought to the girl I was interested in [and had been interested in for almost 3 years]. It got to the point where I was letting everyone disrespect me... I just didn't care anymore.

My journey is never ending. The first thing I got back is self respect. I BUSTED my ass getting in shape. Got some confidence back. Then it was out to get the respect I deserved form everyone else - that wasn't easy... and its still not over. A few fights, a few spectacular soccer games, a hole ****load of new cloths... and some quality family time and I was ready for the first approach. It went like **** - but that didn't matter, that was the moment I truely fell in love with women. I had been rejected, and still I felt like a Titan towering above the world... I was a king! Thats when the real learning began, talking with as may women as I could, picking their brains, discovering what wonderful creatures they are.

Now... well, this is me: http://www.hotornot.com/r/?emid=SEARHS and this is the kind of women I'm associating with, now a days: http://www.hotornot.com/r/?emid=KYOLSZB (thats not that good of a pic of her, rest assured, shes very "grrrooow").

In school tons of people talk ****, but they are scared to death of me. I was recently cornered by 3 guys, and they threatened to go get more if I gave them any trouble =).

I'm on a new soccer team, and I'm pretty much a shoe in to any decent D1 teams.

Basically, you gotta learn you can never stop learning, never stop fighting. Even if your settled down with a great girl... don't throw in the towel, get out, have fun, live your life the way YOU want.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
What i was before i came here

Very quiet and incredibly depressed. I wasn't an AFC with women, didn't get oneitis or any of that sh!t but was (and still am) very picky, and with my lack of experience I was getting nothing.

My journey

Came to this site over 2 years ago now (didn't actually sign up to the forum for ages) just reading through the various posts and tips being very curious and taking all the information in, just not putting much of it into practice.

What i have become

I am not by any means a Master DJ. Heck, many of the "Master Don Juans" aren't even real Master DJs. I have however become a totally different person but now and again that inner afc seems to creep it way out, causing me to one week be as smooth as silk and the next to be a nervous wreck. Nevertheless I've basically got every single HB (and unfortunately most of the fuglys) at my school to want to get into my pants at one point or another and still have around 35 girls flirting with me and saying hi at every opportunity.
As for the physical side, I'm not crap looking but by no means am I a hunk. I've been working out recently tho and am steadily bulking up.

My comments

The problem that I've recognised is that it's unbelievably easy for me to get the girls to fancy me, but a whole different ball game to take it any further. I just keep coming up with excuses of why not to make a move (I don't want a serious relationship, if you date her you'll see her every damned day etc) and at the end of the day, I've never had an LTR and am very reluctant to get into one. I, like everyone else in here just have to keep taking risks and learning through experience.

BTW, good post.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
What i was before i came here

Oh... I don't even like to think about it. Basically I was an emotional mess before I came here. I was a complete loser, who got no respect from my peers, and girl's acted like I did not exist. If they did somehow managed to notice me, I would become completely infatuated with them to the point where it was just sickening. It's a really sad story (hangs head)

My journey

Life is a journey that never ends, so hopefully my journey is far from over. About seven months ago, I did a complete personality overhaul, and now I'm in the process of doing another one. I'm constantly attempting to improve myself.

What i have become

A better person. Personally... I don't like titles, so I won't call my self a "Master Don Juan" or something like that. A lot of times when people IM me, they talk to me like I am over them or they have something to prove to me. I'm no better than the rest of you guys... we're all human after all. I've learned how to understand and manipulate people (if needed). I've learned that you have to happen to life, not life happen to you. I've also learned, that in life you have to go for it all (in spite of a lot opposition telling you, you can't do it).

My comments

I don't like doing things the same way. I'm the kind of guy that when everyone says you should go right, I go up. A lot of my methologies are very unorthrodox, and may not work for everyone... but they work. Anyone who knows me decently, Anthony and Sebastian, know how much I love this place. And lately, I've been pretty proud about the information being shared. But now, it's time to move forward... so I encourage everyone to try new things. Everyone believes that everything that can be covered, has been... I don't believe that. There's so much of life out there, waiting for us to conquer it.

There is no spoon...


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
My 1000th post!:D And what a good post for the big 1000.

What i was before i came here

I was VERY shy and got one itis rather easily. Didint really know how to act around girls so i just kept quite most of the time. But if a girl started talkin to me i could do better then i would if i was approaching her.

My journey

Well...it all started about a year ago when i first found the site and started reading and increasing my lack of knowledge, confidence and attractive qualities. :(

What I have become

Its taken a while and all happened in stages, but now i feel I'm to the point where it all just happens without even thinking about it. It has become part of my personality, which is a good thing. Although approaching is the last piece of the puzzle that I must conquer, but once this happens (and it will) i will be to the point that i want to be in my life.

My comments
NEVER GIVE UP!!! Change takes time, and with time comes change. Patience is a virtue. It may not be so much fun now, but you will get what you deserve. It takes longer for some than others, just dont give up. Whenever you have the chance TAKE IT.NO REGRETS

I like that this is my 1000th post. Something thats actually worth it and that's hopefully inspirational. :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score

donny osmond

Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
What i was before i came here

Major alpha male from brith. Seriously, coming here made me think , "oh, so thats how i did it". You lot have just given names to things like 'neg hits' etc. I could have goten pu$$y so easily its not funny, its just i was too yuogn to want it. Funny guy, pretty and ultra popular until i started to think what others thought of me, then i had one-i-tus now im going back into the old me, at last.

My journey

Just going back into my old ways. Not as bigger journey as some others i suspect.

What i have become

A bad-ass, funny as hell, body2die4 womaniser!

My comments

Thank you so.suave.com



Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, Mi
What i was before i came here
The biggest AFC ever! I bought a 197 dollar diamond necklace for a girl when i asked her out and she said no, and I came over and told all my friends that i had cried hoping to guilt trip her into. Wow i feel better admitting to that highly embarassing story.

My journey
About 2 months ago i typed in "Get Girls" into ***** and ross jeffries came up, i thought "sweet!" so i tried to use that subconcious mumbjo jumbo for a while. I typed in seduction for a while and i found about.com thing about what girls want. Found sosuave.com thru a link on it and found the forum. I read the bible twice then registered.

What i have become
I am a recovering AFC i am in know way and Don Juan yet. I am trying to shed my AFC tendencies now. I approach girls in public places. I go for the number. I changed my wardrobe, bleached my teeth, went out and bought nice smelling cologne. I am a semi-new man.

My comments
If i didnt find this site i probably wouldnt be alive right now cuz of all my horrible relationships with women. Now I can talk to em and keeping laughin! BEING YOURSELF IS BULL**** !

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
What i was before i came here

AFC for a long time, got oneitis easily for about half a year, then stopped getting oneitis all of a sudden for I dunno what reason. Being in shape wasn't a problem because I was 15 when I started weightlifting, and almost 18 when I showed up here. Didn't really know much about girls or dating. I was already pretty funny, not an emotional wreck, etc.

My journey

I came here in November, just before my 18th birthday, because of a forum war between SS and Mooncafe, specifically, to call out REDblueOI (then Lorenzo) for taking a cheap shot at me on MC. I read the DJ Bible a few times to look for this "sexism" that the MC crowd was pointing out, but didn't find it.

What i have become

Instead, I found great tips on what it means to BE A MAN, c+f, etc. I had natural talent c+fing, but kino didn't come as easily, but now I am much less shy and better at kino. I've actually begun dating now, and it's fun. Getting numbers is easy, but I don't really go for picking up random chicks. I always meet them through chick-friends. I also learned the truth behind feminism and why these MCers hate the site so much, and why having "jerk qualities" is not so bad. Never got oneitis again. (BTW, haven't lost my virginity yet, but that's OK, I don't plan to until I'm married)

My comments
HAVE CONFIDENCE! That is the key. Confidence, and trial and error.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Good work, keep 'em coming boys


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
What i was before i came here

I was an ugly fat kid who lied all the time, was diserspectful to basically everyone, everyone hated me. I was also a major AFC. I thought that eventually I would succeed from brilliance but I was a fat troll who had the smarts but not the qualities to be great ( like Good Magician Humfrey from those of you who have read "A Spell for Chameleon") I drew pictures, played videogames, and ate lots of food. Life was poor back then.

My journey

I found this site, and ever since, I've been trying different styles to see what girls tend to enjoy more than others. I do this all the time, but I don't record it, but I reall should, the results are interesting!

But mentally I wisened up to have passion for things I do, and learned to not try to impress people, although it's a habit that won't die:)

I ran everyday, and I began working out in Fall 2002, and now I'm pretty lean. I'm very proud of myself, and I stopped being ignorant, and I read a tremendous amount.

What i have become

As of now, I consider myself a Master Don Juan as far as knowledge of seduction and its principles. It's pretty simple, especially in High School. After college is where it becomes more difficult. I really like to think about situations with people and girls and majority of my knowledge comes from scenarios that I dream up by putting myself in my target's shoes:

If I said "this line" to a girl, and I was that girl, how would I respond to "this line"?

This helped me find out what words were best to use when asking for something or talking. I don't write the down but I probably should. I haven't been fat for 1 and a half years, I'm pretty muscular now, and I have a certain "renegade" face, looking pretty mean. I have plenty of friends and spend my time playing guitar, listening to Metallica, chatting online, and posting on this forum and GP forums.

My comments

This is well worth it.
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
*i know this thread was made about 1000 b.c. but i stumbled across it, and thought i would reply to it, and you new ppl should to*

What I was before I came here
I was an angry kid, who was basically mad at life, until i found out i had a natural talent to talk to chicks but didn't know how to use my potential......

My Journey
I was a kid who didn't know **** about styles of clothing, i just wore them.....i always cussed.......and talked about stupid ****.............until i joined sports, and then my life slowly developed to what i am now..............

What I have become
A better person with myself and others.....I am nicer to people, and always look forward when i am walking and with a confident face on....and have learned to use my "mackin" powers more efficiently..................

I have been reading the quick tips section of this website for almost a year...but found the forum about two or three weeks ago(how dumb of me) i have been able to boost my knowledge much more effeciently, and have made outstanding progress.....Be happy, try to stay healthy, and always show that DJ side of you always!! even when you sleep........


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
What i was before i came here

Oh lord, I was a helluva geek! Not a smart one at that either! I had the "bowl cut" hairstyle (and a bad one at that), glasses that were hideious, skinny as a twig, white as a ghost, acne that was very bad, no friends, no confidence, slight humor, and was constantly getting picked on.

My journey

I was throwing out all the chessey crap to this one girl. "Oh, I've liked you for a year but I was too afraid to tell you then...I still like you though. Please go out with me." She finally said yes, so I went to AskJeeves and asked how to kiss because I have never done it before (at the time.) I got linked to AdolescentAdulthood and thought it was gold. I went out with that girl and got a hug, but nothing more. Found out a week later that she got a boyfriend the next day. I was crushed. I kept going to the site though to try and figure out how to have sex, even though I was no where near having a shot at getting it. Finally, I happened to find a thread that had a link to this site. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I clicked on it and came across the Bible. To me, it was THE Bible. I then found the way to the High School Bible and a few days later, found out how to register. The rest, as they say, is history.

What i have become

I have now become one of the most popular kids in school. I joined the football team and got All-County this year. I've had a few girlfriends and recently dumped one due to lack of "moving on down" so to speak ;). I have been dubbed "Funniest kid in school" due to my humor. I've gotten stronger (can't tell by looking at me :D), decreased my acne (now only the red marks exist and they are fading fast), got somewhat of a tan, got contacts, got a nice hairstyle that works for me, have a ton of friends now, can talk to almost any girl, and am going to a good college!

My comments

I am in no way a "Master Don Juan" as the title under my name says, but I have been told by some friends that I have pretty good game. I am constantly tweaking and reading, figuring out how to improve even the slightest. No matter how much I think I know, I am always amazed at what I can learn. I am always willing to help though. Feel free to drop me a PM line anytime with questions. Live. Learn. Live again. Learn more. Study and tweak. Also, check my sig.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
Reaction score
NYC baby!
What i was before i came here
I was a milktoast geek with no social life. No game, no convo skills, bad acne, low self-confidence.

My journey
I've been improving in spurts. Perhaps I'll approach and make leaps in my game for a month, then for the next 4 I'll be stagnant. So far there have been a few...
1. during the original BC, which I failed out of due to my lack of self-confidence closing.
2. during the beginning of this school yr.
3. The present (more confidence, new HS BC underway...) I am in one of my improvement phases again for the time being, and now I have pretty much no fear of approaching.

What i have become
Well I would say I'm a RAFC. I've still got remnants of that one-itis I had such a long time ago, but I'm getting over that. I'll try to improve my game as I go along and hopefully find some meaningful relationships in the process.

My comments
It's inspiring how much these guys have taken control of their lives and did a 180 degree turn. It shows that any of you guys reading this can make the leap, but you've got to take action. It's a law of physics that for every reaction there is a reaction, but it also applies in life. If you do nothing, you'll find in the end you'll have a net gain of nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
What I was before I came here

I was a funny and outgoing guy with my buds, but I was very insecure, and very shy around women... and I couldn't be friends with them... even the ones I'd kiss in parties and then go out later...
That started making me depressed, which made me even more insecure, 0 confidence and easy victim for one-itis

My journey

Well, my journey has been long, and full of mistakes, joys and emotions... I enjoyed a lot the opportunities that appeared to me, doing always my best... sometimes it wasn't enough, but these times made me learn a lot about myself, my dreams, my passions...

What I have become

Well, I think that when I posted "I'm winning", I really reached my high point... things fell into place... Since then I'm 100% confident and secure about myself, talk very often to strangers of any gender/age/occupation...

I like to talk to people, meet different people, be nice to people without wanting anything back, complimenting and encouraging people honestly... and girls, I understand how they work very nicely, so I can talk to most of them at some level... some deeper some more superficial...
I also have an incredible passion for making smart, sweet ladies laugh a lot... that's my hobby... :)

My comments

I don't see myself as a MASTER DJ, I think I'm a very unique DJ... my way of seeing life is very different from most of the people...
I really like everyone here, with no exceptions... sometimes I may get pissed with one or another person, but I always leave it aside...
The message I'd like to leave is, never give up, always trust yourself and always try new things... be responsible for your actions, have flexibility with persistence, and, more than all, love life, love your family, love your friends and love women... When you wake up tired as hell to go to school, thank God and Mother Nature for giving you life, and all beautiful things like the Sun, the sky, the Moon, the trees, the birds, the funny people and the beautiful girls...

Mom Nature want us to win... to survive, to be happy and to enjoy... so don't waste your time with negativity, life a positive loving life and the universe will reward you...

"In a beautiful way",

