Why did you call him out in the first place. Does his level of progress scare you, does it make you jealous? He's just another internet no-name, such as you, myself and everyone here. Sure, he posts some contridictory stuff to what you know, but that doesn't deserve a call out, and it shouldnt' be a threat to you.
That goes for everybody really, this forum needs a attitude adjustment. Far too often I walk into a thread and the mud slinging has already begun. I've seen a great discussion go to complete sh!t because of two people that bicker back and forth. Such as the case with Viper, Dreamx, Wyldfire and others that either get targeted for no reason at all besides hate, or target for no reason other then to improve their online ego's mental retardation ability by 6 points. I feel for Wyldfire, because she'll post something perfectly fine, and some E-Tard takes a shot at her, and she fires back in defense, and then about 6 other people take part. Why...?
As a community, we have to try to behave with each other...so, everyone, stop the mud slinging festival.