I agree.I disagree. If you are forty pulling a girl in her mid 20s, you did it right.
The problems you find here and rollo wouldn't know since he doesn't approach; dating down means that she thinks she can fo better. Homeostasis kicks in. Its old hat. Women spend a lot of time on the carousel getting ruined by men who are better. She's ungrateful for the man who married her. He wasn't enough. Listen to women who talk about her husband in the open. Its gross.
Best years. Top form SMV 18-23. Not bulking season and the milks gone bad. This notion of date down is rapid in RP. It is stupid.
I also agree with some of the others.
It depends on what the man's goals are.
You are similar to a youtuber inspirer 'Dr. BoA' aka 'The King Ray Ray show'
This inspirer calls them 'tenders'
A member here had posted one of his videos in some thread recently and I like his spirituality and intelligence so started watching a couple vids and his other channel came up in yt suggestions.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe the smv age 18-22 is the best choice for women to seduce too.
Less tainted and more enthusiastic and hopeful age of men. High energy and high health.
Eager to experience all aspects of sex, love and relationships without being so set in their ways.
There's the shaming 'cougar' stigma though that's been effective at discouraging this.
You hear of a female youtuber/inspirer who believes in this male age range pursuing you let me know.