She understands her nature, she knows that she has no control of her emotions and screens out men that do not meet her criteria because she understands that if she meets someone who can push her buttons, she could lose control and spin her wheels on a dude that will not work for her.
You as a man are coming from a mindset that you want to date to have fun, which is correct. Women date to make emotional connections, the dating isn't what she sees as wasting time.... to her wasting time is falling for a guy that is not going to work for her, and she will waste months if not years. The older women get the more like this they become. Don't take it personal, it has nothing to do with you.
What she doesn't understand is that if she finds a guy that will go along with all this she will lose interest in him fast, because he is not acting like a man. In the future just don't waste any time on chicks like this. You were trying to debate this chick with rational arguments. Arguing with chicks is a waste of time, they don't know what they really want. Just keep acting like a man and only date women who are interested in you.