doctoroxygen said:
The issue isn't that men didn't develop Western civilization, it's that women haven't been held to be equal with men in the majority of cultures since ancient times. Can you think of a reasonable argument for why women shouldn't be considered equal with men? I can't.
How about they have lower IQs and are physically weaker, on average? If women were a separate race of men, would you not find them inferior? If so, then that proves that you have only been sexistly patronizing them - the complete opposite of true respect.
One thing you will learn about nature is that water seeks its own level over time...which means that things are the way they are over the looong haul, because that's the way they were meant to be. The less you interfere in this, the quicker things will reach their natural balance.
There is no law of nature that says any 2 random people, regardless of gender, are magically "equal." In fact, nature is ALL ABOUT everyone trying to gain superiority over others. Darwinian competition is the basic foundation of evolution...and the progress of species. "Intrinsic equality" is an idealistic lie that forms the basis of Communism and stagnation.
Yes, there will be both winners and losers in social Darwinism, but in Communism, there are no winners... And no matter how you cut it, people will still revert to social Darwinism - just look at dating. Women still want the alpha (SUPERIOR) male no matter what system they are living under.
Now, I am deprogramming liberal Jewish memes from your mind, so just relax and think about it before you react in defense...