What's up with this... Long


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2007
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Of course I am a MILF!!! lol....

It is nice to hear a man's perspective. I have talked to females about this and of course, being mother's, they all think he is a jack @ss. I just wanted to see if there was some "guy" explanation for any of this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Sweetie, the "guy explanatin" of all this is still that the guy cannot handle these responsibilites.

You got involved with a guy who showed you Red Flags and you went ahead and did it anyway.

Yes, you were attracted to him.
Your attraction outweighed your ability to reason how wrong it was to get involved with him, but yet you did it anyway.
A lot of women do this.

"I'll learn to love him."'
Didn't happen did it?
It never happens, sweetie.
You went on attraction, and the drama he brought into your life.

Look, I know you haven't had good luick in the past. But you just saw how making these bad choices and going into this vicious cycle leads you to nowhere.

Now, you've got a baby on your hands.

I know you gravitate to what you're "used to".
I know you don't really love yourself.
You're not even sure what real love even IS!
You don't know what it's like to share your life with a mature masculine man.
And your weak Personal Boundaries are letting in all kinds of negative behavior.
I know you don't really feel like you have options, menwise.

But you MUST find a way to overscome these obstacles.

And believe it or not...YOU are your GREATEST Obstacle.

And believe it or not, YOU are your GREATEST ALLY.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2007
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Oh, I really want to kick myself in the @ss!!! I am just thinking about the day when I have to explain to my daughter where her father is and why. I feel extremely guilty, like it is my fault and I can't get over that. Maybe with time, I will. But now, every time i think about her getting older and realizing that he is not around it hurts.

I don't want to get back with him. That is without a doubt out of the question. But, I do want my daughter to have a father. It hurts to know that I am the only one that loves her and cares about her. She spent 5 weeks in Intensive care and me and my mother were the only ones who visited her. How will she feel knowing that when she gets older?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Sweetie, you're going into desperation and fatalistic thinking here.

Be careful.

You're already ASSUMING Lauren will NEVER have a Father around.

You don't know that.

But I do know that if you keep a negative outlook you will not attract a mature masculine man who can potentially be your lover and Lauren's guardian.

Let's just get that straight.

You will NOT be attractive to a Quality man ifyou go on this way.
From a man's perspective.
You may atrract users and abusers though....

I know you're also dealing with abandonment issues.

These run deep.
Very deep.

you have got to look inside yourself and start making peace with what happened in your life. Let it go. Be free.
Hold no shame, guilt or resentment anymore.

Break free of the cycle.

When you truly love yourself, you're never abandoned.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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WilMor said:
Hi, all.

Let me start by saying I am a woman in need of advice or maybe suggestions.

Okay, I was dating this guy 5 years ago, and the relationship went horrible. He cheated, treated me horrible and we ended with severe arguments and hate for each other. We didn't talk in that time period. We both went on with our lives. He got engaged and ended the relationship, and I had relationships as well.

Fast forward to last August. We ended up talking again. Everything was perfect. We spent all of our time together and everything was so much different than last time. We both felt that we were done with dating. His parents were discussing our wedding and we were discussing our future as well.

February 2007, he moves in and the first day, things went horribly wrong. He became completely different than how he was when we were dating. He was insecure, always felt I was sneaking and talking to other people. All in all, we argued all the time. He called me names, threw fits about stupid things. I am not completely innocent, because I argued back.

March 2007 I found out I was pregnant. We both had plans on ending the relationship previously, but, when we found out we discussed working on things.

Anywho, that didn't work. He moved out in April. Out of state. When he left, we hugged and termed it a "break" from things. He got to his parent's house and refused to talk to me at all.. in the beginning. Then we started talking and he found a job closer, but still 3 hours away.

We discussed me moving up there and he came down to visit on Weekends. We went shopping for the baby had a good time with each other.

I unexpectedly had the baby early. He was there when I was in the hospital for 3 days, and 2 days after she was born. When he left to go back to work, he said bye, I will call you later, I love you.

Anywho, that was 2 months ago. I haven't heard from him since the baby was 2 days old. He refuses to answer my calls, won't respond to emails and he even had the receptionist at his job tell me he didn't work there when I called... (that was a lie). Of course I got pissed off and called him an a-hole on a few messages etc. But, how could someone leave their baby in Intensive Care and not call to see how she is doing....

What the heck is going on????
How sad this post has made me. An abortion would have saved your life.

Instead, you're screwed.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
He is not your husband - he owes you nothing!! Babies come from sex - have sex only with your husband and you will not be crying in the wilderness alone!!

Many hardships come from bad decisions - blame yourself!!!

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
obviously seeing his baby scared the **** out of him so he irresponsibly runs off.

actions speak louder than words and he's proven himself to be a loser. how could you ever want a relationship with a person like that, you know you deserve better, anyone does.

your best bet is to forget about him completely. if he tries to come into your child's life in the future then you'll have to cross that bridge when you come to it, but as far as you're concerned you'd be nuts to even consider ever taking him back regardless of having a child with him.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Interceptor said:
Sweetie, you're going into desperation and fatalistic thinking here.

Be careful.

You're already ASSUMING Lauren will NEVER have a Father around.

You don't know that.

But I do know that if you keep a negative outlook you will not attract a mature masculine man who can potentially be your lover and Lauren's guardian.

Let's just get that straight.

You will NOT be attractive to a Quality man ifyou go on this way.
From a man's perspective.
You may atrract users and abusers though....

I know you're also dealing with abandonment issues.

These run deep.
Very deep.

you have got to look inside yourself and start making peace with what happened in your life. Let it go. Be free.
Hold no shame, guilt or resentment anymore.

Break free of the cycle.

When you truly love yourself, you're never abandoned.

golden advise, wished i had more of this many years ago...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
Okay... never simple, these matters of the heart.

1. The Wrong question: Why did he do this?

Why doesn't matter. Why he did this or that - why the Grandparents do this or that... Why just doesn't matter. That is all OVER. GONE. FINITO FINSIHED. BYE-BYE. You want to know why so you can fix it - but you can't/couldn't even if you had the "Why" Just accept that.

It's their **** to deal with. Not yours; not your child's. It is just not your job to figure them out. And yes, it really is that simple... let it be that simple. Rest and find comfort that you don't have to have all the answers.

If you did have the answers - you couldn't change the reality of it anyway- you would still find yourself right where you are.

Now, when your child gets around to asking "why" a good answer may be: "Sometimes the most loving thing a parent can do is to stay away. The best way your Dad knew how to love you was to let me raise you without him here. I know that can be hard to understand, but I promise that when you are older, it will make even more sense. And I feel sooooo lucky to be able to be here, loving you everyday... you are the most amazing little girl..." and then focus on the treasure she is, and then distract with a task so the child doesn't wallow in doubt, but basks in the present moment of life being loved by Mommy.

Remember: It is important to NEVER trash him (or the Grandparents EVER.) Kids aren't stupid and often when they ask about the absent parent - what they are REALLY asking is can they count on YOU.

If she gets bitter and angry, then something along the lines of: "You know what is so great having parents? Sometimes they do things that we agree with, so we know when we grow up and are parents ourselves we will do exactly what they do! AND sometimes, when they do what we don't like, then they teach us to! Now you know a quality that you don't want to have with your children (or a quality to look out for when you choose a husband/Father for your children). Isn't it great how both your Father and me can teach you your choices by what you both agree withand don't agree with in how we have chosen to parent you?" (It is important to say "we' and include yourself in this analogy to keep her feeling whole) Of course these answers are to be tempered with her age...

It is also okay to admit to your child that you DON'T KNOW WHY with hard situaions in life - in the most gentlest of voices, but that you sure feel lucky to be able to be with her every single day... that she has YOU. She CAN count on YOU... followed with insane hugging, kisses and tickling of course!

2. The Right Question:

Man or woman - you need to ask yourself:

"Do I have the commitment to raise this child ALONE, with no help from anybody, ever?" Because that is what a person needs to be honest about before a pregnancy - - or when they ARE pregnant. People can Houdini on you, divorce, and/or die - and you are left alone with that child for the rest of your life. So if it truly did not dawn on you to ask yourself if you could do it ALONE without him, good to keep this as future reference/lesson.

This will determine what YOU are made of more than any of the other people around you. This is really all about the kind of Woman YOU are. All the other people are actually irrelevant - he is irrelevant.

3. Money.

Of course you should file for child support. That is just good sense. He is the baby's Father, you hold him accountable for that - through the courts - at this point it needs to go in the "it's just business" part of your mind. - Not punishment for him, not a way to renew contact with him - your attorny needs to handle all that communication for you. If you don't need the money for daily care, then you take the child support and you invest it so the child has money for College or some other dreams. If he constantly runs away from paying - that is irrelevant in the overall scheme of things. What is important is that you do that FOR YOUR CHILD.

4. The Grandparents are only relevant if they choose to be. It is not your job to make them be Grandparents. It is THEIR job to show up for that relationship - not your job to get them to. Grieve what you thought was a reliable part of your support system and re-read #1

5. Men in your future.

Your child must not be exposed to a million "are you my Daddy?" s Your adult/romantic life is not your child's business until you are looking at a life commitment. I mean a LIFE commitment - not just trying a guy on for size.

This means EVER.

Gambling your heart to be broken is one thing - but to gamble your daughter's is NEVER okay. No exceptions.

6. You are only Mommy.

You will never be able to be both parents. You will never be able to be her Father. You will never be both Mommy and Daddy. So relax about that, accept it. It's okay to feel like you are not enough because you can't be both. It's okay to feel lost because you can't give it all to her. But NO SELF PITY. That just is NOT an indulgance you will ever have time for and it is dangerous. But you can be the most incredible Mother on the face of the planet - and that is no small thing.

7. Intensive care

YOU ASK: She spent 5 weeks in Intensive care and me and my mother were the only ones who visited her. How will she feel knowing that when she gets older?

Your child must not ever be told this. Nor will you ever say you never loved her Father. Children identify their value with their parents.

"It was a kind of love I did not understand at the time" or even something lame like that is good enough. Children do NOT need to know the private affairs of their parents.

8. Abandonment issues.

This will be hard for you to hear, so please know I say this in as kind, loving and gentle way as is possible. I do not mean this to hurt you, but I think it will be a painful truth for you. You abandoned yourself. When you allow people to treat you in an unloving way - you abandon yourself - You did not take good care of yourself and you did not protect YOUR OWN self from what you learned to be the truth of who he was early on. You lied to yourself. You did betray/abandon your self.

SO! The good news? You get to forgive yourself You get to love your own self and promise your self to never abandon the primary responsiblity of taking care of your own self first.

It is okay to not suffer anymore and build a joyful home/life for you and your child that you guard with the fierceness that is the Woman you are becoming.

Big hugs, and never underestimate the power of a nice, warm bowl soup ;)
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Don Juan
Nov 30, 2007
Reaction score

His mom called yesterday and ran down a list of excuse. I told her I didn't want to hear any of it.

apparently, this is what happened. I told you all he was at the hospital with me from Friday until Wednesday morning. (She was born on monday morning)

Prior to her being born, we were trying to work out a way for me to move with him. I knew this wasn't going to happen, so I wasn't actively pursuing selling the house etc. So, what we discussed was that even if we didn;t get back together, we would work out an arrangement or an amount of financial support he would provide without going through the court system. At first, this was my idea and he was opposed, and then the tables turn. He agreed to it. I had in my mind that it wouldn't last long as he is hotheaded and when he gets mad he throws tantrums. I told him I preferred it going through the court system so that we wouldn't have to be in constant contact, through the good and bad after she was born. But, I agreed to this, and I had in my mind that one foul up would be the end. I knew that I didn;t want to feel like I had to beg him every month or keep asking or calling for it.

So, fast forward to the hospital:
It was imperative that I pump breast milk as she was premature and she needed it. ( I had to have it by discharge on Friday) The woman from the hospital store came around and suggested that I try to get a breast pump from insurance. They denied the claim. I turned to Baby daddy and suggested that we go half on it as it was about $400.
He said no. He said that he would pay for the whole thing. I agreed. The woman never came back around that day. He had to leave the hospital on Wednesday morning to go to work. He said, I love you, I will call you later, which he did. He called serveral times on his ride home and after work he called.
Thursday, the woman comes back and I sent him a message and asked him to call so we could discuss how we would pay. He never called back. He knew that I had to have it by discharge on Friday. All of Thursday goes by Friday, and all of Saturday.
Finally, Saturday evening, I sent him a message and let him know that I was going to file for Child Support.
My reasoning: He was showing me right then that if I needed him for something for the baby, he wouldn't be there immediately. It would require begging and constant asking.

So, apparently, this is what p1ssed him off.

His mom says that she is tied up because he is mad and his father, her husband is angry and she can't go against them. I told her I didn;t want to hear any excuses from her or him and that I never wanted to see him again. Basically, I told her any excuse tehy came up with was just that, an excuse!!!!

And now, he is even going as far as to say that he wants a paternity test... LOL... I am not opposed to it, but, I told her that is a cop out. She also, said he called the hospital to check on the baby (the one that isn't his now...lol) I told her that was bull because he name wasn't on any of her information because he wasn't there long enough to sign anything.

Our court date is on the 10th. She believes that things will smooth over after that because then we won't haev anything to argue about. WHATEVER!!!

(PS: She also said "He isn't seeing anybody. I know that for a fact. He comes down all the time because he is lonely")


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Island
The only relation I see between this post and this forum is:

To the girl who is writting:
I would try getting advice from my: parents/family...
Then go for the lawyer part and... ???

Im sorry cant help you much.
I just wrote because:


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2007
Reaction score
In respomse to the people that asked why I haven't answered questions:

Alot of the questions are geared towards something that is not the issue. Alot of people are misreading the original post.

I in noway, shape or form want to get back with him. I am not questioning why the relationship ended and why he is not with me. The only information Iwanted was an understanding, from the male perspective, on why and how a man can skip out on his sick child and responsibilites.